Meeting Agenda
3. PUBLIC COMMENT - Persons wishing to comment must sign-in on the "Agenda Item Request to Speak" form provided at the entrance of the Committee meeting room at least five (5) minutes prior to commencement of the Committee meeting. Commenters shall limit their comments to three (3) minutes and comments must be appropriate to the agenda item(s). See the "Public Comment" section of the preceding General Information page for additional Public Comment-related information.
4.A. Approve minutes of June 28, 2016 Planning Committee regular meeting.
4.B. Recommend receipt of hospital providers' reports relating to certain Indigent Care Affiliation Agreements associated with the Hospital District's participation in the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program Medicaid 1115 Waiver; receive providers' reports for calendar quarters ended June 30, 2016 and September 30, 2016:
4.B.1. CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Hospitals: Alice, Beeville, and Kleberg (Joint Report);
4.B.2. Corpus Christi Medical Center;
4.B.3. DeTar Healthcare System; and
4.B.4. Driscoll Children's Hospital.
4.C. Recommend ratification of Administrator's action(s) performed as part of duties required by the Board of Managers; duties established pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code, §281.026(e):
4.C.1. Grant of License Agreement request from Nueces County acting as Property Trustee for 0.061 acres of Flour Bluff Park Lots 1-5, Block 16, 901 McIver, Corpus Christi, Texas for the purpose of providing temporary construction work space on aforesaid property to Electric Transmission Texas, LLC (ETT) for ETT to construct an underground electric transmission line;
4.C.2. Execution of Assignment Agreement assigning Engineering Services Agreement for Owner's Representative Services for Memorial Property Improvements from Naismith Engineering, Inc. to Hanson Professional Services, Inc.; assignment effective September 12, 2016;
4.C.3. Execution of Amendment One to Interlocal Agreement between the Texas Health & Human Services Commission and Nueces County Hospital District; amendment relating to 18-month extension of the Texas Transformation and Quality Improvement Program Section 1115 Waiver and amends and extends original 2013 Agreement to January 31, 2018;
4.C.4. Execution of Information Technology Management and Support Services Agreement with Southern Networks for the term October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017 with three additional one-year renewal options; execution related to award of Request for Proposal No. 2016-01;
4.C.5. Execution of Pharmacy Benefit Administrative Services Agreement with Script Care, Inc. for initial one-year period January 1 - December 31, 2017 with three additional one-year renewal options; execution related to award of Request for Proposal No. 2016-02; and
4.C.6. Execution of Renewal of Quality Assessment, Utilization Review, and Coding Review Services Agreement with Texas Medical Foundation for two-year term January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2018.
5.A. Recommend receipt of Owner's Representative update from Hanson Professional Services, Inc. (formerly Naismith Engineering, Inc.) on construction of Dr. Hector P. Garcia-Memorial Family Health Center located on Hospital District-owned property at 2606 Hospital Boulevard, Corpus Christi, Texas. (INFORMATION)
5.B. Recommend appointment of Director to CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation's Board of Directors for three-year term commencing January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2019; recommend receipt of Nueces County Commissioners Court's nomination for consideration of appointment; recommend adoption of Court's nomination; and recommend appointment for aforesaid term; Hospital District's appointment pursuant to CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Membership Agreement, Article IV, Section 4.01(b). (ACTION)
5.C. Recommend appointment of Director to Board of City of Corpus Christi's Reinvestment Zone No. 2 for two-year term to expire November 1, 2018; appointment pursuant to Texas Tax Code, §311.009(a). (ACTION)
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 10, 2017 at 12:00 PM - Board Planning Committee - Regular Meeting | |
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3. PUBLIC COMMENT - Persons wishing to comment must sign-in on the "Agenda Item Request to Speak" form provided at the entrance of the Committee meeting room at least five (5) minutes prior to commencement of the Committee meeting. Commenters shall limit their comments to three (3) minutes and comments must be appropriate to the agenda item(s). See the "Public Comment" section of the preceding General Information page for additional Public Comment-related information.
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4.A. Approve minutes of June 28, 2016 Planning Committee regular meeting.
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4.B. Recommend receipt of hospital providers' reports relating to certain Indigent Care Affiliation Agreements associated with the Hospital District's participation in the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program Medicaid 1115 Waiver; receive providers' reports for calendar quarters ended June 30, 2016 and September 30, 2016:
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4.B.1. CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Hospitals: Alice, Beeville, and Kleberg (Joint Report);
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4.B.2. Corpus Christi Medical Center;
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4.B.3. DeTar Healthcare System; and
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4.B.4. Driscoll Children's Hospital.
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4.C. Recommend ratification of Administrator's action(s) performed as part of duties required by the Board of Managers; duties established pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code, §281.026(e):
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4.C.1. Grant of License Agreement request from Nueces County acting as Property Trustee for 0.061 acres of Flour Bluff Park Lots 1-5, Block 16, 901 McIver, Corpus Christi, Texas for the purpose of providing temporary construction work space on aforesaid property to Electric Transmission Texas, LLC (ETT) for ETT to construct an underground electric transmission line;
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4.C.2. Execution of Assignment Agreement assigning Engineering Services Agreement for Owner's Representative Services for Memorial Property Improvements from Naismith Engineering, Inc. to Hanson Professional Services, Inc.; assignment effective September 12, 2016;
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4.C.3. Execution of Amendment One to Interlocal Agreement between the Texas Health & Human Services Commission and Nueces County Hospital District; amendment relating to 18-month extension of the Texas Transformation and Quality Improvement Program Section 1115 Waiver and amends and extends original 2013 Agreement to January 31, 2018;
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4.C.4. Execution of Information Technology Management and Support Services Agreement with Southern Networks for the term October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017 with three additional one-year renewal options; execution related to award of Request for Proposal No. 2016-01;
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4.C.5. Execution of Pharmacy Benefit Administrative Services Agreement with Script Care, Inc. for initial one-year period January 1 - December 31, 2017 with three additional one-year renewal options; execution related to award of Request for Proposal No. 2016-02; and
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4.C.6. Execution of Renewal of Quality Assessment, Utilization Review, and Coding Review Services Agreement with Texas Medical Foundation for two-year term January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2018.
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5.A. Recommend receipt of Owner's Representative update from Hanson Professional Services, Inc. (formerly Naismith Engineering, Inc.) on construction of Dr. Hector P. Garcia-Memorial Family Health Center located on Hospital District-owned property at 2606 Hospital Boulevard, Corpus Christi, Texas. (INFORMATION)
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5.B. Recommend appointment of Director to CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation's Board of Directors for three-year term commencing January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2019; recommend receipt of Nueces County Commissioners Court's nomination for consideration of appointment; recommend adoption of Court's nomination; and recommend appointment for aforesaid term; Hospital District's appointment pursuant to CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Membership Agreement, Article IV, Section 4.01(b). (ACTION)
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5.C. Recommend appointment of Director to Board of City of Corpus Christi's Reinvestment Zone No. 2 for two-year term to expire November 1, 2018; appointment pursuant to Texas Tax Code, §311.009(a). (ACTION)
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