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Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Welcome
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Approval of Consent Action Items
IV. Superintendent Informational Report
V. Board of Education Reports/Action
V.A. Administrative Affairs Committee
V.B. Facilities & Finance Committee
V.C. Policy Committee
V.D. Relinquish Federal Funds
V.E. MASB Delegate Assembly
VI. Superintendent Recommendations
VI.A. Personnel
VI.B. Overnight Trips
VI.C. Bid Approval
VI.D. CTE Courses Credit
VII. Public Comment
VIII. Other Matters - Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting

Lakeshore Public Schools

Meeting: September 12, 2022 at 5:00 PM - LAKESHORE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Welcome
Jason Beckrow
At this time the Board will conduct the routine activities related to calling the meeting to order and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

INTRODUCTIONS will be conducted by the Board President as we ask Board members, administrators, and the audience to introduce themselves.
II. Approval of Agenda
Jason Beckrow
The Board should consider any changes or additions to the agenda including the potential removal of any matter scheduled as a consent action item.  The Board should approve the agenda with one of the following motions:
III. Approval of Consent Action Items
Jason Beckrow
The Board may approve the Consent Action items with the following motion:

Minutes - that the minutes of the August 8, 2022, regular meeting be approved as presented; and

Financial Statement & Bills - that the August 2022 financial statements be accepted, and the August 2022 payrolls be approved for payment; and

Student Handbooks - that the 2022-2023 High School, Middle School, and Elementary Student Handbooks be approved.
IV. Superintendent Informational Report
Greg Eding
I am pleased to report that we have had a very smooth and successful start to the school year.  Our Professional Learning Communities (PLC) system of collaboration has been a focus of our administration and this work is slowly paying off as we continue to work on the curriculum we teach, the assessments we use, and the interventions we use to keep our students learning at high levels.  I am excited to see how this unfolds!

We continue to work on a potential capital bond project.  Three community forums provided us some great feedback on what our community sees as needs versus wants.  Our administrative team developed three lists:  Priority Needs, Energy Efficiency and Modernization Improvements, and Educational Program Enhancements.  We have hired Perspectives Consulting to conduct a survey of all residents within our district, with the goal to find what our community will support.  This survey went live today and will be available for two weeks.  We sent out communications through our school email and text notification system, school newsletters, social media, and through a postcard mailed to Lakeshore residents.   Once the survey is completed, Perspectives Consulting will provide us with a full report that we will publish to the community.

I am excited to report that our School Resource Officer, Mike Dorr, is quickly making his presence known in all of our buildings.  Officer Dorr’s existence within our buildings has definitely been noted, and it will take a little time for our families to get used to that level of law enforcement being seen around the district.  Officer Dorr is working on several projects, including updating all Lincoln Township vehicles with important school information in the event it should ever be needed.  He is also working with building administrators to review and provide feedback on safety measures within each building.  

Overall it has been a great start to the school year!
V. Board of Education Reports/Action
V.A. Administrative Affairs Committee
Kevin Bushu
The Administrative Affairs Committee met on Tuesday, August 30th at 7:15am in the Central Office Conference Room.  Present in the meeting were Greg Eding, Kevin Bushu, Jeff Hannan, and Griffin Ott.  The committee discussed the opening day professional development, the change in the start times for the schools, and a curriculum review process that Dr. Powell is developing.
V.B. Facilities & Finance Committee
Griffin Ott
On Thursday, September 8, 2022, the Facilities and Finance Committee met, consisting of Kevin Bushu, Rachel Wade, Griffin Ott, Greg Eding, and Tracy Althouse.  Topics discussed, but not limited to, were the following: 
  • Tracy presented monthly statements of cash flows, investments and sinking fund. 
  • An audit update was given with the expectation of an October presentation.  Nothing of concern has been noted.
  • Tracy updated the committee on next year’s budget based on summer hiring as well as the state aid act that was passed.   We are waiting on FTE count after the 10-day drop period.  There will be a budget update in October.
  • Community usage for the field house was discussed.  More information will be available in the next few weeks. 
  • Greg gave the committee an update on our school resource officer and what he has done in the first few weeks of school as well as future plan.
V.C. Policy Committee
Scott Allan
The Policy Committee met on Tuesday, September 6th at 4:30pm in the Central Office Conference Room.  Present in the meeting were Bill Scaletta, Rachel Wade, Scott Allan, and Greg Eding.  The committee discussed the change in start times for the schools and the curriculum review process that Dr. Powell is developing.  The committee also discussed the school handbooks, which have very few changes, and the issue of how attendance is handled through the handbooks.
V.D. Relinquish Federal Funds
Greg Eding
This fiscal year we will not be applying for Federal Funds for Title III, Part A - English Learners, and will relinquish these funds.
V.E. MASB Delegate Assembly
Jason Beckrow
Each year, we must certify the official voting delegates and alternates who will represent our Board at the MASB Delegate Assembly, which this year is on October 20, 7:00 PM, in Acme, MI. The Delegate Assembly provides direction to the Association, its officers and committees through the adoption of resolutions. All resolutions adopted by the Delegate Assembly become the official position of MASB as interpreted and pursued by the Board of Directors.

