Meeting Agenda
I. 6:00 P.M. Open Forum: Julie Meyer, JoAnn Rademacher, Mark Messman
II. Call meeting to Order @ 6:30
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Approval of the June 18 Regular Board Meeting Minutes -attached
V.B. Personnel Action and Donations -attached
V.C. Designate the EVW Voice as the Official Newspaper
V.D. Authorize Positions to Sign Student Activity Accounts: Secondary Principal, Elementary Principal, Accounting Clerk, Business Manager
V.E. Authorize Business Manager and Accounting Clerk to make Payments Prior to Board Approval
V.F. Authorize Business Manager and Superintendent Authority to Approve Contracts on Behalf of District 463 that Align with 2014-15 School Budget Guidelines
V.G. Approve Revisions to 2014-15 Secondary School Student Handbook -attached
V.H. Designate the Official Depository and Sites for School District Funds:
1. State Bank in Eden Valley as Official Depository 2. Farmers State Bank of Watkins 3. Minnesota School Boards Association Liquid Asset Fund 4. Minnesota Trust |
V.I. Notice of the Following Board Committee Meeting(s):
1. Classified negotiations on Wed. Aug. 20 at 4:30 pm 2. Essential & Admin. negotiations TBD 3. Board work session on goals TBD 4. Facilities/Grounds TBD |
VI. Finance
VI.A. Approve Bills -attached
VII. Board Business
VII.A. Review and Recommendation to Approve the School Property and Workers' Compensation Quotes for 2014-15 -at your place
VII.B. Annual review of the approved Health & Safety Budget for FY 2013 - FY 2015 -Attached
VII.C. Review and Recommendation to Approve the revisions to the District Crisis Manual -attached
VII.D. Monthly update on summer enrollment and class sizes -attached
VII.E. Accept the Resolution related to the election of school board members and calling the school district general election -attached
VII.F. Recommendation to renew the MSBA Boardbook subscription for 2014-15 -attached
VII.G. Recommendation to accept the 2014-15 technology services agreement with JColten Services Inc. -attached
VII.H. Recommendation to approve the MSBA Association Dues for FY 7/1/14 to 6/30/15 -attached
VII.I. Approve Annual Fee Schedule -attached
VIII. Board Member Updates and Reports
VIII.A. Board Member Committee Reports
VIII.A.1. Sunshine Committee
VIII.A.2. IMPACT (Bremer Grant)
VIII.A.3. Negotiations Updates
VIII.A.4. Other?
VIII.B. Superintendent Report
IX. Other Business
X. Develop Agenda for August 6 Regular Board Meeting
X.A. Elementary Handbooks 2014-15
X.B. Elementary goals 2014-15
X.C. Secondary goals 2014-15
X.D. School Board/District goals 2014-15
X.E. Annual fee schedule 2014-15
X.F. Policy and Personnel Manual updates
X.G. Preliminary levy report
X.H. Superintendent annual evaluation - summary
XI. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | July 9, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. 6:00 P.M. Open Forum: Julie Meyer, JoAnn Rademacher, Mark Messman
Subject: |
II. Call meeting to Order @ 6:30
Subject: |
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
IV. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
V. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
V.A. Approval of the June 18 Regular Board Meeting Minutes -attached
Subject: |
V.B. Personnel Action and Donations -attached
Subject: |
V.C. Designate the EVW Voice as the Official Newspaper
Subject: |
V.D. Authorize Positions to Sign Student Activity Accounts: Secondary Principal, Elementary Principal, Accounting Clerk, Business Manager
Subject: |
V.E. Authorize Business Manager and Accounting Clerk to make Payments Prior to Board Approval
Subject: |
V.F. Authorize Business Manager and Superintendent Authority to Approve Contracts on Behalf of District 463 that Align with 2014-15 School Budget Guidelines
Subject: |
V.G. Approve Revisions to 2014-15 Secondary School Student Handbook -attached
Changes are attached. Complete handbook will be at the table.
Subject: |
V.H. Designate the Official Depository and Sites for School District Funds:
1. State Bank in Eden Valley as Official Depository 2. Farmers State Bank of Watkins 3. Minnesota School Boards Association Liquid Asset Fund 4. Minnesota Trust |
Subject: |
V.I. Notice of the Following Board Committee Meeting(s):
1. Classified negotiations on Wed. Aug. 20 at 4:30 pm 2. Essential & Admin. negotiations TBD 3. Board work session on goals TBD 4. Facilities/Grounds TBD |
Subject: |
VI. Finance
Subject: |
VI.A. Approve Bills -attached
*Board bills are now attached.
Subject: |
VII. Board Business
Subject: |
VII.A. Review and Recommendation to Approve the School Property and Workers' Compensation Quotes for 2014-15 -at your place
Cathy will provide information and numbers on potential insurance providers
Subject: |
VII.B. Annual review of the approved Health & Safety Budget for FY 2013 - FY 2015 -Attached
Cathy and Mark will provide an annual review of the 2013-2015 approved budget.
Subject: |
VII.C. Review and Recommendation to Approve the revisions to the District Crisis Manual -attached
Mark will provide an overview of the changes made to the Crisis Manual
Subject: |
VII.D. Monthly update on summer enrollment and class sizes -attached
I would like to recommend the board consider hiring an addition FTE (four sections) for kindergarten 2014-15
Subject: |
VII.E. Accept the Resolution related to the election of school board members and calling the school district general election -attached
Subject: |
VII.F. Recommendation to renew the MSBA Boardbook subscription for 2014-15 -attached
Subject: |
VII.G. Recommendation to accept the 2014-15 technology services agreement with JColten Services Inc. -attached
Due to fewer hours and services requested from the district, we will see a reduction of $2,000 from the previous 2013-14 contract.
Subject: |
VII.H. Recommendation to approve the MSBA Association Dues for FY 7/1/14 to 6/30/15 -attached
Subject: |
VII.I. Approve Annual Fee Schedule -attached
Subject: |
VIII. Board Member Updates and Reports
Subject: |
VIII.A. Board Member Committee Reports
Subject: |
VIII.A.1. Sunshine Committee
Subject: |
VIII.A.2. IMPACT (Bremer Grant)
Subject: |
VIII.A.3. Negotiations Updates
Subject: |
VIII.A.4. Other?
Subject: |
VIII.B. Superintendent Report
Mark will provide district level updates on: classified and essential/admin. negotiations, staff development, phone system bids and installation time frame, dust collection (shop) system, science room, parking lots, roofs, etc...
Subject: |
IX. Other Business
Subject: |
X. Develop Agenda for August 6 Regular Board Meeting
Subject: |
X.A. Elementary Handbooks 2014-15
Subject: |
X.B. Elementary goals 2014-15
Subject: |
X.C. Secondary goals 2014-15
Subject: |
X.D. School Board/District goals 2014-15
Subject: |
X.E. Annual fee schedule 2014-15
Subject: |
X.F. Policy and Personnel Manual updates
Subject: |
X.G. Preliminary levy report
Subject: |
X.H. Superintendent annual evaluation - summary
Subject: |
XI. Adjournment