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Meeting Agenda
1. Open Meeting - Call to Order
2. Prayer
3. Roll Call
4. Public Hearings
4.A. Tax Rate and Budget Hearing for 2024-2025
5. Celebrations
5.A. Sheldon Spotlights
5.B. TASB 50 Year Award Presentation
5.C. Trustee Latricia Archie's Birthday - June 6th
5.D. Sandy Matthieu's Birthday - June 8th
6. Reports/Discussion
6.A. Optional Flexible School Day
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Minutes - May 21, 2024
7.B. Minutes - June 4, 2024 - Workshop
8. New Business
8.A. Consider RFP#2023-019: Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals (CSP) for Construction of C. E. King High School 9th and 10th Grade Campus Bid Award Recommendation
8.B. Consider Retention Pond Maintenance and Annual Inspections
8.C. Consider Optional Flexible School Day Program Application
8.D. Consider Educator's Depot, Inc. (EDI) for Replacement/Upgrade of existing Cafeteria Tables at Cravens ECA Building
8.E. Consider 2024-2025 Student Code of Conduct
8.F. Consider the Approval of Compensation Schedules for 2024-2025
8.G. Consider Budget for 2024-2025 
8.H. Consider the 2024-2025 Fundraisers
8.I. Consider the Amended Budget for 2023-2024
8.J. Consider Waste Collection Services Bid #24-011
8.K. Consider Fuel and Lubrication Services Bid #24-010
8.L. Consider Transportation Supplies and Equipment Bid #24-009
8.M. Consider Custodial Supplies and Equipment Bid #24-007
8.N. Consider Maintenance Supplies and Equipment Bid #24-006
8.O. Consider Technology Supplies and Equipment Bid #24-005
8.P. Consider Instructional Supplies and Equipment Bid #24-003
8.Q. Consider Band Repairs, Sheet Music, Equipment and Supplies Bid #24-002
8.R. Consider General Office Supplies and Equipment Bid #24-001
8.S. Consider Property Insurance
8.T. Consider Student Athletic & Catastrophic Insurance Bid #24-008
8.U. Consider Library Books and Media Bid #24-004
8.V. Consider Employee Waiver Due to Severe Weather Closure
8.W. Consider Low Attendance Day Waivers
  • April 8, 2024 - All SISD Schools (Safety-Eclipse)
  • April 10, 2024 - Monahan Elementary (Weather)
  • May 3, 2024 - All SISD Schools (Weather)
9. Board Information
9.A. Tax Collection Report - May 2024
9.B. Investment Report - May 2024
9.C. Sheldon ISD - Expenditure & Revenue Report on General Operating Fund (GOF), Child Nutrition and Debt Service
9.D. 2022 Monthly Bond Update
10. Comments From The Public-Under the Open Records Act, the Board cannot respond to items or comments that are not covered on the agenda; therefore, a Board response will not be made tonight.
11. Adjournment to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section: 551.071 Private consultation with the board's attorney, 551.072 to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer, employee, or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee and 551.076 for considering the deployment, specific occasions for, or implementation of, security personnel or devices.
