Meeting Agenda
1. Call To Order
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated on the agenda. |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Citizens' Comments
This portion of the agenda is for citizens to address any questions or comments to the board. The board will listen, take comments and questions under advisement, and not respond at this time. The presiding officer will refer questions to the superintendent for research and response. When called on by the Board President, the citizen may address the board for up to three (3) minutes during the citizen comment period. Citizen comment timeframe is limited to 30 minutes. |
4. Presentations
5. Information Items
6. School Gift
7. Superintendent's Comments
8. Adoption of the Consent Agenda
Items on the Consent Agenda are to be voted on as a single item by the board. Board members may remove items from the Consent Agenda prior to the vote. Discussion of the items that have been removed will be added to the Action/Discussion Items listed on the agenda. A motion is needed to approve the items on the Consent Agenda. A roll call vote is required. |
8.A. Approval of Minutes
8.B. Board Policy Updates - Second Reading
8.C. 2024-2025 General Fund Budget Amendment #1
9. Action/Discussion Items
9.A. Proposed Meeting Location Change
9.B. Sex Education Curriculum Materials
9.C. Salary Schedules
9.D. Overnight Field Trip Request
10. Unscheduled Business
11. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 3, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call To Order
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated on the agenda. |
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
3. Citizens' Comments
This portion of the agenda is for citizens to address any questions or comments to the board. The board will listen, take comments and questions under advisement, and not respond at this time. The presiding officer will refer questions to the superintendent for research and response. When called on by the Board President, the citizen may address the board for up to three (3) minutes during the citizen comment period. Citizen comment timeframe is limited to 30 minutes. |
Subject: |
4. Presentations
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5. Information Items
Grants awarded in the first semester of the 2024-2025 school year:
Subject: |
6. School Gift
Ring Lardner Middle School received a donation from Mr. August Kuehn for sound equipment in the gymnasium. A thank-you letter was provided in board packets.
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Subject: |
7. Superintendent's Comments
Subject: |
8. Adoption of the Consent Agenda
Items on the Consent Agenda are to be voted on as a single item by the board. Board members may remove items from the Consent Agenda prior to the vote. Discussion of the items that have been removed will be added to the Action/Discussion Items listed on the agenda. A motion is needed to approve the items on the Consent Agenda. A roll call vote is required. |
I move - "that all items on the consent agenda be approved as submitted". |
Subject: |
8.A. Approval of Minutes
- January 13, 2025, Regular Meeting ****************************************************************************** |
Subject: |
8.B. Board Policy Updates - Second Reading
Administration is recommending updates to board policy #3120.08 (NEW) EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONNEL FOR CO-CURRICULAR/EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES, #5500 STUDENT CONDUCT, AND #7540.09 (NEW) ARTIFICAL INTELLIGENCE ("AI"). Copies of board policies were provided in board packets. This will be the second reading of the policies. Policies will go into effect upon approval. Dr. Burtsfield will answer questions.
SAMPLE MOTION I move - "that the board approve the second reading of policies #3120.08 (NEW) EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONNEL FOR CO-CURRICULAR/EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES, #5500 STUDENT CONDUCT, AND #7540.09 (NEW) ARTIFICAL INTELLIGENCE ("AI")". ****************************************************************************** |
Subject: |
8.C. 2024-2025 General Fund Budget Amendment #1
It is necessary to amend the 2024-2025 General Fund budget. The Board Finance Committee has reviewed the amendment and recommends approval. A copy of the amendment and a summary were provided in board packets. Tom Skarbek will answer questions.
SAMPLE MOTION I move - "that the board approve the 2024-2025 General Fund Budget Amendment #1 which- Shows an increase in revenues of $1,778,293 Shows an increase in expenditures of $2,807,838 That total revenue is set at $45,876,954 And total expenditures are set at $46,643,501". ****************************************************************************** |
Subject: |
9. Action/Discussion Items
Subject: |
9.A. Proposed Meeting Location Change
Administration is proposing that the location for the school board meeting scheduled for February 17, 2025, be moved to Ring Lardner Middle School located at 801 N 17th St, Niles, MI 49120.
SAMPLE MOTION I move-"that the board move to approve the location of the February 17, 2025, board meeting to Ring Lardner Middle School located at 801 N 17th St, Niles, MI 49120". ****************************************************************************** |
Subject: |
9.B. Sex Education Curriculum Materials
The Sex Education Advisory Committee is recommending that the board approve the continued use of the current sex education and reproductive health curriculum materials. Brooke Brawley will answer questions.
SAMPLE MOTION I move - "that the board approve the continued use of the current sex education curriculum and reproductive health materials". ****************************************************************************** |
Subject: |
9.C. Salary Schedules
Administration is recommending the acceptance of the proposed Niles Community Schools Administrative Salary Schedule. A copy of the schedule is provided in board packets. Tom Skarbek will answer questions.
SAMPLE MOTION I move-"that the board accept the Niles Community Schools Administration Salary Schedule as submitted". ****************************************************************************** |
Subject: |
9.D. Overnight Field Trip Request
Administration is recommending that the board approve the overnight field trip request submitted by Alyse Hoyt and Matt Herm to take 19 students to the Business Professionals of America State Leadership Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan on March 13, 2025 and returning on March 16, 2025.
SAMPLE MOTION I move- "that the board approve the field trip request as submitted by Alyse Hoyt and Matt Herm". ****************************************************************************** |
Subject: |
10. Unscheduled Business
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11. Adjournment