Meeting Agenda
II.A. Section 551.071 Attorney/Client Consultation - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law.
II.A.1. Consider approval to ratify the resolution in filing litigation against the Commissioner of Education regarding the Texas Education Agency’s unlawful implementation of the A – F Accountability System for the 2022 – 2023 school year.
II.B. Section 551.074 Personnel - Deliberate appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public employee.
II.B.1. Consider Board Member responsibilities.
II.B.2. Consider Superintendent responsibilities.
II.B.3. Discussion of Senate Bill (SB) 763 and Section 23.001 of the Texas Education Code regarding Chaplains as volunteers to provide support services and programs for students.
II.B.4. Consider approval of the employment of contractual personnel as presented.
Patrons wishing to address the Board, may do so by registering by 9:30 a.m. the day of the meeting at: |
V.A. Public Comment for Posted Agenda Items:
Patrons who have duly registered per policy BED (LOCAL) may address the Board and make public comments on an agenda item before the Board's consideration of the item. |
V.B. Public Comment for Non-Agenda Items:
Patrons who have duly registered per policy BED (LOCAL) may address the Board regarding matters of concern/interest to the district, other than the character of any student, staff, or Board member. The Board may not act upon any matter that is not listed under the Action Item portion of the agenda. The Board will continue with the remaining agenda after the registered patrons have had an opportunity to speak. |
VII.A. Business Partner:
VII.A.1. Galena Park ISD will recognize Mr. Billy Henry, owner and operator of Five Star Elite Fades and Barber College, for providing North Shore Senior High 10th Grade Center students and their parents with free haircuts and hairstyles to begin the 2023-2024 school year.
VII.B. Parent Volunteer:
VII.B.1. Galena Park ISD will recognize Woodland Acres Middle School parent, Melanie Gracia, for being selected as the District 4 recipient of the 2023 Heroes for Children Award for the State Board of Education.
VII.C. Employee:
VII.C.1. Galena Park ISD will recognize Mr. Hector Perez, a GPISD Transportation Department Team Member, for his heroism.
VII.D. Student:
VII.D.1. Galena Park ISD will recognize Kayleen Serrano, Cunningham Middle School eighth grader, for being named a Houston/Harris County area Do the Write Thing (DtWT) national finalist.
Any Board members may make a comment during this portion of the agenda, including reports and comments from Board members regarding meetings and conferences attended, campus visits, community and district activities, education programs, and current affairs related to public school without prior posting being required. Comment items may not pertain to the character of any student, staff or Board member and may not be discussed or deliberated upon at this meeting. |
IX.A. Dr. Kareen Brown, Director for College Readiness and Advanced Academics, will present the Academic Spotlight at the October 10, 2023, board meeting. Dr. Brown will highlight the Advanced Academics programs in GPISD. The presentation will be in video format.
X.A. Harold “Sonny” Fletcher III, Senior Director for Facility Planning and Construction, will provide a 2016 Bond Program construction update.
XI.A. Consider adopting the resolution establishing Maintenance and Operations tax rate of $0.83760 and a Debt Service tax rate of $0.29431 for a total tax rate of $1.13191 for the 2023-24 fiscal year.
XI.B. Consider the adoption of a resolution expressing intent to defease and redeem certain outstanding obligations of Galena Park Independent School District.
XI.C. Consider approval to advance hire up to fifty (50) highly qualified teachers for the 2024-2025 school year during the second semester of the 2023-2024 school year.
XII.A. General Consent Agenda:
XII.A.1. Consider approval of the minutes for the Regular Meeting held on September 11, and for the Board Workshop held on September 25.
XII.A.2. Consider approval of the two Amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding between Galena Park ISD and San Jacinto Community College for the term of September 12, 2023, through August 25, 2025.
XII.A.3. Consider approval of the resolution and adjunct faculty status of the named Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service employees as presented.
XII.A.4. Consider approval of the Galena Park ISD amended list of appraisers for the 2023-2024 school year.
