Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Board Recognition
3.A. Alkek Elementary Students of the Month
4. Selection of Board Officers to Serve from December 2015 to December 2016
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Approve the Minutes of:
5.A.1. November 9, 2015 Regular Board Meeting
5.A.2. November 19, 2015 Special Board Meeting
5.B. Approve Personnel Report Recommendations
5.C. Budget Status Report
5.D. Food Service Report
5.E. Curriculum Report
5.F. Testing & At-Risk Services Report
5.G. Technology Report
5.H. Transportation Report
6. Information
6.A. Citizens Comments
6.B. Superintendent's Report
6.B.1. Recognition of Cross Country State Winners
6.B.2. Fall PEIMS Submission
6.B.3. District ADA Update
6.C. Announcement of Board Members' Continuing Education Hours
6.D. Truancy Plan
7. Regular Agenda
7.A. Consideration and possible action to approve the BISD Board of Trustees Operating Procedures
7.B. Consideration and possible action to approve Superintendent & Board Goals for 2016-2017
7.C. Consideration and possible action to approve method of procurement of construction services for Alkek Elementary School Re-roofing Project
7.D. Consideration and possible action to approve method of procurement of construction services for Hill Country Elementary School and Bandera Middle School Library Re-roofing Project
7.E. Consider adoption of resolution establishing prevailing wage rate schedule for the District construction projects
7.F. Consideration and possible aciton to approve Board Policy Update 103 affecting the following (LOCAL) policies:
7.F.1. BF(LOCAL): Board Policies
7.F.2. CAA(LOCAL): Fiscal Management Goals and Objectives - Financial Ethics
7.F.3. CB(LOCAL): State and Federal Revenue Sources
7.F.4. CO(LOCAL): Food Services Management
7.F.5. DBD(LOCAL): Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Conflict of Interest
7.F.6. DH(LOCAL): Employee Standards of Conduct
7.F.7. DIA(LOCAL): Employee Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
7.F.8. FEA(LOCAL): Attendance - Compulsory Attendance
7.F.9. FEC(LOCAL): Attendance - Attendance for Credit
7.F.10. GKA(LOCAL): Community Relations - Conduct on School Premises
7.F.11. GRA(LOCAL): Relations with Governmental Entities - State and Local Governmental Authorities
8. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | December 14, 2015 at 6:15 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
Presenter: |
Board President
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Presenter: |
Alkek Elementary
Subject: |
3. Board Recognition
Subject: |
3.A. Alkek Elementary Students of the Month
Presenter: |
Chip Jackson
Subject: |
4. Selection of Board Officers to Serve from December 2015 to December 2016
Presenter: |
Board President
Subject: |
5. Consent Agenda
Presenter: |
Board President
Subject: |
5.A. Approve the Minutes of:
Presenter: |
Marie Halloran
Subject: |
5.A.1. November 9, 2015 Regular Board Meeting
Subject: |
5.A.2. November 19, 2015 Special Board Meeting
Subject: |
5.B. Approve Personnel Report Recommendations
Presenter: |
Regina Howell
Subject: |
5.C. Budget Status Report
Presenter: |
Scott Tipton
Subject: |
5.D. Food Service Report
Presenter: |
Matt Haas
Subject: |
5.E. Curriculum Report
Presenter: |
Gary Bitzkie
Subject: |
5.F. Testing & At-Risk Services Report
Presenter: |
Bonnie Hale
Subject: |
5.G. Technology Report
Presenter: |
David Brown
Subject: |
5.H. Transportation Report
Presenter: |
Kay Miller
Subject: |
6. Information
Subject: |
6.A. Citizens Comments
Presenter: |
Board President
Subject: |
6.B. Superintendent's Report
Presenter: |
Regina Howell
Subject: |
6.B.1. Recognition of Cross Country State Winners
Subject: |
6.B.2. Fall PEIMS Submission
Subject: |
6.B.3. District ADA Update
Subject: |
6.C. Announcement of Board Members' Continuing Education Hours
Presenter: |
Board President
Subject: |
6.D. Truancy Plan
Presenter: |
Gary Bitzkie
Subject: |
7. Regular Agenda
Subject: |
7.A. Consideration and possible action to approve the BISD Board of Trustees Operating Procedures
Presenter: |
Regina Howell
Subject: |
7.B. Consideration and possible action to approve Superintendent & Board Goals for 2016-2017
Presenter: |
Regina Howell
Subject: |
7.C. Consideration and possible action to approve method of procurement of construction services for Alkek Elementary School Re-roofing Project
Presenter: |
Scott Tipton & Ed Barnes
Subject: |
7.D. Consideration and possible action to approve method of procurement of construction services for Hill Country Elementary School and Bandera Middle School Library Re-roofing Project
Presenter: |
Scott Tipton & Ed Barnes
Subject: |
7.E. Consider adoption of resolution establishing prevailing wage rate schedule for the District construction projects
Presenter: |
Scott Tipton & Ed Barnes
Subject: |
7.F. Consideration and possible aciton to approve Board Policy Update 103 affecting the following (LOCAL) policies:
Presenter: |
Tracy Thayer
Subject: |
7.F.1. BF(LOCAL): Board Policies
Subject: |
7.F.2. CAA(LOCAL): Fiscal Management Goals and Objectives - Financial Ethics
Subject: |
7.F.3. CB(LOCAL): State and Federal Revenue Sources
Subject: |
7.F.4. CO(LOCAL): Food Services Management
Subject: |
7.F.5. DBD(LOCAL): Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Conflict of Interest
Subject: |
7.F.6. DH(LOCAL): Employee Standards of Conduct
Subject: |
7.F.7. DIA(LOCAL): Employee Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
Subject: |
7.F.8. FEA(LOCAL): Attendance - Compulsory Attendance
Subject: |
7.F.9. FEC(LOCAL): Attendance - Attendance for Credit
Subject: |
7.F.10. GKA(LOCAL): Community Relations - Conduct on School Premises
Subject: |
7.F.11. GRA(LOCAL): Relations with Governmental Entities - State and Local Governmental Authorities
Subject: |
8. Adjourn
Presenter: |
Board President