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Meeting Agenda
1. Call To Order
2. Prayer/Pledge
3. Mission Statement
4. Citizen Comments on Agenda Items
5. Consideration to approve the amendment of November 18, 2024, action related to Schneider Electric Energy Services Contract.
6. Consideration to approve joining the Central Texas Purchasing Alliance
7.  Closed Meeting:
8. Reconvene Open Meeting to Vote on Matters Considered in Closed Meeting
9. Consideration to approve Hiring Authority for the Superintendent.
10. Consideration to approve the number of applicants to be interviewed for the superintendent position.
11. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: March 11, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Special Meeting
1. Call To Order
2. Prayer/Pledge
3. Mission Statement
4. Citizen Comments on Agenda Items
5. Consideration to approve the amendment of November 18, 2024, action related to Schneider Electric Energy Services Contract.
6. Consideration to approve joining the Central Texas Purchasing Alliance
7.  Closed Meeting:
If, during the course of the meeting, the Board determines that a closed session is required, the Board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Tex. Government Code, including, but not limited to:
551.074 Discussing personnel 
Discuss applications for superintendent position.
8. Reconvene Open Meeting to Vote on Matters Considered in Closed Meeting
9. Consideration to approve Hiring Authority for the Superintendent.
10. Consideration to approve the number of applicants to be interviewed for the superintendent position.
11. Adjournment

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