XII.B. Construction Consent Agenda:
XII.B.1. Consider ratifying approval of change order 001 in the amount of $29,900 for the Cunningham Middle School and Tice Elementary School Waterline Replacement (Project 900-2022) by Aranda Industry, LLC, increasing the total contract to $1,049,900.
XII.B.2. Consider approval of negative Change Order #001 in the amount of $83,806.66, and authorize final payment to Mar-Con Services, LLC., for Galena Park High School – Roadway and Utility Relocation (Project 002.3-2017) with a final construction cost not to exceed $3,668,039.94.
XII.B.3. Consider approval of the HVAC refurbishment for the GPISD Athletic Complex home-side fieldhouse and film room (Lifecycle Project L206) by CFI Mechanical, Inc., via Choice Partners Contract #22/049MF-05, for an estimated amount not to exceed $150,000 and delegate authority to the Superintendent, or designee, to negotiate and execute a contract.
XII.B.4. Consider approval of the HVAC replacement for the GPISD Athletic Complex Natatorium locker rooms (Lifecycle Project L205) by CFI Mechanical, Inc., via Choice Partners Contract #22/049MF-05, for an estimated amount not to exceed $115,000 and delegate authority to the Superintendent, or designee, to negotiate and execute a contract.
XII.C. Financial Consent Agenda:
XII.C.1. Consider approval of the proposed Budget Amendments for the month of September 2023.
XII.C.2. Consider approval of the purchases for grocery supplies for the period of October 11, 2023, through August 31, 2024, from Hardies Fresh Foods via Choice Partners contract #23/030TP-03 at an estimated amount of $155,000.
XII.C.3. Consider approval to purchase fuel, for the period of October 11, 2023, through September 30, 2024, from J.A.M. Distributing Company for an estimated total amount of $1,500,000.
XII.C.4. Consider approval to renew the RFP 21-007 Instructional Materials for the period of November 1, 2023, through October 31, 2024, for an estimated expenditure of $1,000,000 with the following vendors:
ABDO-Spotlight-Magic Wagon American Ceramic Supply Company Attainment Company, Inc. Ballard & Tighe, Publishers Blick Art Materials Booksource Bound To Stay Bound Books, Inc. BSN Sports LLC Capstone Classroom Cengage Learning, Inc. CEV Multimedia, Ltd. Cherry Lake Publishing/Sleeping Bear Press DeltaMath Solutions Inc. Dreambox Learning, Inc EAI Education ECS Learning Systems Empowering Writers, LLC Escue & Associates ExploreLearning, LLC Fisher Scientific Co. LLC Florida Virtual School Garrett Book Company Gateway Printing & Office Supply, Inc. GF Educators, Inc. Gumdrop Books Heinemann Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Integral Mathematics, Inc. IXL Learning, Inc. Junior Library Guild KAMICO Instructional Media, Inc. Kaplan Early Learning Company Lakeshore Learning Materials Lead4ward, LLC Learning A-Z, LLC Lexia Learning Systems LLC Lone Star Learning Mackin Educational Resources Math GPS, LLC McGraw-Hill LLC MobyMax, LLC Music in Motion Inc. Nasco Education LLC Perma-Bound Books Positive Promotions, Inc. QEP Professional Books Quill LLC Rally! Education Really Good Stuff, LLC Renaissance Learning Inc Savvas Learning Company LLC School Specialty, LLC Seidlitz Education, LLC Sirius Education Solutions Speed Stacks, Inc Super Duper Publications Superior Text, LLC Texas Art Supply Co Textbook Warehouse The Master Teacher, Inc. The Rosen Publishing Group Inc. US Games Vista Higher Learning, Inc. Voyager Sopris Learning, Inc. |
XII.C.5. Consider approval of the purchase of the online subscriptions for RAZ Plus for the term of October 25, 2023, through October 25, 2024, from Learning A-Z via RFP #21-007 at an estimated amount of $335,000.
