Meeting Agenda
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting/s (Addendum)
2. School Assistant Superintendents
2.A. Agenda
3. Ptomey
3.A. Agenda
3.B. Memorandum of Understanding-AVANCE-Houston
3.C. Changes to 2015-2016 Academic Calendar
3.D. Class of 2015 Scholarship Recipients
3.E. Head Start Update
3.F. Board Presentation Schedule for 2015-2016
3.G. TPRI/Tejas LEE
3.H. Update on JASON Project / Argonauts
3.I. Student Trips
4. Knippel
4.A. Board Agenda
4.B. District Activity Report
4.C. Hearing Report
5. Garza
5.A. Agenda
5.B. School Board Welcome Back
5.C. Calendar
5.D. Media Update
5.E. News Releases
6. DeWalt
6.A. August Agenda
7. Hazzan
7.A. Agenda
7.B. Tax Office Report
7.C. Ratification of the Check Register
7.D. Bids - addendum
7.D.1. Student Information System RFP# SSV 1415-27
7.D.2. Awards, Incentives and Spirit Apparel RFP# PURCH
1415-8 (I) |
7.D.3. Fundraiser Vendors RFP# PURCH 1415-54
7.D.4. Instructional Supplies, Materials and Equipment
RFP# PURCH 1415-1 (I) |
7.D.5. Professional and Consulting Services RFP# PURCH
1415-11 (B) |
7.D.6. Photography Services RFP# PURCH 1415-3 (D)
7.D.7. Restaurant, Food and Catering Vendors RFP# PURCH
1415-4 (G) |
7.D.8. Retail Stores RFP# PURCH 1415-2 (E)
7.D.9. Travel and Tour Services RFP# PURCH 1415-53
7.D.10. Performing Arts Supplies, Materials, Services
and Equipment RFP# PAD 1415-28 (D) |
7.D.11. Baseball Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-61
7.D.12. Golf Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-60
7.D.13. Soccer Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-57
7.D.14. Softball Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-58
7.D.15. Swimming Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-62
7.D.16. Tennis Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-63
7.D.17. Contract Renewals
7.E. Budget Amendment for Period 2 for the 2015-2016
7.E.1. General Fund
7.F. Monthly Tax Office Refunds
7.G. Approval of purchases / contracts of over $50,000 - addendum
7.H. Ratification purchases / contracts of over $50,000 - addendum
7.I. Revenue Status & Budget Analysis
7.J. Monthly Investment Report
7.K. Quarterly Investment Report
7.L. Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) agreement for Noble Drilling Services, LLC - addendum
7.M. Materials Auction Summary
7.N. District Vendor List
8. Chapa
8.A. HR Agenda
8.B. Corresdondence
9. Blanson
9.A. Agenda- August
9.B. Contract Renewal Bids for the District Wide Marquee, Ceramic Tile, and Plumbing
9.C. Facilities Planning and Construction Report
9.D. Buildings and Properties Report
9.E. Child Nutrition Report
9.F. Maintenance Report
9.G. Technology Report
9.H. Transportation Report
10. Bamberg
10.A. Agenda
10.B. MOU Agreement between Lone Star College System and AISD for Victory Early College HS
10.C. Region 4 Required Board Trainings
10.D. GCAASB Meeting Reminder - September 9, 2015
10.E. Superintendent Evaluation - Information
10.F. Superintendent's Evaluation - Updates
10.G. Correspondence
11. Addendums
11.A. School Assistant Superintendents
11.B. Ptomey
11.B.1. August Agenda - ADDENDUM
11.B.2. Community Youth Service Renewal Contract (CYS) - ADDENDUM
11.B.3. HCDE - Contract for Alternative Placement for Students with ED - ADDENDUM
11.B.4. 2015 State Accountability Ratings - ADDENDUM
11.B.5. Special Board Presentation on JASON Learning by Dr. Eleanor Smalley - ADDENDUM
11.B.6. Quarter 4 Scorecard - ADDENDUM
11.B.7. Summer 2015 STAAR EOC Retest - ADDENDUM
