Meeting Agenda
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting/s (Addendum)
2. Area Superintendents
2.A. Agenda
3. Ridgway
3.A. Board Agenda
3.B. UT Austin Contract for Transcript Analysis
3.C. 2014 State Accountability Ratings
3.D. TAKS Exit Retest Results
3.E. STAAR 5&8 Reading and Math Results for the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Admin Reports
3.F. Changes to 2014-2015 Academic Calendar
3.G. Class of 2014 Scholarship Recipients
3.H. Head Start Update
3.I. Head Start Program Governance & Management Responsibilities- Clarification
3.J. Board Presentations 2014-2015
3.K. Quarter 4 Scorecard
3.L. Preliminary TEA Findings from On-Site Visit
4. Knippel
4.A. Board Agenda
4.B. District Activity Report
4.C. Hearing Report
5. Spencer
5.A. Agenda
5.B. 3 Month Calendar
6. DeWalt
6.A. Agenda Topics
6.B. Release of Judgment Liens
6.C. Resolution of Judgment Liens
6.D. Release of Abstracts of Judgment
6.E. Resolution of Abstracts of Judgment
6.F. List of Resale Properties
6.G. Resolutions Authorizing Resale of Properties
7. Hazzan
7.B. Tax Office Report
7.C. Ratification of the Check Register
7.D.1. Lumber and Building Supplies RFP #MNT1314-48
7.D.2. Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment RFP #MNT1314-45
7.D.3. Trophies and Awards RFP #ATH1415-7
7.D.4. Additional Charter Bus and Transportation Services RFP #PURCH1314-27
7.D.5. Contract Renewals
7.E. Monthly Tax Office Refunds
7.F. Budget Amendment for Period 1 for the 2014-2015 - addendum
7.F.1. General Fund
7.F.2. Child Nutrition
7.G. New Board Policy (First Reading) - addendum
7.G.1. Executive Director of Finance
7.H. Revenue Status & Budget Analysis
7.I. Monthly Investment Report
7.J. Quarterly Investment Report
7.K. Unemployment Claims Update
7.L. Thorne Stadium Ambulance Update
7.M. District Vendor List
8. Cavazos
8.A. HR Agenda
8.B. Vacancy List
9. Blanson
9.A. Agenda - August
9.B. Extended Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials Bid for the Kitchen Renovations and
Additions at Eisenhower High School and Odom Elementary School |
9.C. Proposals received from Bondable General Contractors for the Aldine Education
Center and Child Nutrition Center |
9.D. Bids for Enterprise Content Management System (CMS)
9.E. Welding and Repair RFP # MNT 1314-43
9.F. Building Automation System & Air Handler
9.G. Secured Foyers at Various Schools - Update
9.H. Facilities Planning & Construction Report
9.I. Buildings & Properties Report
9.J. Child Nutrition Report
9.K. Maintenance Report
9.L. Technology Report
9.M. Transportation Report
10. Bamberg
10.A. Agenda - August 18, 2014
10.B. Low Income Housing Project-Arbor Court Apartments
10.C. Lone Star/East Aldine Update
10.D. Regional Legislative Session
10.E. Early Matters - Early Literacy
10.F. Special Called Meeting
10.G. Retirement Issues
10.H. TASA/TASB Convention - Sept. 26-28, 2014
11. Addendums
11.A. Area Superintendents
11.B. Ridgway
11.B.1. Board Agenda- Addendum
11.B.2. 2014 Federal Accountability
11.B.3. Summer 2014 STAAR EOC Retests
11.B.4. 2014 Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System (PBMAS)
11.C. Knippel
11.D. Spencer
11.D.1. Agenda
11.D.2. Welcome Back Letter
11.D.3. Meeting Schedule 2014-15 Sign-Up
11.E. DeWalt
11.E.1. Addendum Agenda
11.F. Hazzan
11.F.1. Agenda Addendum
11.F.2. Budget Amendment for Period 2 for the 2014-2015 - correction, previously listed as period 1
11.F.2.a. General Fund
11.F.2.b. Child Nutrition
11.F.3. New Board Policy (First Reading)
11.F.3.a. Executive Director of Finance
11.G. Cavazos
11.G.1. HR Agenda
11.G.2. Committee Reports
11.G.3. Student Teachers for Fall Semester
11.G.4. New Hire List
11.H. Blanson
11.I. Bamberg
11.I.1. Addendum Agenda - August 18, 2014
11.I.2. Legislative Agenda
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 18, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Study Session | |
Subject: |
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting/s (Addendum)
Subject: |
2. Area Superintendents
Area Superintendents
Subject: |
2.A. Agenda
Subject: |
3. Ridgway
Priscilla Ridgway
Subject: |
3.A. Board Agenda
Subject: |
3.B. UT Austin Contract for Transcript Analysis
Subject: |
3.C. 2014 State Accountability Ratings
Subject: |
3.D. TAKS Exit Retest Results
Subject: |
3.E. STAAR 5&8 Reading and Math Results for the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Admin Reports
Subject: |
3.F. Changes to 2014-2015 Academic Calendar
Subject: |
3.G. Class of 2014 Scholarship Recipients
Subject: |
3.H. Head Start Update
