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Meeting Agenda
1. Public Hearing on the 2024-2025 School Budget and Tax Rate.
2. Call to Order  Announcement by the Board President that a quorum is present and that public notice of the meeting was given in accordance with the provision of Section 551.002 et.seq.of the Texas Government Code C
2.A. Invocation and Pledge to Flag
2.B. Public Comments
3. Superintendent's Report
4. Consent Agenda - Items for Discussion and/or Action
4.A. August 12, 2024 Board Minutes
4.B. Update Policy BE (LOCAL) to reflect 6:00 p.m. CCISD board meeting start time. 
5. Regular Agenda - Items for Discussion and/or Action
5.A. 2023-2024 Year End Budget Amendment
5.B. Adopt 2024-2025 Budget for General Operating, Interest & Sinking & Food Service
5.C. Adopt Resolution Setting 2024-2025 Tax Rate
5.D. SchoolGap Protect Insurance Renewal 2024-2025
5.E. SchoolComp 2024-25 (workers comp)
5.F. Purchase School Bus
6. Executive/Closed Session 

The Board of Trustees will conduct an Executive/Closed Session in Pursuant to the following provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001et seq.  All final votes, actions, or decisions will be taken in open session.
6.A. 551.074 -Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel
6.B. 551.076-Considering the deployment, specific occasions for, or implementation of, security personnel or devices 
7. Reconvene & Open Meeting
7.A. Consider and possible action to approve individual(s) as School Marshal(s) under Texas Education Code 37.0811.
8. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: August 26, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Public Hearing @6:00 P.M. Followed by a Special Board Meeting
1. Public Hearing on the 2024-2025 School Budget and Tax Rate.
2. Call to Order  Announcement by the Board President that a quorum is present and that public notice of the meeting was given in accordance with the provision of Section 551.002 et.seq.of the Texas Government Code C
2.A. Invocation and Pledge to Flag
2.B. Public Comments
3. Superintendent's Report
4. Consent Agenda - Items for Discussion and/or Action
4.A. August 12, 2024 Board Minutes
4.B. Update Policy BE (LOCAL) to reflect 6:00 p.m. CCISD board meeting start time. 
5. Regular Agenda - Items for Discussion and/or Action
5.A. 2023-2024 Year End Budget Amendment
5.B. Adopt 2024-2025 Budget for General Operating, Interest & Sinking & Food Service
5.C. Adopt Resolution Setting 2024-2025 Tax Rate
5.D. SchoolGap Protect Insurance Renewal 2024-2025
5.E. SchoolComp 2024-25 (workers comp)
5.F. Purchase School Bus
6. Executive/Closed Session 

The Board of Trustees will conduct an Executive/Closed Session in Pursuant to the following provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001et seq.  All final votes, actions, or decisions will be taken in open session.
6.A. 551.074 -Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel
6.B. 551.076-Considering the deployment, specific occasions for, or implementation of, security personnel or devices 
7. Reconvene & Open Meeting
7.A. Consider and possible action to approve individual(s) as School Marshal(s) under Texas Education Code 37.0811.
8. Adjournment

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