11.C. Knippel
11.D. Garza
11.D.1. Agenda
11.D.2. Organization Chart
11.E. DeWalt
11.E.1. Agenda Addendum
11.E.2. Agenda Item Revisions - DEC (LOCAL) and CH (LOCAL)
11.E.2.a. DEC (LOCAL) Revisions 08-18-15
11.E.2.b. CH (LOCAL) Revisions 08-18-15
11.F. Hazzan
11.F.1. Agenda Addendum
11.F.2. Bids
11.F.2.a. Student Information System RFP# SSV 1415-27
11.F.2.b. 403(b) Third Party Administrator RFP# HR 1415-44
11.F.2.c. Employee Benefits Request for Proposals
THCP RFP# 15-07-03 Wellness Vendor THCP RFP# 15-03-04 Pharmacy Vendor THCP RFP# 15-03-05 Dental Vendor and Vision THCP RFP# 15-03-06 Ancillary Vendor (Critical Illness, Cancer Care, Hospital Indemnity, Accident Plans) |
11.F.2.d. Awards, Incentives and Spirit Apparel RFP# PURCH 1415-8 (I)
11.F.2.e. Fundraiser Vendors RFP# PURCH 1415-54
11.F.2.f. Instructional Supplies, Materials and Equipment
RFP# PURCH 1415-1 (I) |
11.F.2.g. Professional and Consulting Services RFP# PURCH
1415-11 (B) |
11.F.2.h. Photography Services RFP# PURCH 1415-3 (D)
11.F.2.i. Restaurant, Food and Catering Vendors RFP# PURCH
1415-4 (G) |
11.F.2.j. Retail Stores RFP# PURCH 1415-2 (E)
11.F.2.k. Travel and Tour Services RFP# PURCH 1415-53
11.F.2.l. Performing Arts Supplies, Materials, Services and Equipment RFP# PAD 1415-28 (D)
11.F.2.m. Baseball Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-61
11.F.2.n. Golf Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-60
11.F.2.o. Soccer Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-57
11.F.2.p. Softball Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-58
11.F.2.q. Swimming Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-62
11.F.2.r. Tennis Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-63
11.F.2.s. Dust Mop Services RFP# BPD 14-15-50
11.F.2.t. Contract Renewals
11.F.3. Approval of contracts and purchases over $50,000
11.F.4. Ratification of contracts and purchases over $50,000
11.F.5. AISD property use recap
11.F.6. Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) agreement for Noble Drilling Services, LLC
11.G. Chapa
11.G.1. HR Agenda
11.G.2. Discussion
11.H. Blanson
11.H.1. Agenda- August Addendum
11.H.2. Competitive Sealed Proposals for Band Hall Additions/Renovations at Hambrick, Hoffmann, Shotwell, and Teague Middle Schools
11.I. Bamberg
11.I.1. Agenda- ADDENDUM
11.I.2. School Board Trustee Election
11.I.3. Bond Election Order
11.I.4. Bond Information
11.I.5. Board Goals 2015-2016
11.I.6. Correspondence
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 17, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Study Session | |
Subject: |
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting/s (Addendum)
Subject: |
2. School Assistant Superintendents
School Assistant Superintendents
Subject: |
2.A. Agenda
Subject: |
3. Ptomey
Sara Ptomey
Subject: |
3.A. Agenda
Subject: |
3.B. Memorandum of Understanding-AVANCE-Houston
Subject: |
3.C. Changes to 2015-2016 Academic Calendar
Subject: |
3.D. Class of 2015 Scholarship Recipients
Subject: |
3.E. Head Start Update
Subject: |
3.F. Board Presentation Schedule for 2015-2016
Subject: |
3.G. TPRI/Tejas LEE
Subject: |
3.H. Update on JASON Project / Argonauts
Subject: |
3.I. Student Trips
Subject: |
4. Knippel
Ken Knippel
Subject: |
4.A. Board Agenda
Subject: |
4.B. District Activity Report
Subject: |
4.C. Hearing Report
Subject: |
5. Garza
Abel Garza
Subject: |
5.A. Agenda
Subject: |
5.B. School Board Welcome Back
Subject: |
5.C. Calendar
