Meeting Agenda
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting/s (ADDENDUM)
2. Area Superintendents
2.A. Agenda
3. Ridgway
3.A. Board Agenda
3.B. Official Textbook Adoption Committee
3.C. New Job Descriptions
3.D. Head Start Update
3.E. 2014-2015 Q1 Scorecard
3.F. College Board District Integrated Summary Report
3.G. SAT Scores - Longitudinal Report
3.H. PBMAS - ELL Waiver Students
4. Knippel
4.A. Board Agenda
4.B. District Activity Report
4.C. Hearing Report
4.D. District Discipline Dashboard
5. Keeney
5.A. Agenda
5.B. Calendar
6. DeWalt
6.A. Agenda Topics
6.B. Release of Judgment Liens
6.C. Resolution of Judgment Liens
6.D. Release of Abstracts
6.E. Resolution of Abstracts
7. Hazzan
7.A. Agenda
7.B. Tax Office Report
7.C. Ratification of the Check Register
7.D. Bids
7.D.1. Refrigerant RFP# MNT 1415-15
7.D.2. Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Services and
Source for Replacements RFP# BPD 1415-17
7.D.3. Awards, Incentives and Spirit Apparel RFP# PURCH
1415-8 (A)
7.D.4. Instructional Supplies, Materials and Equipment
RFP# PURCH 1415-1 (A)
7.D.5. Restaurant, Food and Catering Vendors RFP# PURCH 1415-4
7.D.6. Retail Stores RFP# PURCH 1415-2 (A)
7.E. Budget Amendment for Period 5 for the 2014-2015
7.E.1. General Fund
7.E.2. Child Nutrition - addendum
7.F. Ad Valorem Taxes Partial Payment Agreement - Each year the Board of Trustees must renew the partial payment agreement for school taxes
7.G. Audited Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2014 - addendum
7.H. Revenue Status & Budget Analysis
7.I. Monthly Investment Report - addendum
7.J. Timeline for Proposed Bond Sales (Addendum)
7.K. District Vendor List
8. Cavazos
8.A. HR Agenda
8.B. Vacancy List
9. Blanson
9.A. Agenda - November
9.B. RFP# WP-01-14 Web Proxy with Content Acceleration, Caching and Filtering
9.C. Facility Planning & Construction Report
9.D. Buildings and Properties Report
9.E. Child Nutrition Report
9.F. Maintenance Report
9.G. Technology Report
9.H. Transportation Report
10. Bamberg
10.A. Agenda - November 17, 2014
10.B. Aldine Education Foundation Grants
10.C. Extra-Curricular Bus Routes beginning December, 2014
10.D. Board Training - Orientation to TEC
10.E. Board Training Hours
10.F. Board Member Appointment Timeline
10.G. NSBA Conference (March 21-23, 2015)
10.H. FRN Conference (February 1-3, 2015)
10.I. Correspondance
10.I.1. Nadine Kujawa Senior Citizen Gala
11. Addendums
11.A. Area Superintendents
11.B. Ridgway
11.B.1. Board Agenda - Addendum
11.B.2. Approval of the Targeted Improvement Plans
11.B.3. Public Hearing for Campuses Rated Improvement Required
11.C. Knippel
11.D. Keeney
11.D.1. Agenda
11.E. DeWalt
11.E.1. Agenda Addendum
11.F. Hazzan
11.F.1. Agenda
11.F.2. Budget Amendment for Period 5 for the 2014-2015
11.F.2.a. Child Nutrition
11.F.3. Audited Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2014
11.F.4. Monthly Investment Report
11.F.5. Quarterly Investment Report
11.F.6. Update on Authorized Bonds
11.G. Cavazos
11.G.1. HR Agenda
11.G.2. New Hire List
11.H. Blanson
11.I. Bamberg
11.I.1. Agenda - Addendum
11.I.2. Legislative Breakfast Agenda and Presentation
11.I.3. Aldine Legislative Agenda
11.I.4. Reconstitution Update and Timeline
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 17, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Study Session | |
Subject: |
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting/s (ADDENDUM)
Subject: |
2. Area Superintendents
Area Superintendents
Subject: |
2.A. Agenda
Subject: |
3. Ridgway
Priscilla Ridgway
Subject: |
3.A. Board Agenda
Subject: |
3.B. Official Textbook Adoption Committee
Subject: |
3.C. New Job Descriptions
Subject: |
3.D. Head Start Update
Subject: |
3.E. 2014-2015 Q1 Scorecard
Subject: |
3.F. College Board District Integrated Summary Report
Subject: |
3.G. SAT Scores - Longitudinal Report
Subject: |
3.H. PBMAS - ELL Waiver Students
