Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Public Comment
3.A. Response
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Acceptance of Minutes:
5.A.1. Board Regular Meeting, August 13, 2024
5.B. Acceptance of Closed Meeting Minutes
5.B.1. August 13, 2024, Regular Board Meeting
6. Board Action
6.A. Approval of Purchase of Heat Exchanger from Goyette Mechanical (Steve Gregory)
6.B. Approval of SaaS Migration from Ellucian (Greg Luczak)
6.C. Approval of New Board Policy 8.080 Title IX and Equity (Allie Martinez)
6.D. Approval of Revisions to Board Policy 8.014 Right of Pregnant and Parenting Students (Allie Martinez)
6.E. Approval of Elimination of Board Policy 8.012 Equity Grievances (Allie Martinez)
6.F. Approval of Minor Changes to Board Policy 8.009 Sexual Misconduct and Gender Discrimination and 8.010 Title IX - Sexual Harassment Policy (Allie Martinez)
7. Administrative Reports
7.A. President's Report
8. Trustee Comments
9. Chair Comments
10. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
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2. Approval of the Agenda
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3. Public Comment
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3.A. Response
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4. Treasurer's Report
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5. Consent Agenda
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5.A. Acceptance of Minutes:
Subject: |
5.A.1. Board Regular Meeting, August 13, 2024
Subject: |
5.B. Acceptance of Closed Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
5.B.1. August 13, 2024, Regular Board Meeting
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6. Board Action
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6.A. Approval of Purchase of Heat Exchanger from Goyette Mechanical (Steve Gregory)
It is the recommendation of the administration that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase order in the amount of $179,900.00 to Goyette Mechanical for the replacement of the heat exchanger in the B Wing on Delta College’s Main Campus.
Subject: |
6.B. Approval of SaaS Migration from Ellucian (Greg Luczak)
It is the recommendation of the administration that the Board of Trustees approve this purchase as part of the college’s application modernization and enhancement plan at a cost of $5,266,017 over five years ($1,053,203.40 annually). This is an overall five-year increase to the College’s current Colleague contract of $1,459,696 (or $291,939.20 annually).
Subject: |
6.C. Approval of New Board Policy 8.080 Title IX and Equity (Allie Martinez)
It is the recommendation of the administration that the Board of Trustees approve Board Policy 8.080 Title IX and Equity.
Subject: |
6.D. Approval of Revisions to Board Policy 8.014 Right of Pregnant and Parenting Students (Allie Martinez)
It is the recommendation of the administration that the Board of Trustees approve the changes to Board Policy 8.014 Rights of Pregnant and Parenting Students.
Subject: |
6.E. Approval of Elimination of Board Policy 8.012 Equity Grievances (Allie Martinez)
It is the recommendation of the administration that the Board of Trustees approve the elimination of Board Policy 8.012 Equity Grievances effective after October 29, 2024.
Subject: |
6.F. Approval of Minor Changes to Board Policy 8.009 Sexual Misconduct and Gender Discrimination and 8.010 Title IX - Sexual Harassment Policy (Allie Martinez)
It is the recommendation of the administration that the Board of Trustees approve the minor changes to Board Policy 8.009 Sexual Misconduct and Gender Discrimination and Board Policy 8.010 Title IX - Sexual Harassment Policy, which includes the addition of an "effective" date and the updating of the title of the Title IX Coordinator.
Subject: |
7. Administrative Reports
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7.A. President's Report
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8. Trustee Comments
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9. Chair Comments
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10. Adjournment