Meeting Agenda
I. 6:00 P.M. Open Forum: NA
II. Call meeting to Order @ 6:30
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of the Agenda
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Approval of the February 3, 2016 School Board Meeting Minutes -attached
V.B. Personnel Actions -attached
V.C. Adopt the 2016-17 EVW School Calendar -attached
V.D. Notice of upcoming Board Committee Meetings:
1. TBD |
VI. Finance
VI.A. Approve bills -attached
VI.B. Review the Student Activity Accounts - attached
VI.C. February 17 enrollment update -attached
VI.D. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts - attached
VII. Board Business
VII.A. Review and then recommend approval of the revised 2015-16 General Budget -attached
VII.B. Review and then recommend approval of the revised 2015-16 Capital Budget -attached
VII.C. Review and then recommend approval of the revised 2015-16 LTFM Budget -attached
VII.D. Review enrollment projections for the 2016-17 SY -attached
VII.E. Discuss the board's priorities, intent, and programming aligned with established goals and available funding for 2016-17 SY -attached
VII.F. Adopt a balanced budget resolution calling for potential reductions and discontinuance of programs and positions -attached
VII.G. Discuss technology needs and then recommend approval of a district wide technology integrationist
VII.H. Review and recommend approval of the revised District Office Secretary job description -attached
VII.I. Review and recommend approval of the revised District Technology Coordinator job description -attached
VII.J. Review and recommend approval of the District Payroll and Personnel job description -attached
VIII. Board Member Updates and Reports
VIII.A. Board Member Committee Reports
VIII.A.1. Sunshine Committee
2. Buildings & Grounds |
VIII.B. Superintendent Report
VIII.C. Elementary Principal Report
VIII.D. Secondary Principal Report
IX. Other Business
X. Develop Agenda for the March 9, 2016 Regular Board Meeting
X.A. Proposed budget reductions and ULA's (if any)
X.B. Formal action and establishment of time lines for potential budget reductions and ULA's (if any)
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 17, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. 6:00 P.M. Open Forum: NA
Subject: |
II. Call meeting to Order @ 6:30
Subject: |
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Following the Pledge, the Board Chair will welcome staff and guests to the meeting
Subject: |
IV. Approval of the Agenda
Subject: |
V. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
V.A. Approval of the February 3, 2016 School Board Meeting Minutes -attached
Subject: |
V.B. Personnel Actions -attached
Subject: |
V.C. Adopt the 2016-17 EVW School Calendar -attached
Subject: |
V.D. Notice of upcoming Board Committee Meetings:
1. TBD |
Subject: |
VI. Finance
Subject: |
VI.A. Approve bills -attached
Subject: |
VI.B. Review the Student Activity Accounts - attached
Subject: |
VI.C. February 17 enrollment update -attached
Subject: |
VI.D. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts - attached
Subject: |
VII. Board Business
Subject: |
VII.A. Review and then recommend approval of the revised 2015-16 General Budget -attached
Subject: |
VII.B. Review and then recommend approval of the revised 2015-16 Capital Budget -attached
Subject: |
VII.C. Review and then recommend approval of the revised 2015-16 LTFM Budget -attached
Subject: |
VII.D. Review enrollment projections for the 2016-17 SY -attached
Subject: |
VII.E. Discuss the board's priorities, intent, and programming aligned with established goals and available funding for 2016-17 SY -attached
Subject: |
VII.F. Adopt a balanced budget resolution calling for potential reductions and discontinuance of programs and positions -attached
Subject: |
VII.G. Discuss technology needs and then recommend approval of a district wide technology integrationist
Subject: |
VII.H. Review and recommend approval of the revised District Office Secretary job description -attached
Subject: |
VII.I. Review and recommend approval of the revised District Technology Coordinator job description -attached
Subject: |
VII.J. Review and recommend approval of the District Payroll and Personnel job description -attached
Subject: |
VIII. Board Member Updates and Reports
Subject: |
VIII.A. Board Member Committee Reports
Subject: |
VIII.A.1. Sunshine Committee
2. Buildings & Grounds |
Subject: |
VIII.B. Superintendent Report
Mark will provide updates on potential retirements, Barton Reading, alumni basketball, legislation updates, SR and K readiness needs and funding, ParentLink partnerships, facilities, etc...
Subject: |
VIII.C. Elementary Principal Report
Subject: |
VIII.D. Secondary Principal Report
Subject: |
IX. Other Business
Subject: |
X. Develop Agenda for the March 9, 2016 Regular Board Meeting
Subject: |
X.A. Proposed budget reductions and ULA's (if any)
Subject: |
X.B. Formal action and establishment of time lines for potential budget reductions and ULA's (if any)