Meeting Agenda
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Approve Agenda / Table File
III. Public Comment
IV. Approval of Minutes
V. Announcements and Recognitions
VI. Items for Discussion and/or Reports
VI.A. Soccer Coop Update
VI.B. Possible Resolution for Refunding of School Building Bonds Series 2009B
VI.C. Options for Filling of School Board Vacancy
VI.D. Update on "Dream Like a Knight" Facilities Wish List
VI.E. Summer Instructional Programs Presentation
VII. Superintendent's Report
VII.A. Items for Consent Grouping
VII.A.1. Claims on Accounts / Electronic Transfers
VII.A.2. Personnel Report
VII.A.3. Summer Instructional Programs
VII.B. Items for Individual Action
VII.B.1. Resolution for Non-renewal of Probationary Teachers
VII.B.2. Facility Management Contract 2015-2017
VIII. Items for Information / Administrative Reports
VIII.A. Finance
VIII.B. Superintendent
VIII.C. Elementary Principal
VIII.D. Student School Board Members
VIII.E. Secondary Principal
VIII.F. Community Education
VIII.G. Sudent Enrollment
VIII.H. School Boad Commitees / Delegates
IX. Future Meetings
IX.A. May 9, 2016 - Work Session, 7:00 PM, KW Elementary School
IX.B. May 23, 2016 - Regular Meeting, 7:00 PM KW Elementary School
X. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 25, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call Meeting to Order
Subject: |
II. Approve Agenda / Table File
Subject: |
III. Public Comment
Subject: |
IV. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
V. Announcements and Recognitions
Subject: |
VI. Items for Discussion and/or Reports
Subject: |
VI.A. Soccer Coop Update
Subject: |
VI.B. Possible Resolution for Refunding of School Building Bonds Series 2009B
Subject: |
VI.C. Options for Filling of School Board Vacancy
Subject: |
VI.D. Update on "Dream Like a Knight" Facilities Wish List
Subject: |
VI.E. Summer Instructional Programs Presentation
Subject: |
VII. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
VII.A. Items for Consent Grouping
Subject: |
VII.A.1. Claims on Accounts / Electronic Transfers
Subject: |
VII.A.2. Personnel Report
Subject: |
VII.A.3. Summer Instructional Programs
Subject: |
VII.B. Items for Individual Action
Subject: |
VII.B.1. Resolution for Non-renewal of Probationary Teachers
Subject: |
VII.B.2. Facility Management Contract 2015-2017
Subject: |
VIII. Items for Information / Administrative Reports
Subject: |
VIII.A. Finance
Subject: |
VIII.B. Superintendent
Subject: |
VIII.C. Elementary Principal
Subject: |
VIII.D. Student School Board Members
Subject: |
VIII.E. Secondary Principal
Subject: |
VIII.F. Community Education
Subject: |
VIII.G. Sudent Enrollment
Subject: |
VIII.H. School Boad Commitees / Delegates
Subject: |
IX. Future Meetings
Subject: |
IX.A. May 9, 2016 - Work Session, 7:00 PM, KW Elementary School
Subject: |
IX.B. May 23, 2016 - Regular Meeting, 7:00 PM KW Elementary School
Subject: |
X. Adjournment