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Meeting Agenda
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Consider action on FDA (Local)
3. Consider action on additional special education adaptive behavior position at the Elementary
4. Consider action on selecting sub-contractor bids for the building project
5. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: December 30, 2004 at 6:00 PM - Special
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Consider action on FDA (Local)
Randall J. Hoyer
At the December 13th meeting the Board instructed me to have revisions to FDA (LOCAL) prepared which would allow students who have been enrolled in the district for some amount of time to be allowed to continue as transfer students should they move out of the district. I will bring a proposed revision to the meeting.
3. Consider action on additional special education adaptive behavior position at the Elementary
Randall J. Hoyer
By the start of the next semester we could have up to 6 students through ARD decisions that will need placement in an adaptive behavior classroom. I RECOMMEND YOU APPROVE THE ADDITIONAL POSITION AND ALLOW ADMINISTRATION TO POST FOR THE POSITION.
4. Consider action on selecting sub-contractor bids for the building project
Dale Rabe & John Blaschke
5. Adjournment

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