Meeting Agenda
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting/s (Addendum)
1.A. Minutes of Special Called Meeting, September 28, 2016
1.B. Minutes of Regular Meeting, October 18, 2016
1.C. Minutes of Public Hearing and Meeting, November 1, 2016
2. School Assistant Superintendents
2.A. November Board Agenda
3. Ptomey
3.A. November Board Agenda
3.B. Approval of Official Textbook Adoption Committee
3.C. Monthly Head Start and Early Head Start Report - October 2016
3.D. College Board District Integrated Summary Report 2015-2016
3.E. SAT Scores - Longitudinal Report
4. Knippel
4.A. Board Agenda
4.B. District Police Activity Report
4.C. Monthly Student Discipline Hearing Report
4.D. District Discipline Dashboard
5. Garza
5.A. Agenda
5.B. Calendar and Events
6. DeWalt
6.A. Agenda
6.B. Approval of Release of Judgment Liens and to Authorize District Counsel to Execute and File Notices of Release of Liens in Harris County District Courts
6.C. Approval of Release of Abstract Judgments and to Authorize District Assistant Superintendent for Finance to Execute Release of Abstract Liens Filed In Harris County District Courts
6.D. Approval of Release of Uncollectable Abstract Judgment Liens Filed in Harris County District Courts
6.E. Resolution of Uncollectable Abstract of Judgment Liens
6.F. Status Report on Settlement Agreement in Federal Investigation of Discrimination Charge No.: 197-74-537
6.G. Approval of FInal Proposed Resolution Agreement of OCR Complaint No. 06-16-1367 regarding the district's website
7. Hazzan
7.A. Agenda
7.B. Ratification of the Check Register
7.C. Approval of Bids
7.C.1. Instructional Supplies, Materials and Equipment RFP# PURCH 1415-1 (T)
7.C.2. Performing Arts Supplies, Materials, Services and Equipment RFP# PAD 1415-28 (N)
7.C.3. Photography Services RFP# PURCH 1415-3 (H)
7.C.4. Professional and Consulting Services RFP# 1415-11 (M)
7.C.5. Student and District Activities and Venues RFP# PURCH 1415-52 (I)
7.C.6. Electrical Supplies and Fixtures RFP# MNT 1617-5
7.C.7. Alternators and Starters RFP# TRN 1617-6
7.C.8. Bus Transmissions RFP# TRN 1617-7
7.D. Approval of Budget Amendment for Period 5 for the 2016-2017
7.D.1. General Fund
7.E. Approval of Monthly Tax Office Refunds
7.F. Approval of Contracts and Purchases Over $50,000 - addendum
7.G. Approval of Resolution Regarding Discrepancies for Certain Employees from 2007 to 2014 - addendum
7.H. Approval of Public Hearing on Schools FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) A special hearing will be conducted during the regular board meeting to report the Schools FIRST accountability rating for Aldine ISD
7.I. Approval of Audited Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2016 - addendum
7.J. Approval of an order authorizing the issuance of Aldine Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2017; levying a tax and providing for the security and payment thereof; providing the award of the sale thereof in accordance with specified parameters; authorizing the execution and delivery of a purchase contract, a paying agent/registrar agreement and an escrow agreement relating to such bonds; approving the preparation of an official statement; and enacting other
provisions relating thereto - addendum |
7.K. Monthly Tax Office Report
7.L. Monthly Revenue Status & Budget Analysis
7.M. Monthly Investment Report
7.N. Quarterly Investment Report
7.O. Follow up on Region 6 Epic 6 Interlocal Agreement
7.P. Aldine ISD Comprehensive Property List - addendum
7.Q. Buses Auction Sale Summary
7.R. Band Instruments Auction Sale Summary
7.S. District Vendor List
8. Chapa
8.A. HR Agenda
8.B. Monthly Human Resources Personnel Report
8.C. Monthly Vacancy List
8.D. Monthly Approved Staff Assignments
8.E. Monthly Personnel Assignments and Recommendations
9. Blanson
9.A. Agenda - November
9.B. Approval of Competitive Bids for The Site Clearing Package at Lauder Road for the New EC/Pre-K/K and Middle School
9.C. Approval of Competitive Sealed Proposals for the Anderson Academy and Carver High School Additions and Renovations Phase II
9.D. Approval of Competitive Sealed Proposals for the Career and Technology Education High School
9.E. Bond Update
