Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order at __:__ P.M. |
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance |
1.B. Roll Call (alphabetical order): Jodie Davy, Cari Dostal, Jamie Isane, Brent Olson, Jeramy Swenson and Jared VonEnde |
1.C. Administration, Department Heads: Kevin Ricke, Leah Hasson, Stacey Warne |
2. Visitor Comments
2.A. Listening Session |
3. Recommendation to add and/or remove items to the agenda from Board Members or School Administrators |
4. Approval of Agenda |
4.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the agenda for the Monday, March 13, 2023 Regular School Board Meeting as presented/amended. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
5. Minutes |
5.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, February 13, 2023 as presented/amended. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Pay Bills: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the payment of bills check #62672 through check #62731 for a total of $85,495.86 as listed as well as approve Purchasing Card electronic payments dated March 3, 2023 and Electronic Fund Transfers as submitted. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
7. Communications
7.A. Building and Grounds Report: Striker Hasson |
7.B. Review of 2023 Special Election Timelines. Please see attachment |
7.C. Opioid overdoses are an increasing concern across the nation. In response, MSBA collaborated with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to create a model policy to assist schools that may have or are considering overdose medication availability. |
7.D. National School Social Worker Week March 6-10 |
7.E. Congratulations to Badger’s Gretchen Lee advancing to semifinalist level for the 2023 Minnesota Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Lee has been awarded an invitation to the 59th Annual Minnesota Teacher of the Year Recognition Banquet to be held Sunday, May 7 at the Saint Paul RiverCentre. Semifinalist means the group of nominees statewide has been narrowed to the top thirty-three (33) teachers. |
7.F. Ryan Bergeron, recipient of the Outstanding Media Service Award, is being recognized for his reporting of school activities. The Minnesota State High School League will be presenting this award to Mr. Bergeron during halftime of the Class AAA boys basketball championship game to be held on Saturday, March 25 at Target Center in Minneapolis. Congratulations, Ryan Bergeron! |
7.G. Superintendent |
7.G.1. Additional MSBA Negotiations Seminar Training Opportunity is now available on Thursday. March 23, 2023 to be held in Erskine, MN. Registration deadline for Erskine, MN is March 20. |
7.G.2. Report of Meet & Confer topics from the meeting held with Badger Education Association of Teachers on February 28, 2023 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. |
7.G.3. Miscellaneous Items to Report by Superintendent |
7.G.4. 2022-2023 Badger School District Budget Revisions will be presented to School Board for approval at the next Board Meeting. |
7.H. Dean of Students |
7.H.1. Student Enrollment as of March 9, 2023 |
7.H.2. Link to Badger District Testing Schedule for Grades 3-11 |
7.H.3. Upcoming Dates of Interest |
7.H.4. Link to MSHSL Girls’ State Tournament Brackets and Information: |
8. Reports
8.A. Accept Cash Report: A motion was made by _______________ to accept the Cash Report through February 28, 2023 subject to audit. The motion seconded by ________________ |
8.B. Accept February Donations (THANK YOU) : A motion was made by _______________ to accept the donations listed below. The motion seconded by ________________ |
8.C. Badger School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report. |
9. Proposed Resolutions
9.A. Approve 2023-2024 Academic Calendar: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the academic calendar for the 2023-2024 school year as presented (Draft #1). Motion seconded by ____________________ |
9.B. Annual Independent Audit Services: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve Brady Martz & Associates, P.C. to provide audit services for fiscal years 2023, 2024 and 2025. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
9.C. Request for Proposal regarding Property, Liability (and Cyber Liability) Insurance Agent/Broker Consultation Services: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve authorization for Superintendent and Business Manager to seek quotes (or RFP) for selection of an agent/broker to do professional consult services on behalf of Badger School District regarding preparation for review and renewal of Property & Liability [including Cyber Liability] insurance. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
9.D. Para Recommendation: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the hire of Diann Hauger as a Long-Term Substitute regular part-time (Jr. High & Sr. High) Special Education Paraprofessional position for 7.25 hours per school day for the remainder of this 2022-2023 school year at Step 18 which is $18.65 per hour with a retroactive starting date of Thursday, February 16, 2023. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
9.E. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the Dissolution of Cooperative Sponsorship for Boys Wrestling and Girls Wrestling between Badger High School and Greenbush-Middle River High School for the 2023-2024 school year. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
9.F. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the Resolution and Application for Cooperative Sponsorship for Boys Wrestling and Girls Wrestling between Badger High School, Greenbush-Middle River High School and Tri-County High School (Karlstad) for the 2023-2024 school year. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
10. Adjourn: Recommended motion: ____________________ moved to adjourn at _________ PM. Motion seconded by ____________________. |
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 13, 2023 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order at __:__ P.M. |
Subject: |
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance |
Subject: |
1.B. Roll Call (alphabetical order): Jodie Davy, Cari Dostal, Jamie Isane, Brent Olson, Jeramy Swenson and Jared VonEnde |
