Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Communications
IV. Public Comment
V. FOIA Requests
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.1. Approval of Minutes
VI.2. Approval of Treasurer's Report
VI.3. Approval of Accounts Payable
VI.4. Approval of Destruction of Audio Tapes from Executive Session
VI.5. Approval of Personnel Change
VI.5.a. Personnel - Classified - Employment
VI.5.b. Personnel - Licensed - Employment
VI.5.c. Personnel - Classified - Resignation
VI.5.d. Personnel - Classified - Retirement
VI.5.e. Personnel - Classified - Leaves of Absence
VI.5.f. Personnel - Classified - Increase in Work Hours
VI.6. Other Financial Reports
VII. Committee Reports
VII.1. United Education Foundation
VII.2. Wellness Committee
VII.3. BHASED Governing Board
VII.4. Board Delegate to AFSCME
VIII. Informational Items
VIII.1. Teacher and Administrator Salary and Benefits Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
VIII.2. IMRF Total Compensation Report
IX. Unfinished Business
IX.1. Adoption of Budget for 2021-2022 School Year
IX.2. E-Learning Plan
X. New Business
X.1. Paper - ESSER 3
X.2. Covid-19 Coordinator Job Description
XI. Central Office Report
XI.1. Superintendent's Update
XII. Executive Session
XIII. Return to Open Session
XIV. Possible Action Following Executive Session
XIV.1. Possible approval of an Agreement in Lieu of Expulsion for Students #24482 as discussed in closed session.
XIV.2. Memorandum of Understanding with AFSCME on Coronavirus Matters for 2021-2022 school year
XV. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 27, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
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II. Roll Call
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III. Communications
The Board of Education received thank you cards from the family of Don Sproul, Cherie Branch, and Jennifer Jacobs for the memorial plants sent during the loss of their family members.
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IV. Public Comment
At this time, the President of the Board of Education will recognize visitors and ask if any citizen of the community is interested in speaking to members of the Board of Education. Time allowed will generally be limited to three minutes for each individual, unless waived by the President. All individuals who wish to address the Board of Education must sign up in advance. The President may limit the opportunity to address the Board in cases where a person has previously addressed the Board on the same or related subject. Issues brought to the Board prior to being channeled through the proper chain of command will be referred back to the appropriate level.
Subject: |
V. FOIA Requests
On September 15, 2021, SmartProcure submitted a commercial FOIA request to the East Moline School District No. 37 for any and all purchasing records from 03/29/2021 to current.
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VI. Consent Agenda
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VI.1. Approval of Minutes
It is recommended that the minutes from the August 23, 2021, regular meeting be approved.
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VI.2. Approval of Treasurer's Report
It is recommended that the Treasurer’s Report for August 2021 be approved subject to audit.
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VI.3. Approval of Accounts Payable
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the payment of bills listed, received during the month of August 2021, to be paid during the month of August 2021, and quick pays during the month of September 2021.
Education 485,903.35 Building 76,310.95 Transportation 12,064.98 Capital Projects 634,616.00 Insurance 1,541.67 Subtotal: 1,210,436.95 QUICK PAYS: Education 10 91,190.52 Building (20) 9,194.35 Transportation (40) 2,768.88 Tort Immunity 57,780.00 Subtotal: 160,953.75 TOTAL: 1,362,390.70 |
Subject: |
VI.4. Approval of Destruction of Audio Tapes from Executive Session
It is recommended the Board of Education approve the destruction of recordings from the Executive Session on September 28, 2020.