XII.C.6. Consider approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Region 18 Education Service Center, for services related to the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS), for the term of October 11, 2023, through August 31, 2024, at an estimated amount of $20,000.
XII.C.7. Consider approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Gulf Coast Local Workforce Board for Child Care Local Match Contribution of $500,000 for the period of October 1, 2023, to September 30, 2024.
XII.C.8. Consider approval of the Catering Sales Event Agreement with The Marriott Marquis Hotel-Houston to host the North Shore Senior High School 2024 Prom on Saturday, April 20, 2024, and delegate authority to the Superintendent, or designee, to negotiate and execute a contract for an estimated amount of $85,000.
XIII.A. Sonya Haidusek-Niazy, Chief Financial Officer/Deputy Superintendent for Operational Support, presented:
XIII.A.1. Tax Collection Report for August 2023
XIII.A.2. 2016 Bond Program Financial Report as of August 31, 2023
XIII.A.3. Annual Report of the District’s Cooperative Purchasing Program Management Fees for fiscal year 2023-2024
XIII.B. Elizabeth Lalor, Deputy Superintendent for Educational Support and School Administration presented:
XIII.B.1. Early Head Start Policy Council Meeting Minutes from August 2023
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 10, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Item Recommendation: |
Item Recommendation: |
Item Recommendation: |
II.A. Section 551.071 Attorney/Client Consultation - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law.
Item Recommendation: |
II.A.1. Consider approval to ratify the resolution in filing litigation against the Commissioner of Education regarding the Texas Education Agency’s unlawful implementation of the A – F Accountability System for the 2022 – 2023 school year.
Item Recommendation: |
II.B. Section 551.074 Personnel - Deliberate appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public employee.
Item Recommendation: |
II.B.1. Consider Board Member responsibilities.
Item Recommendation: |
II.B.2. Consider Superintendent responsibilities.
Item Recommendation: |
II.B.3. Discussion of Senate Bill (SB) 763 and Section 23.001 of the Texas Education Code regarding Chaplains as volunteers to provide support services and programs for students.
Item Recommendation: |
II.B.4. Consider approval of the employment of contractual personnel as presented.
Item Recommendation: |
Item Recommendation: |
Item Recommendation: |
Patrons wishing to address the Board, may do so by registering by 9:30 a.m. the day of the meeting at: |
Item Recommendation: |
V.A. Public Comment for Posted Agenda Items:
Patrons who have duly registered per policy BED (LOCAL) may address the Board and make public comments on an agenda item before the Board's consideration of the item. |
Item Recommendation: |
V.B. Public Comment for Non-Agenda Items:
Patrons who have duly registered per policy BED (LOCAL) may address the Board regarding matters of concern/interest to the district, other than the character of any student, staff, or Board member. The Board may not act upon any matter that is not listed under the Action Item portion of the agenda. The Board will continue with the remaining agenda after the registered patrons have had an opportunity to speak. |
Item Recommendation: |
Item Recommendation: |
Item Recommendation: |
VII.A. Business Partner:
Item Recommendation: |
VII.A.1. Galena Park ISD will recognize Mr. Billy Henry, owner and operator of Five Star Elite Fades and Barber College, for providing North Shore Senior High 10th Grade Center students and their parents with free haircuts and hairstyles to begin the 2023-2024 school year.
Item Recommendation: |
VII.B. Parent Volunteer:
Item Recommendation: |
VII.B.1. Galena Park ISD will recognize Woodland Acres Middle School parent, Melanie Gracia, for being selected as the District 4 recipient of the 2023 Heroes for Children Award for the State Board of Education.
Item Recommendation: |
VII.C. Employee:
Item Recommendation: |
VII.C.1. Galena Park ISD will recognize Mr. Hector Perez, a GPISD Transportation Department Team Member, for his heroism.
Item Recommendation: |
VII.D. Student:
Item Recommendation: |
VII.D.1. Galena Park ISD will recognize Kayleen Serrano, Cunningham Middle School eighth grader, for being named a Houston/Harris County area Do the Write Thing (DtWT) national finalist.
