Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Comments and Questions and Presentation Concerning the FIRST rating
4. Adjournment
5. Call to Order Regular Meeting
6. Pledge of Allegiance
7. Moment of Silence
8. Public Comments
9. Lone Star Governance Issues
9.a. ESL Program Evaluation
9.b. Goal Progress Measure Report: 1.1
9.c. Student and Teacher Recognition Marlin Elementary School
10. Consent Agenda
10.a. Consider and Approve changes to the following policies:
BBB(LOCAL) Board Member Elections BE(LOCAL) Board Meetings BED(LOCAL) Board Meetings Public Participation BQA(LOCAL) Planning and Decision Making Process District-Level CKC (LOCAL) Safety Program/Risk Management Emergency Plans CKE(LOCAL) Safety Program/Risk Management Security Personnel DBD (LOCAL) Employment Requirements and Restrictions Conflict of Interest DC (LOCAL) Employment Practices DCB (LOCAL) Employment Practices Term Contracts DEA(LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits Compensation Plan DEC (LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits Leaves and Absences DED (LOCAL)Compensation and Benefits Vacations and Holidays DEE(LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits Expense Reimbursement DH (LOCAL) Employee Standards of Conduct DNA (LOCAL) Performance Appraisal Evaluation Teachers DP (LOCAL) Personnel Positions EHAD (LOCAL) Basic Instructional Program Elective Instruction EHBB (LOCAL) Special Programs Gifted and Talented Students EHDC (LOCAL) Alternative Methods for Earning Credit Credit by Examination Without Prior Instruction EI (LOCAL) Academic Achievement EIC (LOCAL) Academic Achievement Class Ranking EIE (LOCAL) Academic Achievement Retention and Promotion EIF (LOCAL) Academic Achievement Graduation FEC (LOCAL) Attendance Attendance for Credit FFAA (LOCAL) Wellness and Health Services Physical Examinations FFAC (LOCAL) Wellness and Health Services Medical Treatment FL (LOCAL) Student Records FM (LOCAL) Student Activities FMF(LOCAL) Student Activities Contests and Competition FMH (LOCAL) Student Activities Commencement FNA (LOCAL) Student Rights and Responsibilities Student Expression FNAA(LOCAL) Student Expression Distribution of Nonschool Literature FNF(LOCAL) Student Rights and Responsibilities Interrogations and Searches FO (LOCAL) Student Discipline GKD(LOCAL) Community Relations Nonschool Use of School Facilities GKDA(LOCAL) Nonschool Use of School Facilities Distribution of Nonschool Literature |
10.b. Consider nominations for Falls County Appraisal District Board of Directors
10.c. Approve the sale of two tax resale deed properties through Linbarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP, Suit No. 37,360-T (Tract 2), and Suit No. 37,609-T
10.d. Consider and approve Financial report
10.e. Consider and approve Check Register
10.f. Consider and approve Minutes for meeting held on September 18, 2018
11. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 16, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Roll Call
Subject: |
3. Public Comments and Questions and Presentation Concerning the FIRST rating
Subject: |
4. Adjournment
Subject: |
5. Call to Order Regular Meeting
Subject: |
6. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
7. Moment of Silence
Subject: |
8. Public Comments
Subject: |
9. Lone Star Governance Issues
Subject: |
9.a. ESL Program Evaluation
Subject: |
9.b. Goal Progress Measure Report: 1.1
Subject: |
9.c. Student and Teacher Recognition Marlin Elementary School
Subject: |
10. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
10.a. Consider and Approve changes to the following policies:
BBB(LOCAL) Board Member Elections BE(LOCAL) Board Meetings BED(LOCAL) Board Meetings Public Participation BQA(LOCAL) Planning and Decision Making Process District-Level CKC (LOCAL) Safety Program/Risk Management Emergency Plans CKE(LOCAL) Safety Program/Risk Management Security Personnel DBD (LOCAL) Employment Requirements and Restrictions Conflict of Interest DC (LOCAL) Employment Practices DCB (LOCAL) Employment Practices Term Contracts DEA(LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits Compensation Plan DEC (LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits Leaves and Absences DED (LOCAL)Compensation and Benefits Vacations and Holidays DEE(LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits Expense Reimbursement DH (LOCAL) Employee Standards of Conduct DNA (LOCAL) Performance Appraisal Evaluation Teachers DP (LOCAL) Personnel Positions EHAD (LOCAL) Basic Instructional Program Elective Instruction EHBB (LOCAL) Special Programs Gifted and Talented Students EHDC (LOCAL) Alternative Methods for Earning Credit Credit by Examination Without Prior Instruction EI (LOCAL) Academic Achievement EIC (LOCAL) Academic Achievement Class Ranking EIE (LOCAL) Academic Achievement Retention and Promotion EIF (LOCAL) Academic Achievement Graduation FEC (LOCAL) Attendance Attendance for Credit FFAA (LOCAL) Wellness and Health Services Physical Examinations FFAC (LOCAL) Wellness and Health Services Medical Treatment FL (LOCAL) Student Records FM (LOCAL) Student Activities FMF(LOCAL) Student Activities Contests and Competition FMH (LOCAL) Student Activities Commencement FNA (LOCAL) Student Rights and Responsibilities Student Expression FNAA(LOCAL) Student Expression Distribution of Nonschool Literature FNF(LOCAL) Student Rights and Responsibilities Interrogations and Searches FO (LOCAL) Student Discipline GKD(LOCAL) Community Relations Nonschool Use of School Facilities GKDA(LOCAL) Nonschool Use of School Facilities Distribution of Nonschool Literature |
Subject: |
10.b. Consider nominations for Falls County Appraisal District Board of Directors
Subject: |
10.c. Approve the sale of two tax resale deed properties through Linbarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP, Suit No. 37,360-T (Tract 2), and Suit No. 37,609-T
Subject: |
10.d. Consider and approve Financial report
Subject: |
10.e. Consider and approve Check Register
Subject: |
10.f. Consider and approve Minutes for meeting held on September 18, 2018
Subject: |
11. Adjournment