Meeting Agenda
3. PUBLIC COMMENT - Persons wishing to comment must sign-in on the "Agenda Item Request to Speak" form provided at the entrance of the Board meeting room at least five (5) minutes prior to commencement of the Board meeting. See the "Public Comment" section of the preceding General Information page for additional Public Comment-related information.
4.A. Approve minutes of Planning Committee meeting:
4.A.1. Regular Meeting of February 18, 2014. (ACTION)
4.B. Receive information relating to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Poverty Guidelines:
4.B.1. Annual update of the DHHS Poverty Guidelines from Federal Register, Vol. 79, No. 14, January 22, 2014, pp. 3593 - 3594; and
4.B.2. Historical DHHS Poverty Guidelines, 1965 - 2013 from Table 3.E8, Annual Statistical Supplement to the Social Security Bulletin, 2013. (INFORMATION)
4.C. Receive notice of annual adjustment of Nueces Aid Program’s Eligibility Guidelines for Household Resources as required by Program’s Handbook Policy No. NA002, Attachment 2, Sections I-B, I-C-1, I-C-22, and I-F; resources guidelines increase adjustments effective March 1, 2014. (INFORMATION)
4.D. Receive notice of annual adjustment of Nueces Aid Program’s Eligibility Guidelines for Household Income as required by Program’s Handbook Policy No. NA002, Attachment 4, Section I-F-3; income guideline increase adjustment effective March 1, 2014. (INFORMATION)
4.E. Receive providers' reports relating to certain Indigent Care Affiliation Agreements associated with the Hospital District's participation in the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program Medicaid 1115 Waiver; receive provider's reports for the calendar quarter ended March 31, 2014:
4.E.1. Christus Spohn Hospitals: Alice, Beeville, and Kleberg (Joint Report);
4.E.2. Corpus Christi Medical Center;
4.E.3. DeTar Healthcare System; and
4.E.4. Driscoll Children's Hospital. (INFORMATION)
5.A. Receive update on implementation of amendments relating to adjustment of
Nueces Aid Program Eligibility Guidelines Policy No. NA002, Attachment
4, Section F concerning Program Household Income Guidelines due to
federal Health Insurance Marketplace Exchange income requirements;
amendments adopted February 2014 for effect April 1, 2014; receive
information relating to Administrator's postponed implementation of
certain amendment provisions due to disparate income, hardship
exemption, and other related definitions. (INFORMATION)
5.B. Recommend ratification of Amendment No. 4 to June 12, 2012 Letter Agreement with Health Management Associates relating to support of Hospital District's Anchor Entity duties under the Texas Health and Human Services Commission's Transformation and Quality Improvement 1115 Waiver Program; Amendment to extend Letter Agreement to September 30, 2015 and revise charge and expense categorization procedures. (ACTION)
5.C. Review preliminary listing of circumstances and/or factors relating to the potential re-purposing and material alteration of Hospital District-owned real property formerly known as Memorial Medical Center located at 2606 Hospital Boulevard, Corpus Christi, Texas; preliminary listing to provide basis for future Findings of Fact and Conclusions concerning the potential re-purposing and material alteration of Memorial Medical Center. (INFORMATION)
5.D. Recommend adoption of letter to CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation requesting that Spohn publicize and conduct public meetings concerning the potential re-purposing and material alteration of Hospital District-owned real property formerly known as Memorial Medical Center located at 2606 Hospital Boulevard, Corpus Christi, Texas and to provide opportunities for public comment at such meetings. (ACTION)
5.E. Recommend authorizing the Board Chairman to negotiate and execute an Employment
Agreement with the Administrator for the four-year term October 1, 2014 -
September 30, 2018 and submit Agreement for ratification; Administrator's employment pursuant to Texas Health
and Safety Code, §281.026. (ACTION)
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 17, 2014 at 6:15 PM - Planning Committee - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
3. PUBLIC COMMENT - Persons wishing to comment must sign-in on the "Agenda Item Request to Speak" form provided at the entrance of the Board meeting room at least five (5) minutes prior to commencement of the Board meeting. See the "Public Comment" section of the preceding General Information page for additional Public Comment-related information.
