Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance
2. Recognition of Guests, Public Participation, Notices, and Communications (Limited to 20 minutes)
3. King Financial Consulting Presentation- Kendal King
4. Adjournment to Closed Meeting for Personnel
Pursuant to IL Open Meetings Act: 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1): The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the district to determine its validity. |
5. Agenda Action and Public Notes
6. Board Member Code of Conduct- 4. I will take no private action that might compromise the board or administration and will respect the confidentiality of privileged information.
7. Board President, Mr. Learnard, Discussion Items
7.a. English and Language Arts (ELA) College and Career Readiness
7.b. DACC Rhetoric Placement Test Preparation
7.c. Athletic Committee
7.d. Surplus (Commercial Mixer) Pricing
7.e. Metal Detection Wand for Security
7.f. 2024 Working Cash Bond
8. Committee Reports
8.a. Building and Grounds
8.b. Finance
8.c. Personnel
9. Consent Agenda: Consent agenda items will be considered without discussion, unless a Board Member asks to have items removed for discussion prior to action.
9.a. Approve: Setting of Sale Price on a Commercial Mixer
9.b. Approve: The district reserves the right under reasonable suspicion to utilize metal detector wand searches on school grounds and at school-sponsored activities.
10. Human Resources: Employments, Employment Changes, Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements, Extracurricular Assignments/Changes
10.a. Approve: Maternity Leave through October 18, 2024- Meghan Sollars
10.b. Accept: Resignation of PC Permanent Substitute Teacher- Dusti Gocken
10.c. Accept: Resignation Literacy Coach - Jayme Attutis
10.d. Accept: Resignation of Fifth Grade Teacher - Emily Stephenson
10.e. Accept: Resignation of Title I Teaching Assistant - Sarah Runyan
10.f. Accept: Resignation Long-Term Substitute - Lesley Roughton
10.g. Accept: Resignation of Special Education Teacher - Penny Higgins
10.h. Accept: Resignation of Grow Your Own Teacher Candidate - Tatiana Cundiff
10.i. Approve: GRHS Associate Principal Hire - Brad Russell
10.j. Approve: Retirement of Principal Effective June 30, 2027, with an Annual Salary Increase of 6%- Kevin Thomas
10.k. Approve: Literacy Coach Hire - Emily Stephenson
10.l. Approve: Personal Aide Hire- Graicea Nose
10.m. Approve: Pine Crest Special Education Teacher Hire- Angela Cooperider
10.n. Approve: Grow-Your-Own First Grade Teacher Long Term Substitute Hire - Sarah Runyan
10.o. Approve: 5th Grade Teacher Hire- Sean Harrison
10.p. Approve: Part-Time Personal Aide Hire - Skyler Switzer
10.q. Approve: Grown-Your-Own Kindergarten Substitute Teacher Hire - Polly Colter
10.r. Approve: MMJH Administrative Assistant Hire - Jennifer Lane
10.s. Approve: MMJH Permanent Substitute Teacher Hire - Megan Savage
10.t. Approve: MMJH PE Aide Hire - Kennedy Barney
10.u. Approve: MMJH Teaching Aide Hire - Emma Reining
10.v. Approve: MMJH Cross Country Coach Hire - Abby Razmus
11. District Financials
11.a. Action: District Receipts and Accounts Payable - June 2024
11.b. Approve: 2024-2025 Sealed Fuel Bid Awarded to Illini FS (Gasoline and Diesel Fixed Margin Per Gallon .10).
11.c. Approve: Website and Social Media Annual Stipend of $3,900 - Trent Eisenbarth
11.d. Approve: Website and Social Media Posting $3,600 Stipend - Erin Meeker
11.e. Approve: Direction Bore New 2" Conduit Under the Retraining Wall and Track Into the Infield in the amount of $8,177.
11.f. Approve: 8X10 Walkin Freezer With Floor and a Trenton Evaporator Coil in the Amount of $21,708.33 to Simpson Refrigeration
11.g. Approve: Varsity Football Helmet Replacement from BSN Sports in the Amount of $9,568.71
11.h. Approve: 1-Full Time Speech and Language Pathology Assessment and Services Contract for 2024-2025 SY in the amount of $93,912 with Parallel.
