Meeting Agenda
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting/s
1.A. Addendum
2. Area Superintendents
2.A. Agenda
2.B. Calendar
2.C. Out of State Travel - MacArthur Area
2.D. Monthly Update
3. Ptomey
3.A. Agenda - July 20, 2015
3.B. 2015-2016 District Improvement Plan
3.C. Head Start Program Shared Governance and Management Responsibilities - School Board
3.D. Head Start Update
3.E. Longitudinal Summary Reports
3.F. 2013-2014 Annual Dropout Summary Report
4. Knippel
4.A. Board Agenda
4.B. Student Code of Conduct
4.C. District Activity Report
4.D. Hearing Report
5. Garza
5.A. Agenda
5.B. Calendar
5.C. Fall Voter Registration Drive at High Schools
5.D. November Election Ballot and Timeline
6. DeWalt
6.A. Agenda
6.B. Release of Judgment Liens
6.C. Resolution of Judgment Liens
6.D. Release of Abstracts
6.E. Resolution of Abstracts
7. Hazzan
7.A. Agenda
7.B. Ratification of the check register
7.C. Bids
7.C.1. Commerical Lawn Equipment RFP# BPD 1415-51
7.C.2. Commercial Custodial Equipment RFP# BPD 1415-49
7.C.3. Awards, Incentives and Spirit Apparel RFP# PURCH 1415-8 (H)
7.C.4. Instructional Supplies, Materials and Equipment RFP# PURCH 1415-1 (H)
7.C.5. Performing Arts Supplies, Materials, Services and Equipment RFP# PAD 1415-28 (C)
7.C.6. Professional and Consulting Services RFP# PURCH 1415-11 (A)
7.C.7. Student Activity Venues RFP# PURCH 1415-52
7.C.8. Contract Renewals
7.D. Monthly Tax Office Refunds
7.E. Revenue Status & Budget Analysis
7.F. Monthly Investment Report
7.G. Summary Grant Report
7.H. Materials Auction Summary
7.I. District Vendor List
8. Chapa
8.A. HR Agenda
8.B. Vacancy List
9. Blanson
9.A. Agenda- July
9.B. Competitive Sealed Proposals for Greenspoint Elementary School
9.C. Resolution Authorizing Executive Director of Facilities Planning and Construction to Sign and Execute Legal Documents to Enter into Contract for Professional Services and Construction Services
9.D. Aldine Education Center Building Update
9.E. Facilities Planning and Construction Report
9.F. Buildings and Properties Report
9.G. Child Nutrition Report
9.H. Maintenance Report
9.I. Technology Report
9.J. Transportation Report
10. Bamberg
10.A. Agenda
10.B. TASB Board of Director Candidate Endorsemens, Region 4- Position A and C
10.C. Summer Leadership Conference (SLI) Debrief
10.D. Delegate and Alternate to TASA/TASB Convention
10.E. 2014-2015 Board Dashboard
10.F. Support for New Administrators Staff (Principal & Assistant Principal)
10.G. TASA/TASB Conference - October 2-4, 2015
10.H. Steering Committee Bond Presentations (David Sturtz & Paul Mills)
10.I. Superintendent Evaluation - Final Notes
10.J. Superintendent Contract
10.K. Board Audit - Final Notes
10.L. Correspondence
11. Addendums
11.A. Area Superintendents
11.A.1. Agenda Addendum
11.A.2. INVEST Appraisal Calendar 2015-2016
11.B. Ptomey
11.B.1. Agenda Addendum
11.B.2. Academic Support Plan - Addendum
11.B.3. STAAR Reading Results for Grades 5 & 8 - Addendum
11.C. Knippel
11.D. Garza
11.D.1. Agenda
11.D.2. Calendar
11.D.3. November Election Ballot and Timeline
11.E. DeWalt
11.E.1. Agenda Addendum
11.E.2. Modification of Policy Regarding Partial Payments of Taxes
11.E.3. Policy Regarding Partial Payments of Taxes on Non-Residential Homestead Property
11.E.4. Policy Regarding Partial Payments of Taxes on Residential Homestead Property
11.E.5. Revisions to DH (LOCAL) on Employee Standards Conduct regarding Workplace Bullying - Second and Final Reading
11.F. Hazzan
11.F.1. Agenda Addendum
11.F.2. Tax Office Report
11.F.3. Bids
11.F.3.a. Commercial Lawn Equipment RFP# BPD 1415-51
11.F.3.b. Commercial Custodial Equipment RFP# BPD 1415-49
11.F.3.c. Awards, Incentives and Spirit Apparel RFP# PURCH
1415-8 (H)
11.F.3.d. Instructional Supplies, Materials and Equipment
RFP# PURCH 1415-1 (H)
11.F.3.e. Performing Arts Supplies, Materials, Services
and Equipment RFP# PAD 1415-28 (C)
11.F.3.f. Professional and Consulting Services RFP# PURCH
1415-11 (A)