Subject: |
Subject: |
4.A. Approve minutes of Planning Committee meeting:
Subject: |
4.A.1. Regular Meeting of February 18, 2014. (ACTION)
Subject: |
4.B. Receive information relating to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Poverty Guidelines:
Subject: |
4.B.1. Annual update of the DHHS Poverty Guidelines from Federal Register, Vol. 79, No. 14, January 22, 2014, pp. 3593 - 3594; and
Subject: |
4.B.2. Historical DHHS Poverty Guidelines, 1965 - 2013 from Table 3.E8, Annual Statistical Supplement to the Social Security Bulletin, 2013. (INFORMATION)
Subject: |
4.C. Receive notice of annual adjustment of Nueces Aid Program’s Eligibility Guidelines for Household Resources as required by Program’s Handbook Policy No. NA002, Attachment 2, Sections I-B, I-C-1, I-C-22, and I-F; resources guidelines increase adjustments effective March 1, 2014. (INFORMATION)
Subject: |
4.D. Receive notice of annual adjustment of Nueces Aid Program’s Eligibility Guidelines for Household Income as required by Program’s Handbook Policy No. NA002, Attachment 4, Section I-F-3; income guideline increase adjustment effective March 1, 2014. (INFORMATION)
Subject: |
4.E. Receive providers' reports relating to certain Indigent Care Affiliation Agreements associated with the Hospital District's participation in the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program Medicaid 1115 Waiver; receive provider's reports for the calendar quarter ended March 31, 2014:
Subject: |
4.E.1. Christus Spohn Hospitals: Alice, Beeville, and Kleberg (Joint Report);
Subject: |
4.E.2. Corpus Christi Medical Center;
Subject: |
4.E.3. DeTar Healthcare System; and
Subject: |
4.E.4. Driscoll Children's Hospital. (INFORMATION)
Subject: |
Subject: |
5.A. Receive update on implementation of amendments relating to adjustment of
Nueces Aid Program Eligibility Guidelines Policy No. NA002, Attachment
4, Section F concerning Program Household Income Guidelines due to
federal Health Insurance Marketplace Exchange income requirements;
amendments adopted February 2014 for effect April 1, 2014; receive
information relating to Administrator's postponed implementation of
certain amendment provisions due to disparate income, hardship
exemption, and other related definitions. (INFORMATION)
Subject: |
5.B. Recommend ratification of Amendment No. 4 to June 12, 2012 Letter Agreement with Health Management Associates relating to support of Hospital District's Anchor Entity duties under the Texas Health and Human Services Commission's Transformation and Quality Improvement 1115 Waiver Program; Amendment to extend Letter Agreement to September 30, 2015 and revise charge and expense categorization procedures. (ACTION)
Subject: |
5.C. Review preliminary listing of circumstances and/or factors relating to the potential re-purposing and material alteration of Hospital District-owned real property formerly known as Memorial Medical Center located at 2606 Hospital Boulevard, Corpus Christi, Texas; preliminary listing to provide basis for future Findings of Fact and Conclusions concerning the potential re-purposing and material alteration of Memorial Medical Center. (INFORMATION)
Subject: |
5.D. Recommend adoption of letter to CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation requesting that Spohn publicize and conduct public meetings concerning the potential re-purposing and material alteration of Hospital District-owned real property formerly known as Memorial Medical Center located at 2606 Hospital Boulevard, Corpus Christi, Texas and to provide opportunities for public comment at such meetings. (ACTION)
Subject: |
5.E. Recommend authorizing the Board Chairman to negotiate and execute an Employment
Agreement with the Administrator for the four-year term October 1, 2014 -
September 30, 2018 and submit Agreement for ratification; Administrator's employment pursuant to Texas Health
and Safety Code, §281.026. (ACTION)
Subject: |