Meeting Agenda
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Moment of Silence Followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the Texas State Flag
3. Public Participation
4. Recognize Students
5. Accept Donations
6. Superintendent's Report
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Approve Minutes of Previous Board Meetings
7.A.1. August 08, 2005 - Budget Workshop
7.A.2. August 08, 2005 - Regular Meeting
7.A.3. August 22, 2005 - Public Hearing
7.A.4. August 22, 2005 - Special Meeting
7.B. Authorize Payment of $12,009.83 to Architects Rabe + Partners
7.C. Authorize Payment of $1,011,517.00 to Drymalla Construction Company
7.D. Authorize Payment of $10,561.89 to Walsh, Anderson, Brown, Schulze & Aldridge
8. Regular Business Action Items
8.A. Consider Action on a Resolution Regarding Review of the Investment Program
8.B. Consider Action on a Resolution Regarding Extracurricular Status of the 4-H Organization and the Adjunct Faculty Agreement
8.C. Consider Action on Appointment of a Delegate and Alternate to the TASB Delegate Assembly
8.D. Consider Action on Policy Update 76, Affecting the Following (LOCAL) Policies
8.D.1. CAA (LOCAL): Fiscal Management Goals and Objective - Financial Ethics
8.D.2. FD (LOCAL): Admissions
8.D.3. FDB (LOCAL): Admissions - Intradistrict Transfers
8.D.4. FDD (LOCAL): Admissions - School Safety Transfers
8.D.5. FL (LOCAL): Student Records
8.E. Consider Action on Approving Revisions to the Textbook Adoption for 2005-2006
9. Discussion and Information Items
9.A. Business Department Report
9.A.1. Monthly Report
9.A.2. Quarterly Report
9.B. Update on Building Projects
9.C. Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
9.D. Athletic Department Report
9.E. District Goals
9.F. Transfer Students
9.G. Review CAD Collections
9.H. Future Agenda Items and Board Requests
10. Closed Session, as Authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code Section 551-001, et seq.
10.A. Consultation with legal counsel regarding charitable pledge proposal. (Texas Government Code, Sec. 551.071)
10.B. Consideration of charitable pledge proposal. (Texas Government Code, Sec. 551.073)
11. Consider Action on Closed Session Agenda Items
11.A. Consideration and possible action regarding charitable donation proposal.
11.B. Consideration and possible action regarding sponsorship rights for scoreboard.
12. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 12, 2005 at 7:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Call Meeting to Order
Subject: |
2. Moment of Silence Followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the Texas State Flag
Subject: |
3. Public Participation
Subject: |
4. Recognize Students
Subject: |
5. Accept Donations
Subject: |
6. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
7. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
7.A. Approve Minutes of Previous Board Meetings
Subject: |
7.A.1. August 08, 2005 - Budget Workshop
Subject: |
7.A.2. August 08, 2005 - Regular Meeting
Subject: |
7.A.3. August 22, 2005 - Public Hearing
Subject: |
7.A.4. August 22, 2005 - Special Meeting
Subject: |
7.B. Authorize Payment of $12,009.83 to Architects Rabe + Partners
Subject: |
7.C. Authorize Payment of $1,011,517.00 to Drymalla Construction Company
Subject: |
7.D. Authorize Payment of $10,561.89 to Walsh, Anderson, Brown, Schulze & Aldridge
Subject: |
8. Regular Business Action Items
Subject: |
8.A. Consider Action on a Resolution Regarding Review of the Investment Program
Presenter: |
Joan Trojacek
Policy CDA (LEGAL) requires the Board to review the investment policy and the investment strategy not less than annually. The policy also requires the Board to adopt a written instrument stating that it has reviewed the investment policy and investment strategies and recording any changes made to either the investment policy or investment strategies. This review was done at the June 13th meeting. At the August 8th meeting, the Board adopted changes to Policy CDA (Local) which must be identified in the resolution. I RECOMMEND YOU APPROVE THE RESOLUTION REGARDING REVIEW OF THE INVESTMENT PROGRAM AS PRESENTED.
Subject: |
8.B. Consider Action on a Resolution Regarding Extracurricular Status of the 4-H Organization and the Adjunct Faculty Agreement
Presenter: |
Randall J. Hoyer
On behalf of the 4-H members of Colorado County, the Texas Cooperative Extension respectfully request that the 4-H organization, by the attached resolution, be sanctioned as an extracurricular activity and that the county extension faculty be recognized as adjunct faculty members (Adjunct Faculty Agreement attached). I RECOMMEND YOU APPROVE THE RESOLUTION REGARDING EXTRACURRICULAR STATUS OF THE 4-H ORGANIZATION AND THE ADJUNCT FACULTY AGREEMENT.