11.F.3.g. Student Activity Venues RFP# PURCH 1415-52
11.F.3.h. Basketball Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-59
11.F.3.i. Errors and Omissions Statement for High Volume Grocery Supplies, Frozen and Refrigerated Foods, Paper and Plastic Goods RFP# CND 1415-32
11.F.3.j. Contract Renewals
11.F.4. Monthly Tax Office Refunds
11.F.5. Revenue Status & Budget Analysis
11.F.6. Monthly Investment Report
11.F.7. Summary Grant Report
11.F.8. Whitley Penn, LLP Board of Trustees Audit Questionnaire
11.G. Chapa
11.G.1. HR Agenda
11.G.2. Assignments & Recommendations List
11.G.3. Correspondence
11.H. Blanson
11.H.1. Agenda - July_Addendum
11.H.2. HB 283, Video Taping of Board Meetings - ADDENDUM
11.H.3. H.B. No. 283 Bill
11.I. Bamberg
11.I.1. Agenda- Addendum
11.I.2. Resolution for Employee pay for June 16th
11.I.3. 2014-2015 Board Dashboard and ADDENDUM
11.I.4. Steering Committee Bond Presentations (David Sturtz & Paul Mills) and ADDENDUM
11.I.5. Board Goals 2015-2016
11.I.6. Board Workshops and Training
11.I.7. Calendar of Board Events and Activities
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | July 20, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Study Session | |
Subject: |
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting/s
Subject: |
1.A. Addendum
Subject: |
2. Area Superintendents
Area Superintendents
Subject: |
2.A. Agenda
Subject: |
2.B. Calendar
Subject: |
2.C. Out of State Travel - MacArthur Area
MacArthur High School Cross Country Team Trip
Subject: |
2.D. Monthly Update
Subject: |
3. Ptomey
Sara Ptomey
Subject: |
3.A. Agenda - July 20, 2015
Subject: |
3.B. 2015-2016 District Improvement Plan
Subject: |
3.C. Head Start Program Shared Governance and Management Responsibilities - School Board
Subject: |
3.D. Head Start Update
Subject: |
3.E. Longitudinal Summary Reports
Subject: |
3.F. 2013-2014 Annual Dropout Summary Report
Subject: |
4. Knippel
Ken Knippel
Subject: |
4.A. Board Agenda
Subject: |
4.B. Student Code of Conduct
Subject: |
4.C. District Activity Report
Subject: |
4.D. Hearing Report
Subject: |
5. Garza
Abel Garza
Subject: |
5.A. Agenda
Subject: |
5.B. Calendar
Subject: |
5.C. Fall Voter Registration Drive at High Schools
Subject: |
5.D. November Election Ballot and Timeline
Subject: |
6. DeWalt
Kaye DeWalt
Subject: |
6.A. Agenda
Subject: |
6.B. Release of Judgment Liens
Subject: |
6.C. Resolution of Judgment Liens
Subject: |
6.D. Release of Abstracts
Subject: |
6.E. Resolution of Abstracts
Subject: |
7. Hazzan
Anne Hazzan
Subject: |
7.A. Agenda
Subject: |
7.B. Ratification of the check register
Subject: |
7.C. Bids
Subject: |
7.C.1. Commerical Lawn Equipment RFP# BPD 1415-51
Subject: |
7.C.2. Commercial Custodial Equipment RFP# BPD 1415-49
Subject: |
7.C.3. Awards, Incentives and Spirit Apparel RFP# PURCH 1415-8 (H)
Subject: |
7.C.4. Instructional Supplies, Materials and Equipment RFP# PURCH 1415-1 (H)
Subject: |
7.C.5. Performing Arts Supplies, Materials, Services and Equipment RFP# PAD 1415-28 (C)
Subject: |
7.C.6. Professional and Consulting Services RFP# PURCH 1415-11 (A)
Subject: |
7.C.7. Student Activity Venues RFP# PURCH 1415-52
Subject: |
7.C.8. Contract Renewals
Subject: |
7.D. Monthly Tax Office Refunds
Subject: |
7.E. Revenue Status & Budget Analysis
Subject: |
7.F. Monthly Investment Report
Subject: |
7.G. Summary Grant Report
Subject: |
7.H. Materials Auction Summary
Subject: |
7.I. District Vendor List
Subject: |
8. Chapa
Selina Chapa
Subject: |
8.A. HR Agenda
HR Agenda
Subject: |
8.B. Vacancy List
Vacancy List
Subject: |
9. Blanson
Archie Blanson
Subject: |
9.A. Agenda- July
Subject: |
9.B. Competitive Sealed Proposals for Greenspoint Elementary School
Subject: |
9.C. Resolution Authorizing Executive Director of Facilities Planning and Construction to Sign and Execute Legal Documents to Enter into Contract for Professional Services and Construction Services
Subject: |
9.D. Aldine Education Center Building Update
Subject: |
9.E. Facilities Planning and Construction Report
