Meeting Agenda
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Recognition of Guests/Public Comment
C. Committee Reports
C.1. Transportation INFO
C.2. Building INFO
C.3. Finance INFO
C.4. Policy ACTION
C.4.a. Second Reading Policy 102
C.5. Negotiations INFO
C.6. Other Reports INFO
D. Administrative Report INFORMATION
D.1. Crystal Johnson
D.2. Heath Kendrick
E. Consent Items Agenda ACTION
F. Closed Session ACTION
G. Personnel ACTION
G.1. Employment
G.2. Volunteers None
G.3. Resignations
H. Public Comment
I. Adjourn
J. Committee Reports
K. Call to Order and Roll Call
L. Recognition of Guests/Public Comment
M. Committee Reports
M.1. Transportation INFO
M.2. Building INFO
M.3. Finance INFO
M.4. Policy INFO
M.5. Negotiations INFO
M.6. Other Reports INFO
N. Administrative Report INFORMATION
N.1. Crystal Johnson-Maden
N.2. Heath Kendrick
O. Consent Items Agenda ACTION
P. FY21 Audit ACTION
Q. Consideration of Levy (Payable in FY23) ACTION
R. Approval of Initial ELearning Program ACTION
S. Closed Session ACTION
T. Personnel ACTION
T.1. Employment
T.2. Volunteers None
T.3. Resignations
U. Public Comment
V. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 12, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
Subject: |
B. Recognition of Guests/Public Comment
Subject: |
C. Committee Reports
Subject: |
C.1. Transportation INFO
Subject: |
C.2. Building INFO
Subject: |
C.3. Finance INFO
Subject: |
C.4. Policy ACTION
Subject: |
C.4.a. Second Reading Policy 102
Subject: |
C.5. Negotiations INFO
Subject: |
C.6. Other Reports INFO
Subject: |
D. Administrative Report INFORMATION
Crystal Johnson will share the administrative update.
Subject: |
D.1. Crystal Johnson
Subject: |
D.2. Heath Kendrick
Subject: |
E. Consent Items Agenda ACTION
Subject: |
F. Closed Session ACTION
Subject: |
G. Personnel ACTION
Subject: |
G.1. Employment
Subject: |
G.2. Volunteers None
Subject: |
G.3. Resignations
Subject: |
H. Public Comment
Subject: |
I. Adjourn
Subject: |
J. Committee Reports
Subject: |
K. Call to Order and Roll Call
Subject: |
L. Recognition of Guests/Public Comment
Subject: |
M. Committee Reports
Subject: |
M.1. Transportation INFO
Subject: |
M.2. Building INFO
Subject: |
M.3. Finance INFO
Subject: |
M.4. Policy INFO
Subject: |
M.5. Negotiations INFO
Subject: |
M.6. Other Reports INFO
Subject: |
N. Administrative Report INFORMATION
Crystal Johnson will share the administrative update.
Subject: |
N.1. Crystal Johnson-Maden
Subject: |
N.2. Heath Kendrick
Subject: |
O. Consent Items Agenda ACTION
Subject: |
P. FY21 Audit ACTION
Approval of the FY21 Agenda
Subject: |
Q. Consideration of Levy (Payable in FY23) ACTION
I will present levy options to further discuss. The final approval will be in our November meeting.
Subject: |
R. Approval of Initial ELearning Program ACTION
The process for approval of this program and the use of learning days in lieu of snow days are very similar to the budget adoption. We must put the plan on display for 30 days, put a public notice in the newspaper, and formal approval by the school board. This meeting we will put the program on display and during our November meeting we will formally approve.
Subject: |
S. Closed Session ACTION
Subject: |
T. Personnel ACTION
Subject: |
T.1. Employment
Subject: |
T.2. Volunteers None
Subject: |
T.3. Resignations
Subject: |
U. Public Comment
Subject: |
V. Adjourn