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Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Welcome
II. Board Workshop
III. Meeting Recess
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Approval of Consent Action Items
V.A. CONSENT: Minutes
V.B. CONSENT: Financial Statements
VI. Superintendent Informational Report
VII. Good News
VIII. Lakeshore Excellence Foundation 
IX. Board of Education Reports/Action
IX.A. Administrative Affairs Committee
IX.B. Facilities & Finance Committee
IX.C. Policy Committee 
X. Superintendent Recommendations
X.A. Budget Modification #3
X.B. Overnight Trip
X.C. Middle School Mathematics Purchase
XI. Comments and Concerns
XII. Other Matters - Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting

Lakeshore Public Schools

Meeting: April 11, 2022 at 5:00 PM - LAKESHORE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Workshop/Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Welcome
Jason Beckrow
At this time the Board will conduct the routine activities related to calling the meeting to order and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
II. Board Workshop
Jason Beckrow
The Michigan Leadership Institute - Michigan Leadership Institute (MLI) is a Michigan-based leadership consulting organization committed to serving K-12 school districts and public institutions throughout Michigan. Since 1988, MLI has contributed to the success of public education by developing, deploying and supporting outstanding executive leadership.
MLI offers governance workshops for superintendents and their boards who want to work together effectively, establish an interdependent relationship and maintain focus on clearly identified indicators of success. MLI also offers governance workshops as needed when board composition changes, standards of practice need to be revisited, communication issues arise or goals need to be reevaluated. MLI governance team workshops are customized to meet the needs of individual organizations.

Tom TenBrink is the MLI representative conducting the workshop this evening.

At the conclusion of the workshop, the Board will break for a recess until 7:00 PM.

III. Meeting Recess
Jason Beckrow
The meeting will break for a recess until 7:00 PM
IV. Approval of Agenda
Jason Beckrow
The Board should consider any changes or additions to the agenda including the potential removal of any matter scheduled as a consent action item.  The Board should approve the agenda with one of the following motions:
V. Approval of Consent Action Items
Jason Beckrow
The Board may approve the Consent Action items with the following motion:

Minutes - that the minutes of the March 14, 2022, regular meeting be approved as presented; and

Financial Statement & Bills - that the March 2022 financial statements be accepted, and the March 2022 payrolls be approved for payment.
V.A. CONSENT: Minutes
V.B. CONSENT: Financial Statements
VI. Superintendent Informational Report
Greg Eding
Lakeshore Public Schools is doing some amazing work with and for our students.  A group of students went to Germany for 18 days and had an amazing time of learning.  That group is here tonight and we will get an opportunity to hear directly from them.

Another Lakeshore student group, the Lakeshore Band, traveled to Florida during Spring Break and was able to perform and march at Disney World.

I am proud that both of these groups had the opportunity to take part in these fantastic trips.  In January, with COVID numbers spiking, we talked at length about the feasibility of these trips and we kept holding on - and then to see them happen and to see the amazing experience that our students had was so wonderful.  A huge thank you to Band director Matt Pagel, as well as teacher Amy Perkins for their work in organizing and managing these adventures.  

