Meeting Agenda
1. Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Approval of Minutes November 12, 2008
3. Approval/Modification of Agenda
4. Approval of Mid-State Bills
5. Staff Guests
6. Presentation and approval of FY 08 Audit Report
7. Technology
7.A. First read of Joint Powers Agreement for Research and Development
7.B. First read of Project Partner membership form, Phase I & II.
7.C. First read Participating Partner Membership Form, Phase I & II.
7.D. Tentative: Approve the purchase of VOIP equipment maintained by MSED Technology as described in the CISCO proposal for VOIP (voice over internet protocol/aka telephones with many applications).
8. Personnel Items
8.A. Seniorty List, second read
8.A.1. Certified Staff
8.A.2. Certified Staff, Probationary
8.A.3. ECFE Staff
8.A.4. Letter of Notice to Certified Staff
8.A.5. Non-Certified Staff
9. Governing Board Action Items
9.A. Approve the purchase of the Skyward Student Information System
9.B. Adjust MCLC calendar
10. Discussion (Non-action) Items
10.A. How to use BoardBook
11. Cash Flow Report for period ending October 31, 2008
12. Adjourn
13. Next Governing Board Meeting: January 14, 2009 Next Executive Board Meeting: January 13, 2009
14. Revised items presented board meeting
14.A. Technology, tentative item for VOIP was removed
14.B. Updated handouts for Joint Powers Agreement, Project Partner Agreement, and Participating Partner Agreement
14.C. Change date of January board meeting, next meeting will be Janauary 13th
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | December 10, 2008 at 4:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Pledge of Allegiance.
Subject: |
2. Approval of Minutes November 12, 2008
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3. Approval/Modification of Agenda
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4. Approval of Mid-State Bills
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5. Staff Guests
Andrea Privratsky and Cathy Tryggestad
Subject: |
6. Presentation and approval of FY 08 Audit Report
A representative from Mid-State’s auditing firm, Kern, DeWenter, Viere will present the 07-08 audit report.
Subject: |
7. Technology
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7.A. First read of Joint Powers Agreement for Research and Development
First read of Joint Powers Agreement for Research and Development of a for a wireless high speed network across Central MN, Phases I and II.
Note: We need to decide on page 5, E. Executive Council 3.a. the appointment process for Executive Council Members (voted, appointed, or rotational).
Subject: |
7.B. First read of Project Partner membership form, Phase I & II.
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7.C. First read Participating Partner Membership Form, Phase I & II.
Subject: |
7.D. Tentative: Approve the purchase of VOIP equipment maintained by MSED Technology as described in the CISCO proposal for VOIP (voice over internet protocol/aka telephones with many applications).
The Superintendents and MSED staff met with three representatives from the CISCO corporation on Tuesday December 2. We are in the process of surveying interested district's needs as they relate to a VOIP system. The haste in this is to have accurate information to plan for our needs and have the lease of equipment approved no later than the January Governing Board meeting. More information will be available at the board meeting,
Subject: |
8. Personnel Items
Subject: |
8.A. Seniorty List, second read
A revised certified senority list is attached. Please refer to the November 12th board packet for the other attachments; they remain unchangd.
Subject: |
8.A.1. Certified Staff
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8.A.2. Certified Staff, Probationary
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8.A.3. ECFE Staff
Subject: |
8.A.4. Letter of Notice to Certified Staff
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8.A.5. Non-Certified Staff
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9. Governing Board Action Items
Subject: |
9.A. Approve the purchase of the Skyward Student Information System
We are required to purchase a student information system that is certified for our mandatory state reporting (MARSS reporting). CMERDC has been doing our MARSS reporting for us and we have been informed that they would no longer be able to provide this service to us. We also needed a student information system that provided options for grade book and attendance. Attached is a summary of the vendors we looked at along with information regarding each one. We chose Skyward, as it best met our needs. We expect to have a final proposal for your approval for the board meeting. This proposal will likely include additional costs for training and project management.
Subject: |
9.B. Adjust MCLC calendar
We are recommending an early release at 11:50 on December 23.
There is no school in Onamia and Royalton, and also an early release in Little Falls
Subject: |
10. Discussion (Non-action) Items
Subject: |
10.A. How to use BoardBook
This agenda was prepared using BoardBook. Starting in January, we will start using this for our board agendas. At the meeting you will be given login information, instructions, and a brief demonstration of the system. If you have questions or comments regarding the look of the agenda, please feel free to share them with us.
Subject: |
11. Cash Flow Report for period ending October 31, 2008
Subject: |
12. Adjourn
Subject: |
13. Next Governing Board Meeting: January 14, 2009 Next Executive Board Meeting: January 13, 2009
Subject: |
14. Revised items presented board meeting
Subject: |
14.A. Technology, tentative item for VOIP was removed
Subject: |
14.B. Updated handouts for Joint Powers Agreement, Project Partner Agreement, and Participating Partner Agreement
Subject: |
14.C. Change date of January board meeting, next meeting will be Janauary 13th