Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition
3.A. Alkek Elementary Students of the Month
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Approve Board Minutes
4.A.1. January 14, 2013 AEIS Hearing Minutes
4.A.2. January 14, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes
4.B. Approve Personnel Report
4.B.1. Accept Professsional Recommendations
4.B.2. Accept Professional Resignations
4.B.3. Approve Superintendent's Recommendation of Professional Contracts
4.C. Budget Status Report
4.D. Monhtly Investment Report
4.E. 2013-2014 Monthly Budget Projection Update Report
4.F. Food Service Report
4.G. Curriculum & Instruction Report
4.H. Testing and At-Risk Services
4.I. Technology Report
4.J. Maintenance Report
4.K. Transportation Report
4.L. Career and Technology (CATE) Report
4.M. Maximum Class Size Waiver Update
4.N. Approve Date for Public School Week
4.O. Approve changing the date of the March Regular Board Meeting
5. Information
5.A. Citizens Comments
5.B. Superintendent's Report
5.B.1. Current ADA
5.B.2. Public School Week Activities
5.B.3. Superintendent Student Leadership Report
5.B.4. Alkek Lego Presentation
5.C. Google Drive Pilot
5.D. Bring Your Own Device Pilot Program
5.E. Facilities Master Planning Update
5.F. Child Nutrition Status Update
5.G. First Reading of TASB Board Policy Update 96
5.H. Suspension of Board Policies relating to the STAAR EOC scores counting as 15% of a student's final grade
6. Regular Agenda
6.A. Consideration and possible action to approve the proposed School Calendar for 2013-14
7. Convene in Closed Meeting
7.A. Pursuant to Seciton 551.074 of the Texas Government Code, Deliberation on the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee
8. Reconvene in Open Meeting
8.A. Action if any, resulting from Closed Meeting
9. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 11, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
Presenter: |
Barbara Skipper
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Presenter: |
Alkek Elementary School
Subject: |
3. Recognition
Subject: |
3.A. Alkek Elementary Students of the Month
Presenter: |
Scott Tipton
Subject: |
4. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
4.A. Approve Board Minutes
Presenter: |
Marie Halloran
Subject: |
4.A.1. January 14, 2013 AEIS Hearing Minutes
Subject: |
4.A.2. January 14, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
4.B. Approve Personnel Report
Presenter: |
Regina Howell
Subject: |
4.B.1. Accept Professsional Recommendations
Subject: |
4.B.2. Accept Professional Resignations
Subject: |
4.B.3. Approve Superintendent's Recommendation of Professional Contracts
Subject: |
4.C. Budget Status Report
Presenter: |
Tish Grill
Subject: |
4.D. Monhtly Investment Report
Presenter: |
Tish Grill
Subject: |
4.E. 2013-2014 Monthly Budget Projection Update Report
Presenter: |
Tish Grill
Subject: |
4.F. Food Service Report
Presenter: |
Felicia Bell
Subject: |
4.G. Curriculum & Instruction Report
Presenter: |
Renee Cadena
Subject: |
4.H. Testing and At-Risk Services
Presenter: |
Bonnie Hale
Subject: |
4.I. Technology Report
Presenter: |
David Brown
Subject: |
4.J. Maintenance Report
Presenter: |
Ed Barnes
Subject: |
4.K. Transportation Report
Presenter: |
Kay Miller
Subject: |
4.L. Career and Technology (CATE) Report
Presenter: |
Tracy Thayer
Subject: |
4.M. Maximum Class Size Waiver Update
Presenter: |
Tracy Thayer
Subject: |
4.N. Approve Date for Public School Week
Presenter: |
Tracy Thayer
Subject: |
4.O. Approve changing the date of the March Regular Board Meeting
Presenter: |
Regina Howell
Subject: |
5. Information
Subject: |
5.A. Citizens Comments
Presenter: |
Dr. Barbara Skipper
Subject: |
5.B. Superintendent's Report
Presenter: |
Regina Howell
Subject: |
5.B.1. Current ADA
Subject: |
5.B.2. Public School Week Activities
Subject: |
5.B.3. Superintendent Student Leadership Report
Subject: |
5.B.4. Alkek Lego Presentation
Subject: |
5.C. Google Drive Pilot
Presenter: |
David Brown
Subject: |
5.D. Bring Your Own Device Pilot Program
Presenter: |
Gary Bitzkie & David Brown
Subject: |
5.E. Facilities Master Planning Update
Presenter: |
Ed Barnes
Subject: |
5.F. Child Nutrition Status Update
Presenter: |
Tish Grill
Subject: |
5.G. First Reading of TASB Board Policy Update 96
Presenter: |
Renee Cadena
Subject: |
5.H. Suspension of Board Policies relating to the STAAR EOC scores counting as 15% of a student's final grade
Presenter: |
Renee Cadena
Subject: |
6. Regular Agenda
Subject: |
6.A. Consideration and possible action to approve the proposed School Calendar for 2013-14
Presenter: |
Tracy Thayer
Subject: |
7. Convene in Closed Meeting
Subject: |
7.A. Pursuant to Seciton 551.074 of the Texas Government Code, Deliberation on the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee
Presenter: |
Dr. Barbara Skipper
Subject: |
8. Reconvene in Open Meeting
Subject: |
8.A. Action if any, resulting from Closed Meeting
Presenter: |
Dr. Barbara Skipper
Subject: |
9. Adjourn
Presenter: |
Dr. Barbara Skipper