9.F. Report from Facilities Planning and Construction
9.G. Report from Athletics
9.H. Report from Buildings & Properties
9.I. Report from Child Nutrition
9.J. Report from Maintenance
9.K. Report from Technology
9.L. Report from Transportation
9.M. Property Acquisition Update-land use
10. Bamberg
10.A. Agenda - November 2016
10.B. Approval of Amendment of Contract with Memorial Herman
10.C. Approval of District of Innovation Committee
10.D. Nominating Committee - Election of 2017 Board Officers
10.E. Presentation of Annual Donation to AEF and ASF
10.F. Parent Advisory and Steering Committee Meeting Debrief
10.G. Correspondence
10.G.1. TEA Letter - Student Recognition
11. Addendums
11.A. School Assistant Superintendents
11.A.1. November Board Agenda - ADDENDUM
11.A.1.a. Academic Support Plan - ADDENDUM
11.B. Ptomey
11.B.1. November Board Agenda - ADDENDUM
11.B.2. Approval of 2016-2017 District Improvement Plan - ADDENDUM
11.B.3. Author and Illustrator Visit - ADDENDUM
11.B.4. Aldine Magnet Festival - ADDENDUM
11.C. Knippel
11.C.1. November Board Agenda Addendum
11.C.2. Monthly School Enrollment
11.D. Garza
11.D.1. Agenda
11.D.2. Legislative Update
11.D.3. Calendar and Events
11.D.4. Monthly Media Update
11.D.5. Monthly News Releases
11.E. DeWalt
11.F. Hazzan
11.F.1. Agenda Addendum
11.F.2. Approval of Contracts and Purchases Over $50,000
11.F.3. Approval of Resolution Regarding Discrepancies for Certain Employees from 2007 to 2014
11.F.4. Approval of Recommendation for Board Authorization to Negotiate and Execute Settlement Agreements Regarding Compensation Overpayments for Former Employees as Discussed in Executive Session - (hard copy)
11.F.5. Approval of Audited Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2016
11.F.6. Approval of an order authorizing the issuance of Aldine Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2017; levying a tax and providing for the security and payment thereof; providing the award of the sale thereof in accordance with specified parameters; authorizing the execution and delivery of a purchase contract, a paying agent/registrar agreement and an escrow agreement relating to such bonds; approving the preparation of an official statement; and enacting other provisions relating thereto
11.F.7. Aldine ISD Comprehensive Property List
11.G. Chapa
11.G.1. HR Agenda
11.G.2. Approval of Resolution & Interlocal Agreement with Region 10 - Provide FICA Alternative Plan
11.G.3. Monthly Human Resources Personnel Report
11.H. Blanson
11.I. Bamberg
11.I.1. Addendum Agenda - November 2016
11.I.2. Approval of District of Innovation Committee list
11.I.3. School Safety for Arrival and Dismissal
11.I.4. Progress on East Aldine Early College and Lone Star Agreement
11.I.5. Acceptance of Board Member Resignation
11.I.6. Adoption of Board Member Selection Process
12. Handouts given out at Study Session night
12.A. School Assistant Superintendents
12.B. Ptomey
12.B.1. Consent Item 2 - Approval of DIP 16-17
12.C. Knippel
12.D. Garza
12.E. DeWalt
12.F. Hazzan
12.G. Chapa
12.H. Blanson
12.I. Bamberg
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 14, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Study Session | |
Subject: |
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting/s (Addendum)
Subject: |
1.A. Minutes of Special Called Meeting, September 28, 2016
Subject: |
1.B. Minutes of Regular Meeting, October 18, 2016
Subject: |
1.C. Minutes of Public Hearing and Meeting, November 1, 2016
Subject: |
2. School Assistant Superintendents
School Assistant Superintendents
Subject: |
2.A. November Board Agenda
Subject: |
3. Ptomey
Sara Ptomey
Subject: |
3.A. November Board Agenda
Subject: |
3.B. Approval of Official Textbook Adoption Committee
Subject: |
3.C. Monthly Head Start and Early Head Start Report - October 2016
Subject: |
3.D. College Board District Integrated Summary Report 2015-2016
Subject: |
3.E. SAT Scores - Longitudinal Report
Subject: |
4. Knippel
Ken Knippel
Subject: |
4.A. Board Agenda
Subject: |
4.B. District Police Activity Report
Subject: |
4.C. Monthly Student Discipline Hearing Report
Subject: |
4.D. District Discipline Dashboard
Subject: |
5. Garza
Abel Garza