Subject: |
8.C. Consider Action on Appointment of a Delegate and Alternate to the TASB Delegate Assembly
Presenter: |
Randall J. Hoyer
TASB's Delegate Assembly, held in conjunction with the TASB/TASA Convention in Houston, is a vital component of the Association's governance structure. During the half-day Assembly, local trustees from across Texas provide crucial direction to the TASB Board and staff in representing members' interest before state and national policy makers. Participants in the 2005 Delegate Assembly will
elect TASB officers and members of the TASB Board,
hear reports from the TASB Board and its committees,
consider various changes to the TASB Bylaws, and
adopt TASB's Advocacy Agenda. The Delegate Assembly is scheduled for Saturday, September 24. The only Board Members attending the convention on Saturday are Lorri Charvat, Don Montier and Scott Kilpatrick so you will need to select your Delegate and Alternate from this pool of candidates. TASB recommends that delegates and alternates be the more experienced members of your local board.
Subject: |
8.D. Consider Action on Policy Update 76, Affecting the Following (LOCAL) Policies
Presenter: |
Randall J. Hoyer
Localized Policy Update 76 represents the first of two post-legislative updates and encompasses changes in law from the 79th regular legislative session that have an immediate effect on the governance and management of the district. Update 77 will be issued in early November and will address the remaining legislative changes from that session and, to the extent possible, any changes that may arise from a special session. I RECOMMEND THE BOARD ADD, REVISE, OR DELETE (LOCAL) POLICIES AS RECOMMENDED BY TASB POLICY SERVICE AND ACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTION SHEET FOR TASB LOCALIZED POLICY MANUAL UPDATE 76.
Subject: |
8.D.1. CAA (LOCAL): Fiscal Management Goals and Objective - Financial Ethics
Subject: |
8.D.2. FD (LOCAL): Admissions
Subject: |
8.D.3. FDB (LOCAL): Admissions - Intradistrict Transfers
Subject: |
8.D.4. FDD (LOCAL): Admissions - School Safety Transfers
Subject: |
8.D.5. FL (LOCAL): Student Records
Subject: |
8.E. Consider Action on Approving Revisions to the Textbook Adoption for 2005-2006
Presenter: |
Ester Chandler
Attached is a memo from Mr. Chandler explaining the need to revise our textbook adoption for 2005-2006. Also attached are the proposed revisions. I RECOMMEND YOU APPROVE THE REVISIONS TO THE TEXTBOOK ADOPTION FOR 2005-2006 AS PRESENTED.
Subject: |
9. Discussion and Information Items
Subject: |
9.A. Business Department Report
Subject: |
9.A.1. Monthly Report
Subject: |
9.A.2. Quarterly Report
Subject: |
9.B. Update on Building Projects
Subject: |
9.C. Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
Presenter: |
Randall J. Hoyer
I contacted TASB legal regarding the possible liability that the district and/or employees might face with the use of an AED. Thomas Gwosdz, Attorney for TASB, explained that there is broad immunity for districts except in transportation and discipline. If the AED is used for the intended purpose it should not represent a liability issue. Dr. Hancher will be present to discuss AEDs with the Board.
Subject: |
9.D. Athletic Department Report
Presenter: |
Brent Mascheck
Subject: |
9.E. District Goals
Presenter: |
Ester Chandler
See the attached memo from Mrs. Chandler.
Subject: |
9.F. Transfer Students
Presenter: |
Randall J. Hoyer
Attached are the results of an informal telephone survey of surrounding districts regarding their policy on transfer students. Also attached is a TEA worksheet for determining tuition limits for the 2005-2006 school year.
Subject: |
9.G. Review CAD Collections
Presenter: |
Billy Youens
Billy Youens will be present to review the CAD collections with the Board.
Subject: |
9.H. Future Agenda Items and Board Requests
Subject: |
10. Closed Session, as Authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code Section 551-001, et seq.
Subject: |
10.A. Consultation with legal counsel regarding charitable pledge proposal. (Texas Government Code, Sec. 551.071)
Subject: |
10.B. Consideration of charitable pledge proposal. (Texas Government Code, Sec. 551.073)
Subject: |
11. Consider Action on Closed Session Agenda Items
Subject: |
11.A. Consideration and possible action regarding charitable donation proposal.
Subject: |
11.B. Consideration and possible action regarding sponsorship rights for scoreboard.
Subject: |
12. Adjournment