Meeting Agenda
1. Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, Mission & Vision
2. Call Meeting to Order, Roll Call & Establishment of a Quorum.
3. Open Forum
4. Superintendent Updates
5. Consent Agenda:
5.A. Payment of itemized bills
5.B. Financial Statements and Balances
5.C. Investments
5.D. Tax Office Report
5.E. Cafeteria Report
5.F. Cash Flow Report
5.G. Approval of all standard reports, minutes, bills and informational items.
7. Discussion and Approval of Project Management Consultant Services
8. Approval of 2024 Audit Engagement Letter
9. Consideration and possible action to approve Auto, Cyber and Liability Insurance
10. Consideration and possible action to approve Property and Windstorm Insurance
11. Discussion and Approval of Meal Pricing for High School Students - Meal and Main Entree Options
12. Discussion and Approval of Child Nutrition Charging Policy 24-25
13. Consideration and Approval of Number of Security Officers to be Used in the District
14. Policy Update FFAC (Local)
15. Blanket Year End 2023-2024 Budget Amendments
16. Amendments to the 2023-2024 Budget
17. Adoption of the Proposed Budget for 2024-2025
18. Adoption of the Proposed Tax Rate 2024-2025
19. Discussion of BISD boy's dress code.
20. Discuss District Goals and Superintendent Evaluations
21. Discussion and Review Student Transfer Fee and FDA (LOCAL)
22. Date and Time for September Regular Meeting
23. Closed Session
24. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Notice is hereby given that on August 16, 2024 the Board of Trustees of Banquete Independent School District will hold a Regular Scheduled Meeting at 6:30 pm in the Banquete ISD - Board Room, located at 4339 Fourth Street, Banquete, Texas,78339. The subjects to be discussed are listed on the agenda, which is attached to and made a part of this notice. | ||
Meeting: | August 21, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, Mission & Vision
MISSION: Empowering and equipping all BISD students with the knowledge and skills necessary for a lifetime of success.
VISION: A proud history and an unlimited future. |
Subject: |
2. Call Meeting to Order, Roll Call & Establishment of a Quorum.
“I shall call this meeting of the Banquete ISD to order. Let the record show that a quorum of board members is present, that this meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.”
Subject: |
3. Open Forum
Audience participation at a Board Meeting is limited to the public comment portion of the meeting designed for that purpose. No presentation shall be longer than 3 minutes. I need to inform you that the board will not be able to respond to any topic discussed during the open forum if it is not listed on the agenda. At all other times during a board meeting, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on the matter being considered by the board, unless requested by the presiding officer. Persons wishing to participate must sign up before the meeting and indicate the topic about which they wish to speak. Please see Board Operating Procedures for more details.
Subject: |
4. Superintendent Updates
Subject: |
5. Consent Agenda:
All item(s) on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion and a majority vote of the governing body. There will not be a separate discussion of these item(s) unless a member of the governing body or a citizen requests, in which event these item(s) will be removed from the order of business and considered in normal sequence on the regular agenda.
Subject: |
5.A. Payment of itemized bills
Subject: |
5.B. Financial Statements and Balances
Subject: |
5.C. Investments
Subject: |
5.D. Tax Office Report
Subject: |
5.E. Cafeteria Report
Subject: |
5.F. Cash Flow Report
Subject: |
5.G. Approval of all standard reports, minutes, bills and informational items.