Subject: |
4. Knippel
Ken Knippel
Subject: |
4.A. Board Agenda
Subject: |
4.B. District Activity Report
Subject: |
4.C. Hearing Report
Subject: |
4.D. District Discipline Dashboard
Subject: |
5. Keeney
Mike Keeney
Subject: |
5.A. Agenda
Subject: |
5.B. Calendar
Subject: |
6. DeWalt
Kaye DeWalt
Subject: |
6.A. Agenda Topics
Subject: |
6.B. Release of Judgment Liens
Subject: |
6.C. Resolution of Judgment Liens
Subject: |
6.D. Release of Abstracts
Subject: |
6.E. Resolution of Abstracts
Subject: |
7. Hazzan
Anne Hazzan
Subject: |
7.A. Agenda
Subject: |
7.B. Tax Office Report
Subject: |
7.C. Ratification of the Check Register
Subject: |
7.D. Bids
Subject: |
7.D.1. Refrigerant RFP# MNT 1415-15
Subject: |
7.D.2. Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Services and
Source for Replacements RFP# BPD 1415-17
Subject: |
7.D.3. Awards, Incentives and Spirit Apparel RFP# PURCH
1415-8 (A)
Subject: |
7.D.4. Instructional Supplies, Materials and Equipment
RFP# PURCH 1415-1 (A)
Subject: |
7.D.5. Restaurant, Food and Catering Vendors RFP# PURCH 1415-4
Subject: |
7.D.6. Retail Stores RFP# PURCH 1415-2 (A)
Subject: |
7.E. Budget Amendment for Period 5 for the 2014-2015
Subject: |
7.E.1. General Fund
Subject: |
7.E.2. Child Nutrition - addendum
Subject: |
7.F. Ad Valorem Taxes Partial Payment Agreement - Each year the Board of Trustees must renew the partial payment agreement for school taxes
Subject: |
7.G. Audited Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2014 - addendum
Subject: |
7.H. Revenue Status & Budget Analysis
Subject: |
7.I. Monthly Investment Report - addendum
Subject: |
7.J. Timeline for Proposed Bond Sales (Addendum)
Subject: |
7.K. District Vendor List
Subject: |
8. Cavazos
Gloria Cavazos
Subject: |
8.A. HR Agenda
HR Agenda
Subject: |
8.B. Vacancy List
Vacancy List
Subject: |
9. Blanson
Archie Blanson
Subject: |
9.A. Agenda - November
Subject: |
9.B. RFP# WP-01-14 Web Proxy with Content Acceleration, Caching and Filtering
Subject: |
9.C. Facility Planning & Construction Report
Subject: |
9.D. Buildings and Properties Report
Subject: |
9.E. Child Nutrition Report
Subject: |
9.F. Maintenance Report
Subject: |
9.G. Technology Report
Subject: |
9.H. Transportation Report
Subject: |
10. Bamberg
Wanda Bamberg
Subject: |
10.A. Agenda - November 17, 2014
Subject: |
10.B. Aldine Education Foundation Grants
Subject: |
10.C. Extra-Curricular Bus Routes beginning December, 2014
Subject: |
10.D. Board Training - Orientation to TEC
Subject: |
10.E. Board Training Hours
Subject: |
10.F. Board Member Appointment Timeline
Subject: |
10.G. NSBA Conference (March 21-23, 2015)
Subject: |
10.H. FRN Conference (February 1-3, 2015)
Subject: |
10.I. Correspondance
Subject: |
10.I.1. Nadine Kujawa Senior Citizen Gala
Subject: |
11. Addendums
Subject: |
11.A. Area Superintendents
Subject: |
11.B. Ridgway
Subject: |
11.B.1. Board Agenda - Addendum
Subject: |
11.B.2. Approval of the Targeted Improvement Plans
Subject: |
11.B.3. Public Hearing for Campuses Rated Improvement Required
Subject: |
11.C. Knippel
Subject: |
11.D. Keeney
Subject: |
11.D.1. Agenda
Subject: |
11.E. DeWalt
Subject: |
11.E.1. Agenda Addendum
Subject: |
11.F. Hazzan
Subject: |
11.F.1. Agenda
Subject: |
11.F.2. Budget Amendment for Period 5 for the 2014-2015
Subject: |
11.F.2.a. Child Nutrition
Subject: |
11.F.3. Audited Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2014
Subject: |
11.F.4. Monthly Investment Report
Subject: |
11.F.5. Quarterly Investment Report
Subject: |
11.F.6. Update on Authorized Bonds
Subject: |
11.G. Cavazos
Subject: |
11.G.1. HR Agenda
HR Agenda
Subject: |
11.G.2. New Hire List
New Hire List
Subject: |
11.H. Blanson
Subject: |
11.I. Bamberg
Subject: |
11.I.1. Agenda - Addendum
Subject: |
11.I.2. Legislative Breakfast Agenda and Presentation
Subject: |
11.I.3. Aldine Legislative Agenda
Subject: |
11.I.4. Reconstitution Update and Timeline