Tonight, we will also get a chance to hear from JC Anderson, Chairman of the Lakeshore Excellence Foundation.  JC is a longtime supporter of all things Lakeshore and he would like to share a quick update from the LEF, as well as a letter of support for the Lakeshore Board and the district.
VII. Good News
Greg Eding
Three of the 15 students who recently traveled to Germany as part of the Sister Exchange Program will give a presentation on their experiences.
VIII. Lakeshore Excellence Foundation 
Greg Eding
JC Anderson, Chairman of the Lakeshore Excellence Foundation, will provide an informational update.
IX. Board of Education Reports/Action
IX.A. Administrative Affairs Committee
Griffin Ott
The Administrative Affairs Committee met on Tuesday, March 29th.  Present in the meeting were Greg Eding, Kevin Bushu, Jeff Hannan, and Griffin Ott.  The committee reviewed the MASB tool that is used for superintendent evaluation.
IX.B. Facilities & Finance Committee
Kevin Bushu
On Tuesday, April 5, 2022, the Facilities and Finance Committee met.   Attendees included Kevin Bushu, Jeff Hannan, Greg Eding, Tracy Althouse, Natalie Macerata, and two representatives from Perspectives Consulting.
Items discussed but not limited to the following:
      • Tracy discussed the updated rental schedule for our Field House which will have walking track access beginning in the fall of 2022.
      • Monthly cash flows, investments, and sinking fund information were presented with no noted concerns. Various replacement schedules were discussed.
      • Tracy went over Budget Modification #3 which will be presented at the Board meeting.
      • ESSER III money is available and Tracy has turned in the 11t application to the State.    She presented what the funds will be spent on pending approval by the State.
IX.C. Policy Committee 
Scott Allan
The Policy Committee met on Tuesday, April 5th.  Present in the meeting were Greg Eding, Scott Allan, and Rachel Wade.  The committee discussed Board Policy 5111, Administrative Guideline 5111, and Form 5111 that have to do with admission to the district.  The policy and guideline are both outdated and not consistent with enrollment requirements.

The following is the recommendation for change to po5111:


G.  Students whose parents do not reside within the District, but who present evidence that they will move into the District within a short period of time may enroll in the schools of this District as tuition students for the time not in residence.

Change to:

G.  Students whose parents do not reside within the District, but who present evidence that they will move into the District within a short period of time may enroll in the schools of this District for the time not in residence.  Tuition may be required if the student does not qualify for state funding during the time not in residence.


H.  Twelfth grade students who have begun their work toward graduation from the District's high school and whose parents no longer reside within the District may be permitted to complete their high school education as tuition students.

Change to:

H.  Twelfth grade students who have begun their work toward graduation from the District's high school and whose parents no longer reside within the District may be permitted to complete their high school education.  Tuition may be required if the student does not qualify for state funding during the time the parent/guardian is not a resident.

The following are recommendations for change to Administrative Guideline 5111:


A.  proof of residency consisting of a deed, building permit, rental agreement, tax statement, voter registration card, or completion of Form 5111 F2b

Change to:

A.  Homeowner must provide a current utility bill in the name and address of the person enrolling the student (gas, electric, water, or cable bill only) - mailing address must match the service address.  And either a current property tax bill with the name and property address, or purchase agreement if closing occurred within the last 6 months of the person enrolling the student.

Tenant must provide a current utility bill in the name and address of the person enrolling the student (gas, electric, water, or cable bill only) - mailing address must match the service address.  And the rental agreement with the name and property address of the person enrolling the student.

And to remove:

C.  Students without appropriate records will be admitted under temporary enrollment for a period of ten (10) days, unless extended by the principal. Parents are to be so informed at the time of admission.

The following are recommendations for change to Form 5111:

Remove Form 5111 F2a and replace with Lakeshore Public Schools Affidavit for Student not Living with Parent/Guardian
Remove Form 5111 F2b and replace with Lakeshore Public Schools Affidavit for Designation of Decision Making Authority
X. Superintendent Recommendations
X.A. Budget Modification #3
Tracy Althouse
Tonight, Tracy Althouse will review the Quarterly Budget Modification #3 and recommend adoption by the Board. 
X.B. Overnight Trip
Greg Eding
We have a request from High School DECA Advisor Tonya Jahnke for one student to attend the DECA International Career Development Conference in Atlanta, GA on April 23-27.  Due to having only the one student from Lakeshore attending, and with parental permission, the student will be joining the Battle Creek Lake View High School DECA Chapter. 
X.C. Middle School Mathematics Purchase
Greg Eding
We are requesting Board approval for the proposed 3-year subscription of Mathematic materials for 6-8th grades from McGraw Hill in the amount $49,475.78.
XI. Comments and Concerns
Jason Beckrow
The Board President will call on citizens who would like to make comments or express concerns at this time.  The Board of Education Policy, "Public Participation at Board Meetings," does apply to this section of the Agenda.
XII. Other Matters - Adjournment
Jason Beckrow

5771 Cleveland Ave., Stevensville MI  49127  269-428-1400

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