Item Recommendation: |
Any Board members may make a comment during this portion of the agenda, including reports and comments from Board members regarding meetings and conferences attended, campus visits, community and district activities, education programs, and current affairs related to public school without prior posting being required. Comment items may not pertain to the character of any student, staff or Board member and may not be discussed or deliberated upon at this meeting. |
Item Recommendation: |
Item Recommendation: |
IX.A. Dr. Kareen Brown, Director for College Readiness and Advanced Academics, will present the Academic Spotlight at the October 10, 2023, board meeting. Dr. Brown will highlight the Advanced Academics programs in GPISD. The presentation will be in video format.
Item Recommendation: |
Item Recommendation: |
X.A. Harold “Sonny” Fletcher III, Senior Director for Facility Planning and Construction, will provide a 2016 Bond Program construction update.
Item Recommendation: |
Item Recommendation: |
XI.A. Consider adopting the resolution establishing Maintenance and Operations tax rate of $0.83760 and a Debt Service tax rate of $0.29431 for a total tax rate of $1.13191 for the 2023-24 fiscal year.
Item Recommendation: |
XI.B. Consider the adoption of a resolution expressing intent to defease and redeem certain outstanding obligations of Galena Park Independent School District.
Item Recommendation: |
XI.C. Consider approval to advance hire up to fifty (50) highly qualified teachers for the 2024-2025 school year during the second semester of the 2023-2024 school year.
Item Recommendation: |
Item Recommendation: |
XII.A. General Consent Agenda:
Item Recommendation: |
XII.A.1. Consider approval of the minutes for the Regular Meeting held on September 11, and for the Board Workshop held on September 25.
Item Recommendation: |
XII.A.2. Consider approval of the two Amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding between Galena Park ISD and San Jacinto Community College for the term of September 12, 2023, through August 25, 2025.
Item Recommendation: |
XII.A.3. Consider approval of the resolution and adjunct faculty status of the named Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service employees as presented.
Item Recommendation: |
XII.A.4. Consider approval of the Galena Park ISD amended list of appraisers for the 2023-2024 school year.
Item Recommendation: |
XII.B. Construction Consent Agenda:
Item Recommendation: |
XII.B.1. Consider ratifying approval of change order 001 in the amount of $29,900 for the Cunningham Middle School and Tice Elementary School Waterline Replacement (Project 900-2022) by Aranda Industry, LLC, increasing the total contract to $1,049,900.
Item Recommendation: |
XII.B.2. Consider approval of negative Change Order #001 in the amount of $83,806.66, and authorize final payment to Mar-Con Services, LLC., for Galena Park High School – Roadway and Utility Relocation (Project 002.3-2017) with a final construction cost not to exceed $3,668,039.94.
Item Recommendation: |
XII.B.3. Consider approval of the HVAC refurbishment for the GPISD Athletic Complex home-side fieldhouse and film room (Lifecycle Project L206) by CFI Mechanical, Inc., via Choice Partners Contract #22/049MF-05, for an estimated amount not to exceed $150,000 and delegate authority to the Superintendent, or designee, to negotiate and execute a contract.
Item Recommendation: |
XII.B.4. Consider approval of the HVAC replacement for the GPISD Athletic Complex Natatorium locker rooms (Lifecycle Project L205) by CFI Mechanical, Inc., via Choice Partners Contract #22/049MF-05, for an estimated amount not to exceed $115,000 and delegate authority to the Superintendent, or designee, to negotiate and execute a contract.
Item Recommendation: |
XII.C. Financial Consent Agenda:
Item Recommendation: |
XII.C.1. Consider approval of the proposed Budget Amendments for the month of September 2023.
Item Recommendation: |
XII.C.2. Consider approval of the purchases for grocery supplies for the period of October 11, 2023, through August 31, 2024, from Hardies Fresh Foods via Choice Partners contract #23/030TP-03 at an estimated amount of $155,000.