11.A. Consultation with the Board's Attorney
11.B. Land
11.C. Personnel
11.D. Supplemental Pay
11.E. Security Devices
11.F. Board Operating Procedures
12. Reconvene to Open Session
13. Action on Closed Session Items
13.A. Consider Resolution Authorizing Legal Representation of Employees
14. Personnel
14.A. Consider the attached Supplemental Pay
15. Policy
15.A. Local Policy CDC
15.B. Policy Update 123 - For review only
16. Other Necessary Business
16.A. TASB Nominations - Region 4 - Positions A, Rose Avalos and C, Tony Hopkins (due by July 1, 2024)
16.B. District Closed - July 1-5, 2024
16.C. No Board Workshop or Regular Meeting in July
16.D. First Day to File for a Place on the General Election Ballot - July 20, 2024
16.E. Board Workshop - August 6, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
16.F. First Day of School - August 12, 2024
16.G. Board Meeting - August 20, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
17. Board Suggestions/Recommendations for Future Organizational Information Updates
18. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
19. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: June 18, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
1. Open Meeting - Call to Order
2. Prayer
3. Roll Call
4. Public Hearings
4.A. Tax Rate and Budget Hearing for 2024-2025
5. Celebrations
5.A. Sheldon Spotlights
5.B. TASB 50 Year Award Presentation
5.C. Trustee Latricia Archie's Birthday - June 6th
5.D. Sandy Matthieu's Birthday - June 8th
6. Reports/Discussion
6.A. Optional Flexible School Day
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Minutes - May 21, 2024
7.B. Minutes - June 4, 2024 - Workshop
8. New Business
8.A. Consider RFP#2023-019: Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals (CSP) for Construction of C. E. King High School 9th and 10th Grade Campus Bid Award Recommendation
It is recommended that the SISD Board of Trustees authorize the Superintendent to negotiate and execute a contract with the highest ranked proposer in the amount of $105,630,000.00 which includes the Contractor's Base Proposal, Alternates 1, 2, 3B & 5, and Allowance Number 1 for $7,000,000.00 for Owner Betterment with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
8.B. Consider Retention Pond Maintenance and Annual Inspections
It is recommended that the Sheldon ISD Board of Trustees approve Stormwater Professional Group to provide turnkey services for the maintenance and certification of the school district's water retention ponds for an amount not to exceed $138,325.00 with a copy to be attached to and become part of the minutes.
8.C. Consider Optional Flexible School Day Program Application
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Optional Flexible School Day Program Application with a copy to be attached to and become part of the minutes.
8.D. Consider Educator's Depot, Inc. (EDI) for Replacement/Upgrade of existing Cafeteria Tables at Cravens ECA Building
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve Educator's Depot, Inc. (EDI), as a member of a Cooperative Partnership, to provide removal and replacement of existing Cafeteria Tables at Cravens ECA at a price not to exceed $93,306.96 as the best value to the district.
8.E. Consider 2024-2025 Student Code of Conduct
It is recommended that the 2024-2025 Sheldon I.S.D. Student Code of Conduct be approved with a copy to be attached to and become part of the minutes.
8.F. Consider the Approval of Compensation Schedules for 2024-2025
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the compensation schedules submitted for 2024-2025 with a copy to be attached to and become part of the minutes.
8.G. Consider Budget for 2024-2025 
It is recommended that the 2024-2025 budget be approved with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
8.H. Consider the 2024-2025 Fundraisers
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the 2024-2025 fundraiser requests as submitted for a total of $462,425.00 with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
8.I. Consider the Amended Budget for 2023-2024
It is recommended the the Amended budget for 2023-2024 be approved with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
8.J. Consider Waste Collection Services Bid #24-011
It is recommended that we award the bid for waste collection services for the 2024-2025 school year to Republic Services, with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
8.K. Consider Fuel and Lubrication Services Bid #24-010
It is recommended that the Fuel and Lubrication Services Bid #23-010 be awarded to Midtex Oil L. P. as we are pleased with the service that is currently provided, for the 2024-2025 school year with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
8.L. Consider Transportation Supplies and Equipment Bid #24-009
It is recommended that the attached list of suppliers for Transportation Supplies & Equipment be added to the approved vendor list for the 2025-2025 school year with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
8.M. Consider Custodial Supplies and Equipment Bid #24-007
It is recommended that the attached list of suppliers for Custodial Supplies & Equipment be added to the approved vendor list for the 2024-2025 school year with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
8.N. Consider Maintenance Supplies and Equipment Bid #24-006