Subject: |
5.D. Media Update
Subject: |
5.E. News Releases
Subject: |
6. DeWalt
Kaye DeWalt
Subject: |
6.A. August Agenda
Subject: |
7. Hazzan
Anne Hazzan
Subject: |
7.A. Agenda
Subject: |
7.B. Tax Office Report
Subject: |
7.C. Ratification of the Check Register
Subject: |
7.D. Bids - addendum
Subject: |
7.D.1. Student Information System RFP# SSV 1415-27
Subject: |
7.D.2. Awards, Incentives and Spirit Apparel RFP# PURCH
1415-8 (I) |
Subject: |
7.D.3. Fundraiser Vendors RFP# PURCH 1415-54
Subject: |
7.D.4. Instructional Supplies, Materials and Equipment
RFP# PURCH 1415-1 (I) |
Subject: |
7.D.5. Professional and Consulting Services RFP# PURCH
1415-11 (B) |
Subject: |
7.D.6. Photography Services RFP# PURCH 1415-3 (D)
Subject: |
7.D.7. Restaurant, Food and Catering Vendors RFP# PURCH
1415-4 (G) |
Subject: |
7.D.8. Retail Stores RFP# PURCH 1415-2 (E)
Subject: |
7.D.9. Travel and Tour Services RFP# PURCH 1415-53
Subject: |
7.D.10. Performing Arts Supplies, Materials, Services
and Equipment RFP# PAD 1415-28 (D) |
Subject: |
7.D.11. Baseball Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-61
Subject: |
7.D.12. Golf Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-60
Subject: |
7.D.13. Soccer Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-57
Subject: |
7.D.14. Softball Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-58
Subject: |
7.D.15. Swimming Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-62
Subject: |
7.D.16. Tennis Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-63
Subject: |
7.D.17. Contract Renewals
Subject: |
7.E. Budget Amendment for Period 2 for the 2015-2016
Subject: |
7.E.1. General Fund
Subject: |
7.F. Monthly Tax Office Refunds
Subject: |
7.G. Approval of purchases / contracts of over $50,000 - addendum
Subject: |
7.H. Ratification purchases / contracts of over $50,000 - addendum
Subject: |
7.I. Revenue Status & Budget Analysis
Subject: |
7.J. Monthly Investment Report
Subject: |
7.K. Quarterly Investment Report
Subject: |
7.L. Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) agreement for Noble Drilling Services, LLC - addendum
Subject: |
7.M. Materials Auction Summary
Subject: |
7.N. District Vendor List
Subject: |
8. Chapa
Selina Chapa
Subject: |
8.A. HR Agenda
HR Agenda
Subject: |
8.B. Corresdondence
Region IV
Subject: |
9. Blanson
Archie Blanson
Subject: |
9.A. Agenda- August
Subject: |
9.B. Contract Renewal Bids for the District Wide Marquee, Ceramic Tile, and Plumbing
Subject: |
9.C. Facilities Planning and Construction Report
Subject: |
9.D. Buildings and Properties Report
Subject: |
9.E. Child Nutrition Report
Subject: |
9.F. Maintenance Report
Subject: |
9.G. Technology Report
Subject: |
9.H. Transportation Report
Subject: |
10. Bamberg
Wanda Bamberg
Subject: |
10.A. Agenda
Subject: |
10.B. MOU Agreement between Lone Star College System and AISD for Victory Early College HS
Subject: |
10.C. Region 4 Required Board Trainings
Subject: |
10.D. GCAASB Meeting Reminder - September 9, 2015
Subject: |
10.E. Superintendent Evaluation - Information
Subject: |
10.F. Superintendent's Evaluation - Updates
Subject: |
10.G. Correspondence
Subject: |
11. Addendums
Subject: |
11.A. School Assistant Superintendents
Subject: |
11.B. Ptomey
Subject: |