Subject: |
9.F. Buildings and Properties Report
Subject: |
9.G. Child Nutrition Report
Subject: |
9.H. Maintenance Report
Subject: |
9.I. Technology Report
Subject: |
9.J. Transportation Report
Subject: |
10. Bamberg
Wanda Bamberg
Subject: |
10.A. Agenda
Subject: |
10.B. TASB Board of Director Candidate Endorsemens, Region 4- Position A and C
Subject: |
10.C. Summer Leadership Conference (SLI) Debrief
Subject: |
10.D. Delegate and Alternate to TASA/TASB Convention
Subject: |
10.E. 2014-2015 Board Dashboard
Subject: |
10.F. Support for New Administrators Staff (Principal & Assistant Principal)
Subject: |
10.G. TASA/TASB Conference - October 2-4, 2015
Subject: |
10.H. Steering Committee Bond Presentations (David Sturtz & Paul Mills)
Subject: |
10.I. Superintendent Evaluation - Final Notes
Subject: |
10.J. Superintendent Contract
Subject: |
10.K. Board Audit - Final Notes
Subject: |
10.L. Correspondence
Subject: |
11. Addendums
Subject: |
11.A. Area Superintendents
Subject: |
11.A.1. Agenda Addendum
Subject: |
11.A.2. INVEST Appraisal Calendar 2015-2016
Subject: |
11.B. Ptomey
Subject: |
11.B.1. Agenda Addendum
Subject: |
11.B.2. Academic Support Plan - Addendum
Subject: |
11.B.3. STAAR Reading Results for Grades 5 & 8 - Addendum
Subject: |
11.C. Knippel
Subject: |
11.D. Garza
Subject: |
11.D.1. Agenda
Subject: |
11.D.2. Calendar
Subject: |
11.D.3. November Election Ballot and Timeline
Subject: |
11.E. DeWalt
Subject: |
11.E.1. Agenda Addendum
Subject: |
11.E.2. Modification of Policy Regarding Partial Payments of Taxes
Subject: |
11.E.3. Policy Regarding Partial Payments of Taxes on Non-Residential Homestead Property
Subject: |
11.E.4. Policy Regarding Partial Payments of Taxes on Residential Homestead Property
Subject: |
11.E.5. Revisions to DH (LOCAL) on Employee Standards Conduct regarding Workplace Bullying - Second and Final Reading
Subject: |
11.F. Hazzan
Subject: |
11.F.1. Agenda Addendum
Subject: |
11.F.2. Tax Office Report
Subject: |
11.F.3. Bids
Subject: |
11.F.3.a. Commercial Lawn Equipment RFP# BPD 1415-51
Subject: |
11.F.3.b. Commercial Custodial Equipment RFP# BPD 1415-49
Subject: |
11.F.3.c. Awards, Incentives and Spirit Apparel RFP# PURCH
1415-8 (H)
Subject: |
11.F.3.d. Instructional Supplies, Materials and Equipment
RFP# PURCH 1415-1 (H)
Subject: |
11.F.3.e. Performing Arts Supplies, Materials, Services
and Equipment RFP# PAD 1415-28 (C)
Subject: |
11.F.3.f. Professional and Consulting Services RFP# PURCH
1415-11 (A)
Subject: |
11.F.3.g. Student Activity Venues RFP# PURCH 1415-52
Subject: |
11.F.3.h. Basketball Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-59
Subject: |
11.F.3.i. Errors and Omissions Statement for High Volume Grocery Supplies, Frozen and Refrigerated Foods, Paper and Plastic Goods RFP# CND 1415-32
Subject: |
11.F.3.j. Contract Renewals
Subject: |
11.F.4. Monthly Tax Office Refunds
Subject: |
11.F.5. Revenue Status & Budget Analysis
Subject: |
11.F.6. Monthly Investment Report
Subject: |
11.F.7. Summary Grant Report
Subject: |
11.F.8. Whitley Penn, LLP Board of Trustees Audit Questionnaire
Subject: |
11.G. Chapa
Subject: |
11.G.1. HR Agenda
HR Agenda
Subject: |
11.G.2. Assignments & Recommendations List
Assignments & Recommendations List
Subject: |
11.G.3. Correspondence
Subject: |
11.H. Blanson
Subject: |
11.H.1. Agenda - July_Addendum
Subject: |
11.H.2. HB 283, Video Taping of Board Meetings - ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.H.3. H.B. No. 283 Bill
Subject: |
11.I. Bamberg
Subject: |
11.I.1. Agenda- Addendum
Subject: |
11.I.2. Resolution for Employee pay for June 16th
Subject: |
11.I.3. 2014-2015 Board Dashboard and ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.I.4. Steering Committee Bond Presentations (David Sturtz & Paul Mills) and ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.I.5. Board Goals 2015-2016
Subject: |
11.I.6. Board Workshops and Training
Subject: |
11.I.7. Calendar of Board Events and Activities