Subject: |
5.A. Agenda
Subject: |
5.B. Calendar and Events
Subject: |
6. DeWalt
Kaye DeWalt
Subject: |
6.A. Agenda
Subject: |
6.B. Approval of Release of Judgment Liens and to Authorize District Counsel to Execute and File Notices of Release of Liens in Harris County District Courts
Subject: |
6.C. Approval of Release of Abstract Judgments and to Authorize District Assistant Superintendent for Finance to Execute Release of Abstract Liens Filed In Harris County District Courts
Subject: |
6.D. Approval of Release of Uncollectable Abstract Judgment Liens Filed in Harris County District Courts
Subject: |
6.E. Resolution of Uncollectable Abstract of Judgment Liens
Subject: |
6.F. Status Report on Settlement Agreement in Federal Investigation of Discrimination Charge No.: 197-74-537
Subject: |
6.G. Approval of FInal Proposed Resolution Agreement of OCR Complaint No. 06-16-1367 regarding the district's website
Subject: |
7. Hazzan
Anne Hazzan
Subject: |
7.A. Agenda
Subject: |
7.B. Ratification of the Check Register
Subject: |
7.C. Approval of Bids
Subject: |
7.C.1. Instructional Supplies, Materials and Equipment RFP# PURCH 1415-1 (T)
Subject: |
7.C.2. Performing Arts Supplies, Materials, Services and Equipment RFP# PAD 1415-28 (N)
Subject: |
7.C.3. Photography Services RFP# PURCH 1415-3 (H)
Subject: |
7.C.4. Professional and Consulting Services RFP# 1415-11 (M)
Subject: |
7.C.5. Student and District Activities and Venues RFP# PURCH 1415-52 (I)
Subject: |
7.C.6. Electrical Supplies and Fixtures RFP# MNT 1617-5
Subject: |
7.C.7. Alternators and Starters RFP# TRN 1617-6
Subject: |
7.C.8. Bus Transmissions RFP# TRN 1617-7
Subject: |
7.D. Approval of Budget Amendment for Period 5 for the 2016-2017
Subject: |
7.D.1. General Fund
Subject: |
7.E. Approval of Monthly Tax Office Refunds
Subject: |
7.F. Approval of Contracts and Purchases Over $50,000 - addendum
Subject: |
7.G. Approval of Resolution Regarding Discrepancies for Certain Employees from 2007 to 2014 - addendum
Subject: |
7.H. Approval of Public Hearing on Schools FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) A special hearing will be conducted during the regular board meeting to report the Schools FIRST accountability rating for Aldine ISD
Subject: |
7.I. Approval of Audited Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2016 - addendum
Subject: |
7.J. Approval of an order authorizing the issuance of Aldine Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2017; levying a tax and providing for the security and payment thereof; providing the award of the sale thereof in accordance with specified parameters; authorizing the execution and delivery of a purchase contract, a paying agent/registrar agreement and an escrow agreement relating to such bonds; approving the preparation of an official statement; and enacting other
provisions relating thereto - addendum |
Subject: |
7.K. Monthly Tax Office Report
Subject: |
7.L. Monthly Revenue Status & Budget Analysis
Subject: |
7.M. Monthly Investment Report
Subject: |
7.N. Quarterly Investment Report
Subject: |
7.O. Follow up on Region 6 Epic 6 Interlocal Agreement
Subject: |
7.P. Aldine ISD Comprehensive Property List - addendum
Subject: |
7.Q. Buses Auction Sale Summary
Subject: |
7.R. Band Instruments Auction Sale Summary
Subject: |
7.S. District Vendor List
Subject: |
8. Chapa
Selina Chapa
Subject: |
8.A. HR Agenda
HR Agenda
Subject: |
8.B. Monthly Human Resources Personnel Report
Monthly Human Resources Personnel Report
Subject: |
8.C. Monthly Vacancy List
Monthly Vacancy List
Subject: |
8.D. Monthly Approved Staff Assignments
Monthly Approved Staff Assignments
Subject: |
8.E. Monthly Personnel Assignments and Recommendations
Monthly Personnel Assignments and Recommendations
Subject: |
9. Blanson
Archie Blanson
Subject: |
9.A. Agenda - November
Subject: |
9.B. Approval of Competitive Bids for The Site Clearing Package at Lauder Road for the New EC/Pre-K/K and Middle School
Subject: |
9.C. Approval of Competitive Sealed Proposals for the Anderson Academy and Carver High School Additions and Renovations Phase II
Subject: |
9.D. Approval of Competitive Sealed Proposals for the Career and Technology Education High School
