Meeting Agenda
I. Opening of Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Mission: Nurturing Each Child, Educating All Students, Building World Citizens
I.D. Approval of Agenda
I.E. Approval of Minutes
I.E.1. January 27, 2020 regular meeting
II. Recognition
II.A. East Lansing Athletic Director Nikki Norris
Selected for the 2020 MHSAA Women in Sports Leadership Award |
II.B. East Lansing students selected to All State Band and Orchestra
Orchestra - High School • Anthony Medei • Nina Largey Band - Middle School • Annie Walton • Peter Ahlin • Michael Cyrul Band - High School • Elizabeth Baumann • Lucas Walters • John Ahlin • Jack Hanley |
III. Student Representative Report
IV. Superintendent's Report
V. Bond Update
VI. Presentation
VI.A. Headlee Restoration Millage, Jason Mellema, Superintendent, Ingham ISD
VII. Public Hearing
VII.A. Opening of Public Hearing on the addition of the sixth grade Relationship videos and seventh & eighth grades HIV video and HIV PowerPoint.
VII.B. Comments from Mary Ellen Vrbanac, ELPS Sex Education Director.
VII.C. Public Comment on addition of the sixth grade Relationship videos and seventh & eighth grades HIV video and HIV PowerPoint.
VII.D. Close Public Hearing.
VIII. Consent Agenda
Motion: The Board of Education approve the consent agenda to include the following items: |
VIII.A. the hiring of Melanie Berger, 1.0 FTE Marble Special Education Elementary teacher at MA Step 6.5 level, effective February 11, 2020.
IX. Public Comment: This is the opportunity to address the Board. Speakers are to confine their remarks to five minutes. If a speaker requires more than five minutes, after all other persons who have requested to speak during this part of the meeting have spoken, that speaker will be allowed additional time. The Superintendent or other district staff may comment to clear up or avoid significant misunderstandings.
X. Board Discussion
XI. Action Items
XI.A. Budget Calendar
Motion: The Board of Education adopt the budget calendar for the development of East Lansing Public Schools 2020-21 budget as presented. |
XI.B. Sixth Grade Relationship Videos and Seventh & Eighth Grades HIV Video and HIV Power Point
Motion: The Board of Education approve the addition of the sixth grade support videos and seventh and eighth grade HIV video and PowerPoint as presented. |
XII. Committee Reports
XII.A. Academic and Technology Committee
XII.B. Facilities Committee
XII.C. Finance Committee
XII.D. Intergovernmental Relations
XII.E. Personnel Committee
XII.F. Policy Committee
XIII. Announcements
XIV. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 10, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Opening of Meeting
Subject: |
I.A. Call to Order
Subject: |
I.B. Roll Call
Subject: |
I.C. Mission: Nurturing Each Child, Educating All Students, Building World Citizens
Subject: |
I.D. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
I.E. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
I.E.1. January 27, 2020 regular meeting
Subject: |
II. Recognition
Subject: |
II.A. East Lansing Athletic Director Nikki Norris
Selected for the 2020 MHSAA Women in Sports Leadership Award |
Subject: |
II.B. East Lansing students selected to All State Band and Orchestra
Orchestra - High School • Anthony Medei • Nina Largey Band - Middle School • Annie Walton • Peter Ahlin • Michael Cyrul Band - High School • Elizabeth Baumann • Lucas Walters • John Ahlin • Jack Hanley |
Subject: |
III. Student Representative Report
Subject: |
IV. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
V. Bond Update
Subject: |
VI. Presentation
Subject: |
VI.A. Headlee Restoration Millage, Jason Mellema, Superintendent, Ingham ISD
Subject: |
VII. Public Hearing
Subject: |
VII.A. Opening of Public Hearing on the addition of the sixth grade Relationship videos and seventh & eighth grades HIV video and HIV PowerPoint.
Subject: |
VII.B. Comments from Mary Ellen Vrbanac, ELPS Sex Education Director.
Subject: |
VII.C. Public Comment on addition of the sixth grade Relationship videos and seventh & eighth grades HIV video and HIV PowerPoint.
Subject: |
VII.D. Close Public Hearing.
Subject: |
VIII. Consent Agenda
Motion: The Board of Education approve the consent agenda to include the following items: |
Subject: |
VIII.A. the hiring of Melanie Berger, 1.0 FTE Marble Special Education Elementary teacher at MA Step 6.5 level, effective February 11, 2020.
Subject: |
IX. Public Comment: This is the opportunity to address the Board. Speakers are to confine their remarks to five minutes. If a speaker requires more than five minutes, after all other persons who have requested to speak during this part of the meeting have spoken, that speaker will be allowed additional time. The Superintendent or other district staff may comment to clear up or avoid significant misunderstandings.
Subject: |
X. Board Discussion
Subject: |
XI. Action Items
Subject: |
XI.A. Budget Calendar
Motion: The Board of Education adopt the budget calendar for the development of East Lansing Public Schools 2020-21 budget as presented. |
Subject: |
XI.B. Sixth Grade Relationship Videos and Seventh & Eighth Grades HIV Video and HIV Power Point
Motion: The Board of Education approve the addition of the sixth grade support videos and seventh and eighth grade HIV video and PowerPoint as presented. |
Subject: |
XII. Committee Reports
Subject: |
XII.A. Academic and Technology Committee
Subject: |
XII.B. Facilities Committee
Subject: |
XII.C. Finance Committee
Subject: |
XII.D. Intergovernmental Relations
Subject: |
XII.E. Personnel Committee
Subject: |
XII.F. Policy Committee
Subject: |
XIII. Announcements
Subject: |
XIV. Adjournment