Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order and Announce Quorum Present
II. Proclamations
-Recognized Accountability Plaques --Gilbert Intermediate, Hook Elementary, Chamberlin Elementary, and SISD School District -500 Career Wins: SHS Head Volleyball Coach Fran Metzger |
III. Comments from Visitors
IV. Consent Agenda
V. Hear Report from Financial Adviser Josh McLaughlin Regarding Refinancing of Existing Bonds: Dr. Floyd/Josh McLaughlin
VI. Hear Report from Maintenance Director Keith Starnes Regarding Chiller Grant Application: Keith Starnes
VII. Hear Annual Reports: Michelle McNutt
-Bilingual Evaluation Report -Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) |
VIII. Action Item: Consider Approval of 2011-2012 Committees: Dr. Kathy Ray
-Attendance -District Site-Based Decision Making -School Health Advisory Council |
IX. Action Item: Hear Report, and Consider Approval, of Revisions to the STAAR Program Policies/Procedures (EIA Local, EIC Local, and District Grading Policy), based on August 26, 2011 revisions by the Texas Education Agency: Dr. Floyd/Travis Stilwell
X. Action Item: Consider approval of Habitat for Humanity purchase of delinquent tax property - Dr. Floyd
XI. Action Item: Consider Approval of Class Size Waiver
XII. Hear Report on Current Financial Statements: Debbie Hummel
XIII. Superintendent's Report
XIV. Closed Session: Closed Session will be held for purposes permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551, Subchapters D and E.
- Discuss Personnel Matters (551.074) Deliberate appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties or discipline of contract and/or at-will employees |
XV. Reconvene Open Session for any action relative to discussion during Closed Session
XVI. Topics for future discussion
XVII. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 19, 2011 at 5:30 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order and Announce Quorum Present
Subject: |
II. Proclamations
-Recognized Accountability Plaques --Gilbert Intermediate, Hook Elementary, Chamberlin Elementary, and SISD School District -500 Career Wins: SHS Head Volleyball Coach Fran Metzger |
Subject: |
III. Comments from Visitors
A maximum of thirty (30) minutes will be allotted for this section, with each person being allowed no more than five (5) minutes. Any person/group wishing to address the Board must sign in on the Open Forum list no later than 5:30 pm. Groups of five or more shall select a representative to speak for the group; the representative will have five minutes. The board may not act on any matter no on the agenda. Any person/group wishing to have a specific item placed on the Board Agenda must complete a Board of Trustees Item Request no later than noon of the tenth calendar day before the meeting. Per Board Policy GF (Local), members of the public having complaints or concerns may present their complaints or concerns to the Board only after following the procedure defined in that policy. The Board intends that, whenever feasible, complaints shall be resolved at the lowest possible administrative level. If a complaint comes before the Board that involves concerns or charges regarding an employee or student, it shall be heard by the Board in closed session unless the employee or student to whom the complaint pertains requests that it be heard in open session.
Subject: |
IV. Consent Agenda
-Minutes from August 15, 2011: Regular Board Meeting
-Minutes from August 29, 2011: Called Board Meeting -Review of monthly bills |
Subject: |
V. Hear Report from Financial Adviser Josh McLaughlin Regarding Refinancing of Existing Bonds: Dr. Floyd/Josh McLaughlin
Subject: |
VI. Hear Report from Maintenance Director Keith Starnes Regarding Chiller Grant Application: Keith Starnes
Subject: |
VII. Hear Annual Reports: Michelle McNutt
-Bilingual Evaluation Report -Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) |
Subject: |
VIII. Action Item: Consider Approval of 2011-2012 Committees: Dr. Kathy Ray
-Attendance -District Site-Based Decision Making -School Health Advisory Council |
Subject: |
IX. Action Item: Hear Report, and Consider Approval, of Revisions to the STAAR Program Policies/Procedures (EIA Local, EIC Local, and District Grading Policy), based on August 26, 2011 revisions by the Texas Education Agency: Dr. Floyd/Travis Stilwell
Subject: |
X. Action Item: Consider approval of Habitat for Humanity purchase of delinquent tax property - Dr. Floyd
Subject: |
XI. Action Item: Consider Approval of Class Size Waiver
Subject: |
XII. Hear Report on Current Financial Statements: Debbie Hummel
Subject: |
XIII. Superintendent's Report
-School Board Convention
-SB 100 (Elections): No changes necessary. We can continue to hold our local school board elections in May -Upcoming school finance litigation |
Subject: |
XIV. Closed Session: Closed Session will be held for purposes permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551, Subchapters D and E.
- Discuss Personnel Matters (551.074) Deliberate appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties or discipline of contract and/or at-will employees |
Subject: |
XV. Reconvene Open Session for any action relative to discussion during Closed Session
Subject: |
XVI. Topics for future discussion
Subject: |
XVII. Adjourn