11.B.1. August Agenda - ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.B.2. Community Youth Service Renewal Contract (CYS) - ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.B.3. HCDE - Contract for Alternative Placement for Students with ED - ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.B.4. 2015 State Accountability Ratings - ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.B.5. Special Board Presentation on JASON Learning by Dr. Eleanor Smalley - ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.B.6. Quarter 4 Scorecard - ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.B.7. Summer 2015 STAAR EOC Retest - ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.C. Knippel
Subject: |
11.D. Garza
Subject: |
11.D.1. Agenda
Subject: |
11.D.2. Organization Chart
Subject: |
11.E. DeWalt
Subject: |
11.E.1. Agenda Addendum
Subject: |
11.E.2. Agenda Item Revisions - DEC (LOCAL) and CH (LOCAL)
Subject: |
11.E.2.a. DEC (LOCAL) Revisions 08-18-15
Subject: |
11.E.2.b. CH (LOCAL) Revisions 08-18-15
Subject: |
11.F. Hazzan
Subject: |
11.F.1. Agenda Addendum
Subject: |
11.F.2. Bids
Subject: |
11.F.2.a. Student Information System RFP# SSV 1415-27
Subject: |
11.F.2.b. 403(b) Third Party Administrator RFP# HR 1415-44
Subject: |
11.F.2.c. Employee Benefits Request for Proposals
THCP RFP# 15-07-03 Wellness Vendor THCP RFP# 15-03-04 Pharmacy Vendor THCP RFP# 15-03-05 Dental Vendor and Vision THCP RFP# 15-03-06 Ancillary Vendor (Critical Illness, Cancer Care, Hospital Indemnity, Accident Plans) |
Subject: |
11.F.2.d. Awards, Incentives and Spirit Apparel RFP# PURCH 1415-8 (I)
Subject: |
11.F.2.e. Fundraiser Vendors RFP# PURCH 1415-54
Subject: |
11.F.2.f. Instructional Supplies, Materials and Equipment
RFP# PURCH 1415-1 (I) |
Subject: |
11.F.2.g. Professional and Consulting Services RFP# PURCH
1415-11 (B) |
Subject: |
11.F.2.h. Photography Services RFP# PURCH 1415-3 (D)
Subject: |
11.F.2.i. Restaurant, Food and Catering Vendors RFP# PURCH
1415-4 (G) |
Subject: |
11.F.2.j. Retail Stores RFP# PURCH 1415-2 (E)
Subject: |
11.F.2.k. Travel and Tour Services RFP# PURCH 1415-53
Subject: |
11.F.2.l. Performing Arts Supplies, Materials, Services and Equipment RFP# PAD 1415-28 (D)
Subject: |
11.F.2.m. Baseball Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-61
Subject: |
11.F.2.n. Golf Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-60
Subject: |
11.F.2.o. Soccer Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-57
Subject: |
11.F.2.p. Softball Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-58
Subject: |
11.F.2.q. Swimming Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-62
Subject: |
11.F.2.r. Tennis Supplies and Equipment RFP# ATH 1415-63
Subject: |
11.F.2.s. Dust Mop Services RFP# BPD 14-15-50
Subject: |
11.F.2.t. Contract Renewals
Subject: |
11.F.3. Approval of contracts and purchases over $50,000
Subject: |
11.F.4. Ratification of contracts and purchases over $50,000
Subject: |
11.F.5. AISD property use recap
Subject: |
11.F.6. Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) agreement for Noble Drilling Services, LLC
Subject: |
11.G. Chapa
Subject: |
11.G.1. HR Agenda
HR Agenda
Subject: |
11.G.2. Discussion
Subject: |
11.H. Blanson
Subject: |
11.H.1. Agenda- August Addendum
Subject: |
11.H.2. Competitive Sealed Proposals for Band Hall Additions/Renovations at Hambrick, Hoffmann, Shotwell, and Teague Middle Schools
Subject: |
11.I. Bamberg
Subject: |
11.I.1. Agenda- ADDENDUM
Subject: |
11.I.2. School Board Trustee Election
Subject: |
11.I.3. Bond Election Order
Subject: |
11.I.4. Bond Information
Subject: |
11.I.5. Board Goals 2015-2016
Subject: |
11.I.6. Correspondence