Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
1.A. Announcement by the President as to the presence of a quorum
1.B. Certification that public notice of the meeting was given in accordance with the provision of Section 551.002 et.seq.of the Texas Government Code.
2. Invocation and Pledge to Flag
3. Public Comment/Hearing of Guest
4. January 2018 School Board Recognition Month
5. Student Recognition - Elementary and Junior High UIL Students
6. Review Monthly Utility Comparison
7. Review Payment of Bills & Board Report
8. Principal Reports
9. District Curriculum / Programs' Report
9.A. Public Education Grant (PEG) Update - Parent Notification
10. Food Service Directors' Report
11. Items Requiring Board Action
11.A. Consent Agenda
11.A.1. Review and Approve December 11, 2017 Regular Board Minutes
11.A.2. Review and Approve December 11, 2017 Special Board Meeting Minutes
11.A.3. Approve Order of Board of Trustees Election
11.A.4. Appoint Linda Parrish as May 2018 Election Judge
11.A.5. Approve Corrigan-Camden Elementary Turnaround Plan
11.A.6. Approve Campus Turnaround Plan Resolution
11.A.7. Approve 2017-2018 Rural Low Income Grant Carryover Funds
11.A.8. Approve 2017-2018 Title I, II, and IV Carryover Funds Notice of Grant Award (NOGA)
11.A.9. Review Property Bid, Lots 25-28, Section 2, Reily Village, Account #R0600048300, Cause #T14-544
11.A.10. Review Property Bid, Tract 51, .17 acre, John Maginnis Survey, Abstract 47, Account #10047007500, Cause #T15-169
11.B. Regular Agenda
11.B.1. Approve Corrigan-Camden ISD District of Innovation Resolution
11.B.2. Discuss and approve adjustments to 2017-2018 School Calendar
12. Superintendent's Report
12.A. District Enrollment / Attendance Update
12.B. 2017-18 District Goals Report: Board / Community / Staff Relations Goal
12.C. 2017-2018 Early Resignation Incentive Program Update
12.D. Spring Appraisal Calendar / Timeline
12.E. Quarterly Investment Report - 1st Quarter
12.F. Board Training Options - Mandatory Legislative Update
13. Executive/Closed Session
13.A. Economic Development (551.087)
13.B. Personnel (551.074):for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation ,reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee
13.B.1. 2018-2019 Personnel Assignment / Restructure
13.B.2. Conduct Summative Conference/Superintendent's Contract
14. Reconvene in Open Session and Act on Items Discussed in Executive/Closed Session
15. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 22, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
1.A. Announcement by the President as to the presence of a quorum
Subject: |
1.B. Certification that public notice of the meeting was given in accordance with the provision of Section 551.002 et.seq.of the Texas Government Code.
Subject: |
2. Invocation and Pledge to Flag
Subject: |
3. Public Comment/Hearing of Guest
Subject: |
4. January 2018 School Board Recognition Month
Subject: |
5. Student Recognition - Elementary and Junior High UIL Students
Subject: |
6. Review Monthly Utility Comparison
Subject: |
7. Review Payment of Bills & Board Report
Subject: |
8. Principal Reports
Subject: |
9. District Curriculum / Programs' Report
Subject: |
9.A. Public Education Grant (PEG) Update - Parent Notification
Subject: |
10. Food Service Directors' Report
Subject: |
11. Items Requiring Board Action
Subject: |
11.A. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
11.A.1. Review and Approve December 11, 2017 Regular Board Minutes
Subject: |
11.A.2. Review and Approve December 11, 2017 Special Board Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
11.A.3. Approve Order of Board of Trustees Election
Subject: |
11.A.4. Appoint Linda Parrish as May 2018 Election Judge
Subject: |
11.A.5. Approve Corrigan-Camden Elementary Turnaround Plan
Subject: |
11.A.6. Approve Campus Turnaround Plan Resolution
Subject: |
11.A.7. Approve 2017-2018 Rural Low Income Grant Carryover Funds
Subject: |
11.A.8. Approve 2017-2018 Title I, II, and IV Carryover Funds Notice of Grant Award (NOGA)
Subject: |
11.A.9. Review Property Bid, Lots 25-28, Section 2, Reily Village, Account #R0600048300, Cause #T14-544
Subject: |
11.A.10. Review Property Bid, Tract 51, .17 acre, John Maginnis Survey, Abstract 47, Account #10047007500, Cause #T15-169
Subject: |
11.B. Regular Agenda
Subject: |
11.B.1. Approve Corrigan-Camden ISD District of Innovation Resolution
Subject: |
11.B.2. Discuss and approve adjustments to 2017-2018 School Calendar
Subject: |
12. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
12.A. District Enrollment / Attendance Update
Subject: |
12.B. 2017-18 District Goals Report: Board / Community / Staff Relations Goal
Subject: |
12.C. 2017-2018 Early Resignation Incentive Program Update
Subject: |
12.D. Spring Appraisal Calendar / Timeline
Subject: |
12.E. Quarterly Investment Report - 1st Quarter
Subject: |
12.F. Board Training Options - Mandatory Legislative Update
Subject: |
13. Executive/Closed Session
Subject: |
13.A. Economic Development (551.087)
Subject: |
13.B. Personnel (551.074):for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation ,reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee
Subject: |
13.B.1. 2018-2019 Personnel Assignment / Restructure
Subject: |
13.B.2. Conduct Summative Conference/Superintendent's Contract
Subject: |
14. Reconvene in Open Session and Act on Items Discussed in Executive/Closed Session
Subject: |
15. Adjourn