Subject: |
3.I. Head Start Program Governance & Management Responsibilities- Clarification
Subject: |
3.J. Board Presentations 2014-2015
Subject: |
3.K. Quarter 4 Scorecard
Subject: |
3.L. Preliminary TEA Findings from On-Site Visit
Subject: |
4. Knippel
Ken Knippel
Subject: |
4.A. Board Agenda
Subject: |
4.B. District Activity Report
Subject: |
4.C. Hearing Report
Subject: |
5. Spencer
Jason Spencer
Subject: |
5.A. Agenda
Subject: |
5.B. 3 Month Calendar
Subject: |
6. DeWalt
Kaye DeWalt
Subject: |
6.A. Agenda Topics
Subject: |
6.B. Release of Judgment Liens
Subject: |
6.C. Resolution of Judgment Liens
Subject: |
6.D. Release of Abstracts of Judgment
Subject: |
6.E. Resolution of Abstracts of Judgment
Subject: |
6.F. List of Resale Properties
Subject: |
6.G. Resolutions Authorizing Resale of Properties
Subject: |
7. Hazzan
Anne Hazzan
Subject: |
Subject: |
7.B. Tax Office Report
Subject: |
7.C. Ratification of the Check Register
Subject: |
Subject: |
7.D.1. Lumber and Building Supplies RFP #MNT1314-48
Subject: |
7.D.2. Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment RFP #MNT1314-45
Subject: |
7.D.3. Trophies and Awards RFP #ATH1415-7
Subject: |
7.D.4. Additional Charter Bus and Transportation Services RFP #PURCH1314-27
Subject: |
7.D.5. Contract Renewals
Subject: |
7.E. Monthly Tax Office Refunds
Subject: |
7.F. Budget Amendment for Period 1 for the 2014-2015 - addendum
Subject: |
7.F.1. General Fund
Subject: |
7.F.2. Child Nutrition
Subject: |
7.G. New Board Policy (First Reading) - addendum
Subject: |
7.G.1. Executive Director of Finance
Subject: |
7.H. Revenue Status & Budget Analysis
Subject: |
7.I. Monthly Investment Report
Subject: |
7.J. Quarterly Investment Report
Subject: |
7.K. Unemployment Claims Update
Subject: |
7.L. Thorne Stadium Ambulance Update
Subject: |
7.M. District Vendor List
Subject: |
8. Cavazos
Gloria Cavazos
Subject: |
8.A. HR Agenda
HR Agenda
Subject: |
8.B. Vacancy List
Vacancy List
Subject: |
9. Blanson
Archie Blanson
Subject: |
9.A. Agenda - August
Subject: |
9.B. Extended Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials Bid for the Kitchen Renovations and
Additions at Eisenhower High School and Odom Elementary School |
Subject: |
9.C. Proposals received from Bondable General Contractors for the Aldine Education
Center and Child Nutrition Center |
Subject: |
9.D. Bids for Enterprise Content Management System (CMS)
Subject: |
9.E. Welding and Repair RFP # MNT 1314-43
Subject: |
9.F. Building Automation System & Air Handler
Subject: |
9.G. Secured Foyers at Various Schools - Update
Subject: |
9.H. Facilities Planning & Construction Report
Subject: |
9.I. Buildings & Properties Report
Subject: |
9.J. Child Nutrition Report
Subject: |
9.K. Maintenance Report
Subject: |
9.L. Technology Report
Subject: |
9.M. Transportation Report
Subject: |
10. Bamberg
Wanda Bamberg
Subject: |
10.A. Agenda - August 18, 2014
Subject: |
10.B. Low Income Housing Project-Arbor Court Apartments
Subject: |
10.C. Lone Star/East Aldine Update
Subject: |
10.D. Regional Legislative Session
Subject: |
10.E. Early Matters - Early Literacy
Subject: |
10.F. Special Called Meeting
Subject: |
10.G. Retirement Issues
Subject: |
10.H. TASA/TASB Convention - Sept. 26-28, 2014
Subject: |
11. Addendums
Subject: |
11.A. Area Superintendents
Subject: |
11.B. Ridgway
Subject: |
11.B.1. Board Agenda- Addendum
Subject: |
11.B.2. 2014 Federal Accountability
Subject: |
11.B.3. Summer 2014 STAAR EOC Retests
Subject: |
11.B.4. 2014 Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System (PBMAS)
Subject: |
11.C. Knippel
Subject: |
11.D. Spencer
Subject: |
11.D.1. Agenda
Subject: |
11.D.2. Welcome Back Letter
Subject: |
11.D.3. Meeting Schedule 2014-15 Sign-Up
Subject: |
11.E. DeWalt
Subject: |
11.E.1. Addendum Agenda
Subject: |
11.F. Hazzan
Subject: |
11.F.1. Agenda Addendum
Subject: |
11.F.2. Budget Amendment for Period 2 for the 2014-2015 - correction, previously listed as period 1
Subject: |
11.F.2.a. General Fund
Subject: |
11.F.2.b. Child Nutrition
Subject: |
11.F.3. New Board Policy (First Reading)
Subject: |
11.F.3.a. Executive Director of Finance
Subject: |
11.G. Cavazos
Subject: |
11.G.1. HR Agenda
HR Agenda
Subject: |
11.G.2. Committee Reports
Committee Reports
Subject: |
11.G.3. Student Teachers for Fall Semester
Student Teachers for Fall Semester
Subject: |
11.G.4. New Hire List
New Hire List
Subject: |
11.H. Blanson
Subject: |
11.I. Bamberg
Subject: |
11.I.1. Addendum Agenda - August 18, 2014
Subject: |
11.I.2. Legislative Agenda