Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order/Welcome 5:30-5:35
II. Approve agenda (action) 5:35-5:40
III. Consent Agenda (action) 5:40-5:55
III.a. Minutes of last month's Board of Trustees Meeting
III.b. Claims and Warrants (last month's Financial Report, last month's Bills List)
III.c. Director's Report
III.d. Resolution 5-2020: Commitment to Join Indiana State Library Consortium for Public Library Internet Access
III.e. Fixed Asset Surplus
IV. Items Removed from Consent Agenda 5:55-6:00
V. Trustee Liaison Reports 6:00-6:05
VI. Staff Reports NA
VII. Renovation Update 6:05-6:10
VII.a. Revolution Builders contract (action)
VIII. Old Business NA
IX. New Business 6:10-6:30
IX.a. Discussion of bond financing parameters
IX.b. Resolution 6-2020: Approval of Issuance of Genderal Obligation Bonds of 2020 (action)
X. Adjourn 6:30
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 24, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Board of Trustees Meeting | |
Subject: |
Call to Order/Welcome 5:30-5:35
Subject: |
Approve agenda (action) 5:35-5:40
Subject: |
Consent Agenda (action) 5:40-5:55
Subject: |
Minutes of last month's Board of Trustees Meeting
Subject: |
Claims and Warrants (last month's Financial Report, last month's Bills List)
Subject: |
Director's Report
Subject: |
Resolution 5-2020: Commitment to Join Indiana State Library Consortium for Public Library Internet Access
Subject: |
Fixed Asset Surplus
Subject: |
Items Removed from Consent Agenda 5:55-6:00
Subject: |
Trustee Liaison Reports 6:00-6:05
Subject: |
Staff Reports NA
Subject: |
Renovation Update 6:05-6:10
Subject: |
Revolution Builders contract (action)
Subject: |
Old Business NA
Subject: |
New Business 6:10-6:30
Subject: |
Discussion of bond financing parameters
Subject: |
Resolution 6-2020: Approval of Issuance of Genderal Obligation Bonds of 2020 (action)
Subject: |
Adjourn 6:30