Meeting Agenda
I. Roll Call, Opening Comments.
II. Executive session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; and litigation. [5 ILCS120/2(c)(1)(11)]
III. Pledge of Allegiance, Comments.
IV. Consent Agenda.
IV.A. Consideration to approve the minutes of the January 27, 2025 regular board meeting, the January 30, 2025 special board meeting, and the February 11, 2025 special board meeting.
IV.B. Consideration to approve the executive session minutes of the January 27, 2025 regular board meeting, the January 30, 2025 special board meeting, and the February 11, 2025 special board meeting.
IV.C. Consideration to: 1) instruct the Superintendent to have the tentative amended budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year prepared for Finance Committee review; 2) set the time and place for a public hearing at the April 28, 2025, regular board meeting on the tentative amended budget; and 3) instruct the Board Secretary to give notice according to law and Board policies that the tentative amended budget will be on file and conveniently available for public inspection for thirty days prior to the public hearing with date of display being set on Thursday, March 27, 2025.
IV.D. Consideration to accept the 2025 Certificate of Status of Exempt Property as follows:
Permanent Parcel Number Street Addresses of Properties Docket # 07-24-400-004-00090 Zahnow - 301 Hamacher Street 85-67-34 08-19-349-001-00090 Track & Ball Field - Rogers Street 85-67-39 08-30-100-014-00090 Gardner Elementary - 1 Ed Gardner Place 97-67-16 07-25-234-012-00090 Maintenance Building - 200 Bellefontaine Drive 99-67-04 07-25-234-016-00090 Waterloo JH - 200 Bellefontaine Drive 99-67-04 08-30-100-015-00090 Gardner Elementary -1 Ed Gardner Place 99-67-07 07-24-400-005-00090 Vacant Lot - Hamacher Street 03-67-10 08-31-100-010-00090 Waterloo HS - 505 E. Bulldog Boulevard 07-67-03 08-30-100-001-00090 Land for School 90-67-15 08-30-100-001-00090 Middle School 92-67-10 |
IV.E. Consideration to approve a 2025 summer session for Kennel Klub, contingent on adequate enrollment.
IV.F. Consideration to accept a donation in the amount of $1,000.00 for the WHS Athletic Director Activity Account.
IV.G. Consideration to accept a donation in the amount of $500.00 for the WHS Band Activity Account.
IV.H. Consideration to accept a donation in the amount of $500.00 for the WHS Construction Club Activity Account.
IV.I. Consideration to accept a donation in the amount of $500.00 for the WHS Post Prom Activity Account.
IV.J. Consideration to employ Mellisa Hogan as a full-time special education paraprofessional, for the 2024-2025 school year, effective February 25, 2025.
IV.K. Consideration to approve a general leave of absence request from Phyllis Hauptfleisch, dated January 30, 2025, effective March 27, 2025 through the end of the 2024-2025 school year.
IV.L. Consideration to accept a letter of resignation, dated February 6, 2025, from Samantha Schaefer, JH physical education teacher, effective at the end of the 2024-2025 school year.
IV.M. Consideration to accept a letter of resignation, dated February 14, 2025, from Mellisa Hogan, administrative assistant, effective February 24, 2025.
V. Motion to accept the treasurer's report, student activity reports, and to authorize investments.
VI. Motion to approve the bills.
VII. Reports of WCTA, Committees, Directors, Coordinators, and Administrators.
VII.A. Superintendent.
VII.A.1. FOIA Requests.
VII.A.2. Discussion of athletic conference invitations.
VII.C. Board Committees.
VII.D. Coordinators/Directors.
VII.E. Building Administrators.
VIII. Public Participation.
IX. Old Business.
IX.A. Consideration to award the bid, according to the bid specifications and in the best interest of the school district, for the District pavement improvements.
IX.B. Consideration to approve a change order for the Junior High School bleacher replacement.
IX.C. Consideration to approve the extra-duty assignments, effective for the 2024-2025 school year as per recommendation from the District Athletic Director, Tim Gould, and administration.
X. New Business.
X.A. Consideration to approve the 2025-2026 Official School Calendar.
X.B. Consideration to approve job descriptions.
X.C. Consideration to approve a three-year contract for Nicholas Hergenroeder, Director of Technology, effective March 1, 2025 through June 30, 2028.
X.D. Consideration to employ a Waterloo High School Assistant Principal, effective July 1, 2025.
X.E. Consideration to employ one full-time elementary special education teacher, for the 2025-2026 school year, effective the start of school August 2025 (date to be determined), contingent upon the obtainment of licensure.
XI. Motion to adjourn.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 24, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Roll Call, Opening Comments.
Subject: |
II. Executive session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; and litigation. [5 ILCS120/2(c)(1)(11)]
Subject: |
III. Pledge of Allegiance, Comments.
Subject: |
IV. Consent Agenda.
Subject: |
IV.A. Consideration to approve the minutes of the January 27, 2025 regular board meeting, the January 30, 2025 special board meeting, and the February 11, 2025 special board meeting.