It is recommended that the attached list of suppliers for Maintenance Supplies & Equipment be added to the approved vendor list for the 2024-2025 school year with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
8.O. Consider Technology Supplies and Equipment Bid #24-005
It is recommended that the attached list of suppliers for Technology Supplies & Equipment be added to the approved vendor list for the 2024-2025 school year with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
8.P. Consider Instructional Supplies and Equipment Bid #24-003
It is recommended that the attached list of suppliers for Instructional Supplies & Equipment be added to the approved vendor list for the 2024-2025 school year with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
8.Q. Consider Band Repairs, Sheet Music, Equipment and Supplies Bid #24-002
It is recommended that the attached list of suppliers for Band Repairs, Sheet Music, Equipment and Supplies be added to the approved vendor list for the 2024-2025 school year with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
8.R. Consider General Office Supplies and Equipment Bid #24-001
It is recommended that the attached list of suppliers for General Office Supplies and Equipment be added to the approved vendor list for the 2024-2025 school year with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
8.S. Consider Property Insurance
It is recommended that property of Sheldon ISD be insured by AIG/Lexington lead insurance carriers with an annual estimated premium of $2,856,001.00 with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
8.T. Consider Student Athletic & Catastrophic Insurance Bid #24-008
It is recommended that the Board award the bid to Texas Kids First/Greater East Texas Insurance Associates for Student Athletic & Catastrophic Insurance for the 2024-2025 school year, with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
8.U. Consider Library Books and Media Bid #24-004
It is recommended that the attached list of suppliers for Library Books and Media be added to the approved vendor list for the 2024-2025 school year with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
8.V. Consider Employee Waiver Due to Severe Weather Closure
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve a waiver for all employees who were scheduled to work on Friday, May 17, 2024, with a copy to be attached to and become part of the minutes.
8.W. Consider Low Attendance Day Waivers
  • April 8, 2024 - All SISD Schools (Safety-Eclipse)
  • April 10, 2024 - Monahan Elementary (Weather)
  • May 3, 2024 - All SISD Schools (Weather)
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Low Attendance Day Waivers for April 8, April 10, and May 3, 2024, with a copy to be attached to and become part of the minutes.
9. Board Information
9.A. Tax Collection Report - May 2024
9.B. Investment Report - May 2024
9.C. Sheldon ISD - Expenditure & Revenue Report on General Operating Fund (GOF), Child Nutrition and Debt Service
9.D. 2022 Monthly Bond Update
10. Comments From The Public-Under the Open Records Act, the Board cannot respond to items or comments that are not covered on the agenda; therefore, a Board response will not be made tonight.
11. Adjournment to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section: 551.071 Private consultation with the board's attorney, 551.072 to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer, employee, or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee and 551.076 for considering the deployment, specific occasions for, or implementation of, security personnel or devices.
11.A. Consultation with the Board's Attorney
11.B. Land
11.C. Personnel
11.D. Supplemental Pay
11.E. Security Devices
11.F. Board Operating Procedures
12. Reconvene to Open Session
13. Action on Closed Session Items
13.A. Consider Resolution Authorizing Legal Representation of Employees
It is recommended that the Sheldon ISD Board of Trustees approve the resolution authorizing the legal representation of two employees in an administrative review before the Department of Family and Protective Services with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
14. Personnel
14.A. Consider the attached Supplemental Pay
It is recommended that the supplemental pay, for a total of $145,110.00 be approved with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
15. Policy
15.A. Local Policy CDC
It is recommended that the Board approve the updates to CDC (LOCAL) Policy: Gifts and Solicitations with a copy to be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
15.B. Policy Update 123 - For review only
16. Other Necessary Business
16.A. TASB Nominations - Region 4 - Positions A, Rose Avalos and C, Tony Hopkins (due by July 1, 2024)
16.B. District Closed - July 1-5, 2024
16.C. No Board Workshop or Regular Meeting in July
16.D. First Day to File for a Place on the General Election Ballot - July 20, 2024
16.E. Board Workshop - August 6, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
16.F. First Day of School - August 12, 2024
16.G. Board Meeting - August 20, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
17. Board Suggestions/Recommendations for Future Organizational Information Updates
18. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
19. Adjournment

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