Subject: |
9.E. Bond Update
Subject: |
9.F. Report from Facilities Planning and Construction
Subject: |
9.G. Report from Athletics
Subject: |
9.H. Report from Buildings & Properties
Subject: |
9.I. Report from Child Nutrition
Subject: |
9.J. Report from Maintenance
Subject: |
9.K. Report from Technology
Subject: |
9.L. Report from Transportation
Subject: |
9.M. Property Acquisition Update-land use
Subject: |
10. Bamberg
Wanda Bamberg
Subject: |
10.A. Agenda - November 2016
Subject: |
10.B. Approval of Amendment of Contract with Memorial Herman
Subject: |
10.C. Approval of District of Innovation Committee
Subject: |
10.D. Nominating Committee - Election of 2017 Board Officers
Subject: |
10.E. Presentation of Annual Donation to AEF and ASF
Subject: |
10.F. Parent Advisory and Steering Committee Meeting Debrief
Subject: |
10.G. Correspondence
Subject: |
10.G.1. TEA Letter - Student Recognition
Subject: |
11. Addendums
Subject: |
11.A. School Assistant Superintendents
Subject: |
11.A.1. November Board Agenda - ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.A.1.a. Academic Support Plan - ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.B. Ptomey
Subject: |
11.B.1. November Board Agenda - ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.B.2. Approval of 2016-2017 District Improvement Plan - ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.B.3. Author and Illustrator Visit - ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.B.4. Aldine Magnet Festival - ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.C. Knippel
Subject: |
11.C.1. November Board Agenda Addendum
Subject: |
11.C.2. Monthly School Enrollment
Subject: |
11.D. Garza
Subject: |
11.D.1. Agenda
Subject: |
11.D.2. Legislative Update
Subject: |
11.D.3. Calendar and Events
Subject: |
11.D.4. Monthly Media Update
Subject: |
11.D.5. Monthly News Releases
Subject: |
11.E. DeWalt
Subject: |
11.F. Hazzan
Subject: |
11.F.1. Agenda Addendum
Subject: |
11.F.2. Approval of Contracts and Purchases Over $50,000
Subject: |
11.F.3. Approval of Resolution Regarding Discrepancies for Certain Employees from 2007 to 2014
Subject: |
11.F.4. Approval of Recommendation for Board Authorization to Negotiate and Execute Settlement Agreements Regarding Compensation Overpayments for Former Employees as Discussed in Executive Session - (hard copy)
Subject: |
11.F.5. Approval of Audited Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2016
Subject: |
11.F.6. Approval of an order authorizing the issuance of Aldine Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2017; levying a tax and providing for the security and payment thereof; providing the award of the sale thereof in accordance with specified parameters; authorizing the execution and delivery of a purchase contract, a paying agent/registrar agreement and an escrow agreement relating to such bonds; approving the preparation of an official statement; and enacting other provisions relating thereto
Subject: |
11.F.7. Aldine ISD Comprehensive Property List
Subject: |
11.G. Chapa
Subject: |
11.G.1. HR Agenda
HR Agenda
Subject: |
11.G.2. Approval of Resolution & Interlocal Agreement with Region 10 - Provide FICA Alternative Plan
Approval of Resolution & Interlocal Agreement with Region 10 - provide FICA Alternative Plan
Subject: |
11.G.3. Monthly Human Resources Personnel Report
Monthly Human Resources Personnel Report
Subject: |
11.H. Blanson
Subject: |
11.I. Bamberg
Subject: |
11.I.1. Addendum Agenda - November 2016
Subject: |
11.I.2. Approval of District of Innovation Committee list
Subject: |
11.I.3. School Safety for Arrival and Dismissal
Subject: |
11.I.4. Progress on East Aldine Early College and Lone Star Agreement
Subject: |
11.I.5. Acceptance of Board Member Resignation
Subject: |
11.I.6. Adoption of Board Member Selection Process
Subject: |
12. Handouts given out at Study Session night
Subject: |
12.A. School Assistant Superintendents
Subject: |
12.B. Ptomey
Subject: |
12.B.1. Consent Item 2 - Approval of DIP 16-17
Subject: |
12.C. Knippel
Subject: |
12.D. Garza
Subject: |
12.E. DeWalt
Subject: |
12.F. Hazzan
Subject: |
12.G. Chapa
Subject: |
12.H. Blanson
Subject: |
12.I. Bamberg