11.i. Approve: Superintendent Salary
11.j. Approve: Associate High School Principal Base Salary
12. Second Reading: School Board Policy
12.a. 5:100 Staff Development Program
12.b. 2:50 Board Member Term of Office
12.c. 2:60 Board Member Removal From Office
12.d. 2:70 Vacancies on the Board of Education - Filling Vacancies
12.e. 2:125 Board Member Compensation Expenses
12.f. 2:140 Communications To and From the Board
12.g. 2:160 Board Attorney
12.h. 4:15 Identity Protection
12.i. 4:80 Accounting and Audits
12.j. 4:110 Transportation
12.k. 5:35 Complance with the Fair Labor Standards Act
12.l. 5:40 Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease
12.m. 5:180 Temporary Illness or Temporary Incapacity
12.n. 5:290 Employment Terminiation and Suspensions
12.o. 5:310 Compensatory Time Off
12.p. 6:40 Curriculum Development
12.q. 6:110 Programs for Students at Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives
12.r. 6:150 Home and Hospital Instruction
12.s. 4:70 Resource Conservation
12.t. 5:130 Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information
12.u. 5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal
12.v. 5:250 leaves of Absence
12.w. 6:140 Education of Homeless Children
12.x. 6:230 Library Media Program
12.y. 7:60 Residence
12.z. 7:190 Student Behavior
12.aa. 7.270 Administering Medicines to Students
13. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | July 22, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
2. Recognition of Guests, Public Participation, Notices, and Communications (Limited to 20 minutes)
Subject: |
3. King Financial Consulting Presentation- Kendal King
Subject: |
4. Adjournment to Closed Meeting for Personnel
Pursuant to IL Open Meetings Act: 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1): The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the district to determine its validity. |
Subject: |
5. Agenda Action and Public Notes
Subject: |
6. Board Member Code of Conduct- 4. I will take no private action that might compromise the board or administration and will respect the confidentiality of privileged information.
Subject: |
7. Board President, Mr. Learnard, Discussion Items
Subject: |
7.a. English and Language Arts (ELA) College and Career Readiness
Subject: |
7.b. DACC Rhetoric Placement Test Preparation
Subject: |
7.c. Athletic Committee
Subject: |
7.d. Surplus (Commercial Mixer) Pricing
Subject: |
7.e. Metal Detection Wand for Security
Subject: |
7.f. 2024 Working Cash Bond
Subject: |
8. Committee Reports
Subject: |
8.a. Building and Grounds
Subject: |
8.b. Finance
Subject: |
8.c. Personnel
Subject: |
9. Consent Agenda: Consent agenda items will be considered without discussion, unless a Board Member asks to have items removed for discussion prior to action.
Subject: |
9.a. Approve: Setting of Sale Price on a Commercial Mixer
Subject: |
9.b. Approve: The district reserves the right under reasonable suspicion to utilize metal detector wand searches on school grounds and at school-sponsored activities.