Item Recommendation: |
XII.C.3. Consider approval to purchase fuel, for the period of October 11, 2023, through September 30, 2024, from J.A.M. Distributing Company for an estimated total amount of $1,500,000.
Item Recommendation: |
XII.C.4. Consider approval to renew the RFP 21-007 Instructional Materials for the period of November 1, 2023, through October 31, 2024, for an estimated expenditure of $1,000,000 with the following vendors:
ABDO-Spotlight-Magic Wagon American Ceramic Supply Company Attainment Company, Inc. Ballard & Tighe, Publishers Blick Art Materials Booksource Bound To Stay Bound Books, Inc. BSN Sports LLC Capstone Classroom Cengage Learning, Inc. CEV Multimedia, Ltd. Cherry Lake Publishing/Sleeping Bear Press DeltaMath Solutions Inc. Dreambox Learning, Inc EAI Education ECS Learning Systems Empowering Writers, LLC Escue & Associates ExploreLearning, LLC Fisher Scientific Co. LLC Florida Virtual School Garrett Book Company Gateway Printing & Office Supply, Inc. GF Educators, Inc. Gumdrop Books Heinemann Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Integral Mathematics, Inc. IXL Learning, Inc. Junior Library Guild KAMICO Instructional Media, Inc. Kaplan Early Learning Company Lakeshore Learning Materials Lead4ward, LLC Learning A-Z, LLC Lexia Learning Systems LLC Lone Star Learning Mackin Educational Resources Math GPS, LLC McGraw-Hill LLC MobyMax, LLC Music in Motion Inc. Nasco Education LLC Perma-Bound Books Positive Promotions, Inc. QEP Professional Books Quill LLC Rally! Education Really Good Stuff, LLC Renaissance Learning Inc Savvas Learning Company LLC School Specialty, LLC Seidlitz Education, LLC Sirius Education Solutions Speed Stacks, Inc Super Duper Publications Superior Text, LLC Texas Art Supply Co Textbook Warehouse The Master Teacher, Inc. The Rosen Publishing Group Inc. US Games Vista Higher Learning, Inc. Voyager Sopris Learning, Inc. |
Item Recommendation: |
XII.C.5. Consider approval of the purchase of the online subscriptions for RAZ Plus for the term of October 25, 2023, through October 25, 2024, from Learning A-Z via RFP #21-007 at an estimated amount of $335,000.
Item Recommendation: |
XII.C.6. Consider approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Region 18 Education Service Center, for services related to the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS), for the term of October 11, 2023, through August 31, 2024, at an estimated amount of $20,000.
Item Recommendation: |
XII.C.7. Consider approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Gulf Coast Local Workforce Board for Child Care Local Match Contribution of $500,000 for the period of October 1, 2023, to September 30, 2024.
Item Recommendation: |
XII.C.8. Consider approval of the Catering Sales Event Agreement with The Marriott Marquis Hotel-Houston to host the North Shore Senior High School 2024 Prom on Saturday, April 20, 2024, and delegate authority to the Superintendent, or designee, to negotiate and execute a contract for an estimated amount of $85,000.
Item Recommendation: |
Item Recommendation: |
XIII.A. Sonya Haidusek-Niazy, Chief Financial Officer/Deputy Superintendent for Operational Support, presented:
Item Recommendation: |
XIII.A.1. Tax Collection Report for August 2023
Item Recommendation: |
XIII.A.2. 2016 Bond Program Financial Report as of August 31, 2023
Item Recommendation: |
XIII.A.3. Annual Report of the District’s Cooperative Purchasing Program Management Fees for fiscal year 2023-2024
Item Recommendation: |
XIII.B. Elizabeth Lalor, Deputy Superintendent for Educational Support and School Administration presented:
Item Recommendation: |
XIII.B.1. Early Head Start Policy Council Meeting Minutes from August 2023
Item Recommendation: |