Subject: |
1.C. Administration, Department Heads: Kevin Ricke, Leah Hasson, Stacey Warne |
Subject: |
2. Visitor Comments
Subject: |
2.A. Listening Session |
Subject: |
3. Recommendation to add and/or remove items to the agenda from Board Members or School Administrators |
Subject: |
4. Approval of Agenda |
Subject: |
4.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the agenda for the Monday, March 13, 2023 Regular School Board Meeting as presented/amended. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
Subject: |
5. Minutes |
Subject: |
5.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, February 13, 2023 as presented/amended. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
Subject: |
6. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
6.A. Pay Bills: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the payment of bills check #62672 through check #62731 for a total of $85,495.86 as listed as well as approve Purchasing Card electronic payments dated March 3, 2023 and Electronic Fund Transfers as submitted. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
Subject: |
7. Communications
Subject: |
7.A. Building and Grounds Report: Striker Hasson |
Subject: |
7.B. Review of 2023 Special Election Timelines. Please see attachment |
Subject: |
7.C. Opioid overdoses are an increasing concern across the nation. In response, MSBA collaborated with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to create a model policy to assist schools that may have or are considering overdose medication availability. |
Subject: |
7.D. National School Social Worker Week March 6-10 |
Subject: |
7.E. Congratulations to Badger’s Gretchen Lee advancing to semifinalist level for the 2023 Minnesota Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Lee has been awarded an invitation to the 59th Annual Minnesota Teacher of the Year Recognition Banquet to be held Sunday, May 7 at the Saint Paul RiverCentre. Semifinalist means the group of nominees statewide has been narrowed to the top thirty-three (33) teachers. |
Subject: |
7.F. Ryan Bergeron, recipient of the Outstanding Media Service Award, is being recognized for his reporting of school activities. The Minnesota State High School League will be presenting this award to Mr. Bergeron during halftime of the Class AAA boys basketball championship game to be held on Saturday, March 25 at Target Center in Minneapolis. Congratulations, Ryan Bergeron! |
Subject: |
7.G. Superintendent |
Subject: |
7.G.1. Additional MSBA Negotiations Seminar Training Opportunity is now available on Thursday. March 23, 2023 to be held in Erskine, MN. Registration deadline for Erskine, MN is March 20. |
Subject: |
7.G.2. Report of Meet & Confer topics from the meeting held with Badger Education Association of Teachers on February 28, 2023 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. |
Subject: |
7.G.3. Miscellaneous Items to Report by Superintendent |
Subject: |
7.G.4. 2022-2023 Badger School District Budget Revisions will be presented to School Board for approval at the next Board Meeting. |
Subject: |
7.H. Dean of Students |
Subject: |
7.H.1. Student Enrollment as of March 9, 2023 |
Subject: |
7.H.2. Link to Badger District Testing Schedule for Grades 3-11 |
Subject: |
7.H.3. Upcoming Dates of Interest |
Subject: |
7.H.4. Link to MSHSL Girls’ State Tournament Brackets and Information: |
Subject: |
8. Reports
Subject: |
8.A. Accept Cash Report: A motion was made by _______________ to accept the Cash Report through February 28, 2023 subject to audit. The motion seconded by ________________ |
Subject: |
8.B. Accept February Donations (THANK YOU) : A motion was made by _______________ to accept the donations listed below. The motion seconded by ________________ |
Subject: |
8.C. Badger School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report. |
Subject: |
9. Proposed Resolutions
Subject: |
9.A. Approve 2023-2024 Academic Calendar: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the academic calendar for the 2023-2024 school year as presented (Draft #1). Motion seconded by ____________________ |
Subject: |
9.B. Annual Independent Audit Services: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve Brady Martz & Associates, P.C. to provide audit services for fiscal years 2023, 2024 and 2025. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
Subject: |
9.C. Request for Proposal regarding Property, Liability (and Cyber Liability) Insurance Agent/Broker Consultation Services: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve authorization for Superintendent and Business Manager to seek quotes (or RFP) for selection of an agent/broker to do professional consult services on behalf of Badger School District regarding preparation for review and renewal of Property & Liability [including Cyber Liability] insurance. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
Subject: |
9.D. Para Recommendation: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the hire of Diann Hauger as a Long-Term Substitute regular part-time (Jr. High & Sr. High) Special Education Paraprofessional position for 7.25 hours per school day for the remainder of this 2022-2023 school year at Step 18 which is $18.65 per hour with a retroactive starting date of Thursday, February 16, 2023. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
Subject: |
9.E. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the Dissolution of Cooperative Sponsorship for Boys Wrestling and Girls Wrestling between Badger High School and Greenbush-Middle River High School for the 2023-2024 school year. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
Subject: |
9.F. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the Resolution and Application for Cooperative Sponsorship for Boys Wrestling and Girls Wrestling between Badger High School, Greenbush-Middle River High School and Tri-County High School (Karlstad) for the 2023-2024 school year. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
Subject: |
10. Adjourn: Recommended motion: ____________________ moved to adjourn at _________ PM. Motion seconded by ____________________. |