Subject: |
10. Human Resources: Employments, Employment Changes, Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements, Extracurricular Assignments/Changes
Subject: |
10.a. Approve: Maternity Leave through October 18, 2024- Meghan Sollars
Subject: |
10.b. Accept: Resignation of PC Permanent Substitute Teacher- Dusti Gocken
Subject: |
10.c. Accept: Resignation Literacy Coach - Jayme Attutis
Subject: |
10.d. Accept: Resignation of Fifth Grade Teacher - Emily Stephenson
Subject: |
10.e. Accept: Resignation of Title I Teaching Assistant - Sarah Runyan
Subject: |
10.f. Accept: Resignation Long-Term Substitute - Lesley Roughton
Subject: |
10.g. Accept: Resignation of Special Education Teacher - Penny Higgins
Subject: |
10.h. Accept: Resignation of Grow Your Own Teacher Candidate - Tatiana Cundiff
Subject: |
10.i. Approve: GRHS Associate Principal Hire - Brad Russell
Subject: |
10.j. Approve: Retirement of Principal Effective June 30, 2027, with an Annual Salary Increase of 6%- Kevin Thomas
Subject: |
10.k. Approve: Literacy Coach Hire - Emily Stephenson
Subject: |
10.l. Approve: Personal Aide Hire- Graicea Nose
Subject: |
10.m. Approve: Pine Crest Special Education Teacher Hire- Angela Cooperider
Subject: |
10.n. Approve: Grow-Your-Own First Grade Teacher Long Term Substitute Hire - Sarah Runyan
Subject: |
10.o. Approve: 5th Grade Teacher Hire- Sean Harrison
Subject: |
10.p. Approve: Part-Time Personal Aide Hire - Skyler Switzer
Subject: |
10.q. Approve: Grown-Your-Own Kindergarten Substitute Teacher Hire - Polly Colter
Subject: |
10.r. Approve: MMJH Administrative Assistant Hire - Jennifer Lane
Subject: |
10.s. Approve: MMJH Permanent Substitute Teacher Hire - Megan Savage
Subject: |
10.t. Approve: MMJH PE Aide Hire - Kennedy Barney
Subject: |
10.u. Approve: MMJH Teaching Aide Hire - Emma Reining
Subject: |
10.v. Approve: MMJH Cross Country Coach Hire - Abby Razmus
Subject: |
11. District Financials
Subject: |
11.a. Action: District Receipts and Accounts Payable - June 2024
Subject: |
11.b. Approve: 2024-2025 Sealed Fuel Bid Awarded to Illini FS (Gasoline and Diesel Fixed Margin Per Gallon .10).
Subject: |
11.c. Approve: Website and Social Media Annual Stipend of $3,900 - Trent Eisenbarth
Subject: |
11.d. Approve: Website and Social Media Posting $3,600 Stipend - Erin Meeker
Subject: |
11.e. Approve: Direction Bore New 2" Conduit Under the Retraining Wall and Track Into the Infield in the amount of $8,177.
Subject: |
11.f. Approve: 8X10 Walkin Freezer With Floor and a Trenton Evaporator Coil in the Amount of $21,708.33 to Simpson Refrigeration
Subject: |
11.g. Approve: Varsity Football Helmet Replacement from BSN Sports in the Amount of $9,568.71
Subject: |
11.h. Approve: 1-Full Time Speech and Language Pathology Assessment and Services Contract for 2024-2025 SY in the amount of $93,912 with Parallel.
Subject: |
11.i. Approve: Superintendent Salary
Subject: |
11.j. Approve: Associate High School Principal Base Salary
Subject: |
12. Second Reading: School Board Policy
Subject: |
12.a. 5:100 Staff Development Program
Subject: |
12.b. 2:50 Board Member Term of Office
Subject: |
12.c. 2:60 Board Member Removal From Office
Subject: |
12.d. 2:70 Vacancies on the Board of Education - Filling Vacancies
Subject: |
12.e. 2:125 Board Member Compensation Expenses
Subject: |
12.f. 2:140 Communications To and From the Board
Subject: |
12.g. 2:160 Board Attorney
Subject: |
12.h. 4:15 Identity Protection
Subject: |
12.i. 4:80 Accounting and Audits
Subject: |
12.j. 4:110 Transportation
Subject: |
12.k. 5:35 Complance with the Fair Labor Standards Act
Subject: |
12.l. 5:40 Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease
Subject: |
12.m. 5:180 Temporary Illness or Temporary Incapacity
Subject: |
12.n. 5:290 Employment Terminiation and Suspensions
Subject: |
12.o. 5:310 Compensatory Time Off
Subject: |
12.p. 6:40 Curriculum Development
Subject: |
12.q. 6:110 Programs for Students at Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives
Subject: |
12.r. 6:150 Home and Hospital Instruction
Subject: |
12.s. 4:70 Resource Conservation
Subject: |
12.t. 5:130 Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information
Subject: |
12.u. 5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal
Subject: |
12.v. 5:250 leaves of Absence
Subject: |
12.w. 6:140 Education of Homeless Children
Subject: |
12.x. 6:230 Library Media Program
Subject: |
12.y. 7:60 Residence
Subject: |
12.z. 7:190 Student Behavior
Subject: |
12.aa. 7.270 Administering Medicines to Students
Subject: |
13. Adjourn