Based on our student enrollment, we are allowed up to 3 voting delegates and 3 alternates, and submission of the members’ names must be by September 23.
VI. Superintendent Recommendations
VI.A. Personnel
Julie Powell
We have a teacher requesting a leave of absence and one who has returned to Lakeshore.

Kindergarten Teacher Katie Walters is requesting a leave of absence for the 2022-2023 school year to care for her baby.  She gave birth in June, started the new school year on maternity leave, and now has asked to extend her leave through June 2023. 

Due to a late resignation at Stewart, retired teacher Janine Harrison has returned to teach at the same 3rd grade level without missing a beat.  We are very grateful!
VI.B. Overnight Trips
Greg Eding
The following high school overnight trip requests were received:

Dual National Championships at SEMA - Six members of the Lakeshore Varsity Hot Rodders Senior Team have qualified and would like to attend the Hot Rodders of Tomorrow Dual National Championships at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas, October 31-November 4, 2022. 

Dual National Championships at PRI - If the team finishes in the top four, they would like to compete in the Elite 8 National Championships at the PRI show in Indianapolis, December 7-10, 2022. 

High School Choir New York City - About 25 students and five chaperones would like to travel to New York City April 13-17, 2023 for a superb music experience.  They will see two Broadway musicals, attend a workshop with a Broadway performer, and sing at a cathedral.

VI.C. Bid Approval
Greg Eding
Three bids were received for the purchase of two virtual welders for the CTE program.  These devices offer a realistic welding simulation that can check the quality of the weld and without wasting materials.  (Link to 3-minute video).  The bids were as follows: 
  • Miller Welding Supply - Buchanan............................$54,850.00
    • Voluntary Alternate (Tig Pedals, Cases)..............$4,860.00
  • Roy Smith Company - Detroit..................................$51,960.00
  • Holzberg Communications - Totowa, NJ.....................$62,779.98
Our recommendation is to accept Miller Welding Supply’s bid including the alternate bid for a total of $59,710.00.  This purchase would be funded through Berrien RESA’s CTE program.
VI.D. CTE Courses Credit
Greg Eding
Each year, the Board is asked to approve the established Michigan Merit Curriculum Credits that are covered though the State Approved CTE courses in which Lakeshore High School offers.  This year, the courses are Education General; Mechanical Drafting; Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration; Automotive Technician; Machine Tool Operation/Machine Shop; Welding, Brazing & Soldering; Therapeutic Services; and Marketing, Sales & Service.  We currently have a total of 275 students enrolled in our CTE classes with 86 of them coming from other schools in the county.   
VII. Public Comment
Jason Beckrow
The Board President will call on citizens who would like to make comments or express concerns at this time.  The Board of Education Policy, "Public Participation at Board Meetings," applies to this section of the Agenda.
VIII. Other Matters - Adjournment
Jason Beckrow
A.  Board Meeting Evaluation - Evaluations are available for the audience.

B.  Suggested Meeting Guide - Enclosed is the suggested meeting guide for the Board members to review.
C.  Adjournment -

5771 Cleveland Ave., Stevensville MI  49127  269-428-1400

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