Meeting Agenda
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of Agenda / Table File
IV. Public Comment
V. Approve Minutes
VI. Announcements and Recognitions
VII. Items for Discussion and/or Reports
VII.A. Facilities Improvement Update
VII.B. Tentative Kenyon-Wanamingo 2019-2020 School Year Calendar
VII.C. School Board Policy
VII.C.1. Policy Review - 1st readings
VII.C.2. Policy Revision - 1st readings
VII.C.3. New Policy - 1st reading
VII.D. Consideration of moving March Regular Meeting to accommodate Parent-Teacher Conferences
VIII. Superintendent's Report
VIII.A. Items for Consent Grouping
VIII.A.1. Claims on Accounts and Electronic Transfers
VIII.A.2. Personnel Report
VIII.A.3. Auditor Recommendation
VIII.B. Items for Individual Action
VIII.B.1. Acceptance of Donation
VIII.B.2. Revised FY18 Budget
VIII.B.3. Request for Daycare Site Transportation Variance
VIII.B.4. 2018 Home Football Games
IX. Administrative Reports / Committee Reports
IX.A. Superintendent
IX.B. Finance
IX.C. Elementary Principal
IX.D. Student School Board Representative
IX.E. Secondary Principal
IX.F. Commmunity Education
IX.G. Student Enrollment
IX.H. School Board Committees
X. Future Meetings
* March 12, 2018 - Work Session, K-W Elementary School, 7:00 PM |
XI. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 26, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call Meeting to Order
Subject: |
II. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
III. Approval of Agenda / Table File
Subject: |
IV. Public Comment
Subject: |
V. Approve Minutes
Subject: |
VI. Announcements and Recognitions
Subject: |
VII. Items for Discussion and/or Reports
Subject: |
VII.A. Facilities Improvement Update
Subject: |
VII.B. Tentative Kenyon-Wanamingo 2019-2020 School Year Calendar
Subject: |
VII.C. School Board Policy
Subject: |
VII.C.1. Policy Review - 1st readings
Subject: |
VII.C.2. Policy Revision - 1st readings
Subject: |
VII.C.3. New Policy - 1st reading
Subject: |
VII.D. Consideration of moving March Regular Meeting to accommodate Parent-Teacher Conferences
Subject: |
VIII. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
VIII.A. Items for Consent Grouping
Subject: |
VIII.A.1. Claims on Accounts and Electronic Transfers
Subject: |
VIII.A.2. Personnel Report
Subject: |
VIII.A.3. Auditor Recommendation
Subject: |
VIII.B. Items for Individual Action
Subject: |
VIII.B.1. Acceptance of Donation
Subject: |
VIII.B.2. Revised FY18 Budget
Subject: |
VIII.B.3. Request for Daycare Site Transportation Variance
Subject: |
VIII.B.4. 2018 Home Football Games
Subject: |
IX. Administrative Reports / Committee Reports
Subject: |
IX.A. Superintendent
Subject: |
IX.B. Finance
Subject: |
IX.C. Elementary Principal
Subject: |
IX.D. Student School Board Representative
Subject: |
IX.E. Secondary Principal
Subject: |
IX.F. Commmunity Education
Subject: |
IX.G. Student Enrollment
Subject: |
IX.H. School Board Committees
Subject: |
X. Future Meetings
* March 12, 2018 - Work Session, K-W Elementary School, 7:00 PM |
Subject: |
XI. Adjournment