Subject: |
Subject: |
7. Discussion and Approval of Project Management Consultant Services
Subject: |
8. Approval of 2024 Audit Engagement Letter
Subject: |
9. Consideration and possible action to approve Auto, Cyber and Liability Insurance
Subject: |
10. Consideration and possible action to approve Property and Windstorm Insurance
Subject: |
11. Discussion and Approval of Meal Pricing for High School Students - Meal and Main Entree Options
Subject: |
12. Discussion and Approval of Child Nutrition Charging Policy 24-25
Subject: |
13. Consideration and Approval of Number of Security Officers to be Used in the District
Subject: |
14. Policy Update FFAC (Local)
Subject: |
15. Blanket Year End 2023-2024 Budget Amendments
Subject: |
16. Amendments to the 2023-2024 Budget
Subject: |
17. Adoption of the Proposed Budget for 2024-2025
Subject: |
18. Adoption of the Proposed Tax Rate 2024-2025
Subject: |
19. Discussion of BISD boy's dress code.
Dress and Grooming (All Grade Levels)
The district’s dress code teaches grooming and hygiene, prevents disruption, minimizes safety hazards, and maintains a positive learning climate. Students and parents may determine a student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that they comply with the following: The district’s dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, prevent disruption, and minimize safety hazards. Students and parents may determine a student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that they comply with the following: 1. Students shall come to school looking clean and neat and wearing clothing and exhibiting grooming that shall not be a health or safety hazard to the student or others. 2. The district prohibits pictures, emblems, or writings on clothing or jewelry that are lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene or that depict or advertise tobacco products, alcoholic beverages of any kind, drugs, or any other substance prohibited under policy FNCF (L) 3. Clothing or jewelry that depicts death, drugs, violence, satanism, occult, witchcraft, or gang involvement is prohibited. Leather collars, choke collars, and necklaces with dog-like chain links are not allowed. Any clothing or articles that are determined by the administration, as gang affiliated will not be allowed to include chains, bandanas, etc. hanging from pockets. 4. Jackets with the sleeves cut off, and trench coats are prohibited. 5. Pants/shorts/skirts may not have holes that expose skin. Leggings must be worn underneath if those holes are above length requirements. For example: if a student has a hole below the knee only, they are not required to wear leggings underneath. No tape or other non-fabric material may be utilized to cover the holes. 6. All pants must be worn above the hips. Jeans/slacks that are "Sag" and/or "Bag" clothing will not be allowed to be worn. The jeans/slacks must be properly sized and fitted in the waist and crotch area. All pants must be hemmed. Full length Cargo pants are allowed. 7. Shirts may be dress or polo-type. Shirts and T-shirts of good nature must be no lower than the palm of the hands when the shirt is not tucked in. Long shirt tails must be tucked in. Plain undergarment white T-shirts may not be worn. 8. Midriff or undergarments must not be exposed. 9. Shorts will be allowed provided that they are of proper length (no shorter than 3 inches above the knee.) Shorts with holes that expose skin are not allowed. Shorts may not be form fitting. Bike shorts, yoga shorts, spandex shorts are not allowed. 10. Students may not wear caps or hats into the school buildings. Sunglasses may not be worn in the building. Exception: school approved theme days. 11. Abnormal colored hair is prohibited. Hair coloring or dyeing of hues that do not occur in any natural human hair is prohibited. Hairstyles that might be distracting are prohibited, including, but not limited to haircuts that are unevenly cut, mohawks, tails, designs and/or symbols sculptured in the hair. All hair must be kept out of the eyes. Students will be asked to pull it back if they are unable to keep their vision clear. 12. Gauges are not allowed. 13. No blankets will be allowed to be brought into the school to use in place of a jacket, sweater, sweatshirt, or other cold weather attire. 14. Skirts/dresses must be no shorter than 3 inches above the knee. Slits on skirts or dresses should not be more than 3 inches above the knee. 15. Low cut shirts/dresses, blouses or clothes which expose bare midriffs, expose midriffs when arms are raised, or bare backs blouses are not suitable for school wear. Sleeveless blouses/dresses can be worn provided they are 3 inches in width from the collar. 16. Leggings, leotards, tights, exercise tights, leisure wear, or other hosiery-type leggings may not be worn as pants (form fitting spandex like pants). Leggings may be worn with dresses, skirts or dress tops that are of the proper length (upper garment cannot be shorter than 6 inches above the knee all the way around.) 17. Black lipstick/make-up is not allowed. 18. Long, bushy sideburns must not be worn. Vertical sideburns may not fall below the bottom of the ear lobe and horizontal sideburns may not advance more than 1 1⁄2" in width. 19. Shirts worn over a T-shirt or undershirt must be buttoned except for the top two buttons. 20. Underwear T-shirts may not be worn as outer garments. 21. All awards, events, and student activities must follow this dress code. The only exceptions will be for prom and homecoming, that dress code will be established by the campus leadership team. |
Subject: |
20. Discuss District Goals and Superintendent Evaluations
Subject: |
21. Discussion and Review Student Transfer Fee and FDA (LOCAL)
Subject: |
22. Date and Time for September Regular Meeting
September 11
(Dr. Johnson will be going to mediation in Houston. September 18, the following week, doesn't have any district conflicts.) |
Subject: |
23. Closed Session
Public notice is given that the District may go into a closed meeting (executive session) at any time during the meeting in order to discuss matters listed on the agenda, when authorized by the provision of the Texas Government Code. In the event the District elects to go into a closed meeting reading any agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the closed meeting will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. The subjects listed below will be the items upon which formal action may be taken. The subjects do not have to be taken in the order listed here but may be brought up in any order at the discretion of the board.
A. Consideration of Employment B. Resignations C. Personnel D. Long Range Plans and Purchases |
Subject: |
24. Adjourn
If during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in closed meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code Chapter 551, Chapters D and E. The notice for this meeting was posted in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act on Friday,August 16, 2024 at the Administration Office located at 4339 Fourth Street, Banquete, Texas, 78339 by 4:00 pm
_______________________________________________ Dr. Stacy Johnson Superintendent of Schools |