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VI.5. Approval of Personnel Change
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VI.5.a. Personnel - Classified - Employment
Cody Vroman has been employed as Boys’ Basketball Coach at Glenview Middle School, effective October 18, 2021. Mr. Vroman is currently employed as an instructional aide at Glenview. Chris Palmer has been employed as a detention supervisor at Glenview Middle School, effective September 8, 2021. Chris Wils has been employed as Track Coach at Glenview Middle School, effective September 10, 2021. Mr. Wils also teaches physical education at Glenview. Marianna Bautista has been employed as an instructional aide at Wells Elementary, effective August 26, 2021. Julia McLean has been employed as a 2.5-hour playground aide at Wells Elementary, effective September 7, 2021. Destiny Miller has been employed as a 4-hour bus driver, effective September 7, 2021. Manahil Adam has been employed as a 2.5-hour cafeteria monitor at Glenview Middle School, effective September 23, 2021. Alyssa Lannen has been employed as a 4-hour bus monitor, effective September 23, 2021. Ms. Lannen also works as a playground aide at Wells Elementary. |
Subject: |
VI.5.b. Personnel - Licensed - Employment
Yasmina Tanem has been employed as a Transitional Bilingual Education Teacher (Arabic) at Ridgewood Elementary, effective September 7, 2021. Jennifer Anderson-Webb has been employed as a Transitional Bilingual Teacher at Glenview Middle School, effective August 27, 2021. |
Subject: |
VI.5.c. Personnel - Classified - Resignation
Renee Just resigned her position as a general kitchen helper at Hillcrest Elementary, effective September 15, 2021. David Mueller has resigned his position as First Lego League coach at Glenview Middle School effective September 16, 2021. Brent Harper has resigned his position as Track coach at Glenview Middle School, effective August 11, 2021. Heather Wangler has resigned from her position of Health Aide effective September 23, 2021. Linda Kirkpatrick has resigned as an instructional aide at Wells Elementary, effective August 8, 2021. Izabel Duran has resigned her position as a crossing guard, effective September 7, 2021. |
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VI.5.d. Personnel - Classified - Retirement
Rita Roehr has submitted a letter of resignation, for the purpose of retirement, effective December 17, 2021. Ms. Roehr is currently employed as a crossing guard, but has also served as a playground aide. She retires with twenty years of district service. William Criddle has submitted a letter of resignation, for the purpose of retirement, effective September 30, 2021. Mr. Criddle is currently employed as a cafeteria supervisor and bus monitor. He retires with nineteen years of district service. |
Subject: |
VI.5.e. Personnel - Classified - Leaves of Absence
Somia Yousif has requested an extension of her unpaid leave of absence from September 5, 2021 through October 10, 2021, for childcare reasons. Ms. Yousif is employed as an instructional aide at Ridgewood Elementary. Gabriella Perez has requested unpaid leave from her position as an instructional aide at Ridgewood Elementary from August 9, 2021 to November 5, 2021, as she completes her student teaching at Ridgewood. Karen Gengler has requested unpaid leave from her position as a general kitchen helper from August 11, 2021 until October 13, 2021, for medical reasons. |
Subject: |
VI.5.f. Personnel - Classified - Increase in Work Hours
Vickie Rodriguez has moved from a four-hour bus monitor to a six-hour bus monitor position, effective September 1, 2021. |
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VI.6. Other Financial Reports
Enclosed with the Agenda Information are the September 2021 Activity Fund Report, the Budget Summary Expense Report, and the Budget Summary Revenue Report for September 2021.
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VII. Committee Reports
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VII.1. United Education Foundation
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VII.2. Wellness Committee
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VII.3. BHASED Governing Board
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VII.4. Board Delegate to AFSCME
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VIII. Informational Items
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VIII.1. Teacher and Administrator Salary and Benefits Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
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VIII.2. IMRF Total Compensation Report
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IX. Unfinished Business
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IX.1. Adoption of Budget for 2021-2022 School Year
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IX.2. E-Learning Plan
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X. New Business
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X.1. Paper - ESSER 3
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X.2. Covid-19 Coordinator Job Description
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XI. Central Office Report
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XI.1. Superintendent's Update
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XII. Executive Session
In accordance with Chapter 5, Act 120, Section 2, of the Illinois Open Meetings Act, an Executive Session will be held to discuss:
Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Student disciplinary cases. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9) |
Subject: |
XIII. Return to Open Session
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XIV. Possible Action Following Executive Session
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XIV.1. Possible approval of an Agreement in Lieu of Expulsion for Students #24482 as discussed in closed session.
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XIV.2. Memorandum of Understanding with AFSCME on Coronavirus Matters for 2021-2022 school year
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XV. Adjournment