Subject: |
IV.B. Consideration to approve the executive session minutes of the January 27, 2025 regular board meeting, the January 30, 2025 special board meeting, and the February 11, 2025 special board meeting.
Subject: |
IV.C. Consideration to: 1) instruct the Superintendent to have the tentative amended budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year prepared for Finance Committee review; 2) set the time and place for a public hearing at the April 28, 2025, regular board meeting on the tentative amended budget; and 3) instruct the Board Secretary to give notice according to law and Board policies that the tentative amended budget will be on file and conveniently available for public inspection for thirty days prior to the public hearing with date of display being set on Thursday, March 27, 2025.
Subject: |
IV.D. Consideration to accept the 2025 Certificate of Status of Exempt Property as follows:
Permanent Parcel Number Street Addresses of Properties Docket # 07-24-400-004-00090 Zahnow - 301 Hamacher Street 85-67-34 08-19-349-001-00090 Track & Ball Field - Rogers Street 85-67-39 08-30-100-014-00090 Gardner Elementary - 1 Ed Gardner Place 97-67-16 07-25-234-012-00090 Maintenance Building - 200 Bellefontaine Drive 99-67-04 07-25-234-016-00090 Waterloo JH - 200 Bellefontaine Drive 99-67-04 08-30-100-015-00090 Gardner Elementary -1 Ed Gardner Place 99-67-07 07-24-400-005-00090 Vacant Lot - Hamacher Street 03-67-10 08-31-100-010-00090 Waterloo HS - 505 E. Bulldog Boulevard 07-67-03 08-30-100-001-00090 Land for School 90-67-15 08-30-100-001-00090 Middle School 92-67-10 |
Subject: |
IV.E. Consideration to approve a 2025 summer session for Kennel Klub, contingent on adequate enrollment.
Subject: |
IV.F. Consideration to accept a donation in the amount of $1,000.00 for the WHS Athletic Director Activity Account.
Subject: |
IV.G. Consideration to accept a donation in the amount of $500.00 for the WHS Band Activity Account.
Subject: |
IV.H. Consideration to accept a donation in the amount of $500.00 for the WHS Construction Club Activity Account.
Subject: |
IV.I. Consideration to accept a donation in the amount of $500.00 for the WHS Post Prom Activity Account.
Subject: |
IV.J. Consideration to employ Mellisa Hogan as a full-time special education paraprofessional, for the 2024-2025 school year, effective February 25, 2025.
Subject: |
IV.K. Consideration to approve a general leave of absence request from Phyllis Hauptfleisch, dated January 30, 2025, effective March 27, 2025 through the end of the 2024-2025 school year.
Subject: |
IV.L. Consideration to accept a letter of resignation, dated February 6, 2025, from Samantha Schaefer, JH physical education teacher, effective at the end of the 2024-2025 school year.
Subject: |
IV.M. Consideration to accept a letter of resignation, dated February 14, 2025, from Mellisa Hogan, administrative assistant, effective February 24, 2025.
Subject: |
V. Motion to accept the treasurer's report, student activity reports, and to authorize investments.
Subject: |
VI. Motion to approve the bills.
Subject: |
VII. Reports of WCTA, Committees, Directors, Coordinators, and Administrators.
Subject: |
VII.A. Superintendent.
Subject: |
VII.A.1. FOIA Requests.
Subject: |
VII.A.2. Discussion of athletic conference invitations.
Subject: |
Subject: |
VII.C. Board Committees.
Subject: |
VII.D. Coordinators/Directors.
Subject: |
VII.E. Building Administrators.
Subject: |
VIII. Public Participation.
Subject: |
IX. Old Business.
Subject: |
IX.A. Consideration to award the bid, according to the bid specifications and in the best interest of the school district, for the District pavement improvements.
Subject: |
IX.B. Consideration to approve a change order for the Junior High School bleacher replacement.
Subject: |
IX.C. Consideration to approve the extra-duty assignments, effective for the 2024-2025 school year as per recommendation from the District Athletic Director, Tim Gould, and administration.
Subject: |
X. New Business.
Subject: |
X.A. Consideration to approve the 2025-2026 Official School Calendar.
Subject: |
X.B. Consideration to approve job descriptions.
Subject: |
X.C. Consideration to approve a three-year contract for Nicholas Hergenroeder, Director of Technology, effective March 1, 2025 through June 30, 2028.
Subject: |
X.D. Consideration to employ a Waterloo High School Assistant Principal, effective July 1, 2025.
Subject: |
X.E. Consideration to employ one full-time elementary special education teacher, for the 2025-2026 school year, effective the start of school August 2025 (date to be determined), contingent upon the obtainment of licensure.
Subject: |
XI. Motion to adjourn.