Meeting Agenda
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Approve Agenda / Table File
III. Public Comment
IV. Approve Minutes
V. Announcements and Recognitions
VI. Items for Discussion and/or Reports
VI.A. Q Comp Year End Summary
VI.B. 533 Wellness Policy Revision - First Reading
VI.C. Principal and Superintendent Evaluations
VI.D. School Board Self-Evaluation
VII. Superintendent's Report
VII.A. Items for Consent Grouping
VII.A.1. Claims on Accounts and Electronic Transfers
VII.A.2. Personnel Report
VII.A.3. Acceptance of Donations
VII.B. Items for Individual Action
VII.B.1. Property, Liability and Worker's Comp Insurance for 2017-2018
VII.B.2. Approve FY18 Budget
VII.B.3. Transportation Contract
VII.B.4. Resolution ISD 2172 Long Term Facility Management 10 Year Plan for 2017-2018
VII.B.5. Resolution GCED Long Term Facility Management 10 Year Plan for 2017-2018
VII.B.6. Student Activity Fundraisers
VII.B.7. MREA Membership
VII.B.8. Resolution Establishing Dates for Filing Affidavits of Candidacy
VII.B.9. Resolution Establishing Ballot Board
VIII. Administrative Reports
VIII.A. Superintendent
VIII.B. Finance
VIII.C. Elementary Principal
VIII.D. Student School Board Representative
VIII.E. Secondary Principal
VIII.F. Community Education
VIII.G. Student Enrollment
VIII.H. Committee Reports
IX. Future Meetings
IX.A. July 17, 2017 - School Board Work Session-Facilities Planning Meeting, KWES Media Center, 6:00 PM
IX.B. July 19, 2017 - Negotiations Committee - KWES, 5:00 PM
IX.C. July 24, 2017 - Regular School Board Meeting, KWES Media Center, 7:00 PM
X. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 26, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call Meeting to Order
Subject: |
II. Approve Agenda / Table File
Subject: |
III. Public Comment
Subject: |
IV. Approve Minutes
Subject: |
V. Announcements and Recognitions
Subject: |
VI. Items for Discussion and/or Reports
Subject: |
VI.A. Q Comp Year End Summary
Subject: |
VI.B. 533 Wellness Policy Revision - First Reading
Subject: |
VI.C. Principal and Superintendent Evaluations
Subject: |
VI.D. School Board Self-Evaluation
Subject: |
VII. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
VII.A. Items for Consent Grouping
Subject: |
VII.A.1. Claims on Accounts and Electronic Transfers
Subject: |
VII.A.2. Personnel Report
Subject: |
VII.A.3. Acceptance of Donations
Subject: |
VII.B. Items for Individual Action
Subject: |
VII.B.1. Property, Liability and Worker's Comp Insurance for 2017-2018
Subject: |
VII.B.2. Approve FY18 Budget
Subject: |
VII.B.3. Transportation Contract
Subject: |
VII.B.4. Resolution ISD 2172 Long Term Facility Management 10 Year Plan for 2017-2018
Subject: |
VII.B.5. Resolution GCED Long Term Facility Management 10 Year Plan for 2017-2018
Subject: |
VII.B.6. Student Activity Fundraisers
Subject: |
VII.B.7. MREA Membership
Subject: |
VII.B.8. Resolution Establishing Dates for Filing Affidavits of Candidacy
Subject: |
VII.B.9. Resolution Establishing Ballot Board
Subject: |
VIII. Administrative Reports
Subject: |
VIII.A. Superintendent
Subject: |
VIII.B. Finance
Subject: |
VIII.C. Elementary Principal
Subject: |
VIII.D. Student School Board Representative
Subject: |
VIII.E. Secondary Principal
Subject: |
VIII.F. Community Education
Subject: |
VIII.G. Student Enrollment
Subject: |
VIII.H. Committee Reports
Subject: |
IX. Future Meetings
Subject: |
IX.A. July 17, 2017 - School Board Work Session-Facilities Planning Meeting, KWES Media Center, 6:00 PM
Subject: |
IX.B. July 19, 2017 - Negotiations Committee - KWES, 5:00 PM
Subject: |
IX.C. July 24, 2017 - Regular School Board Meeting, KWES Media Center, 7:00 PM
Subject: |
X. Adjournment