Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Welcome
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Approval of Consent Action Items
IV. Communications
IV.A. Comments and Concerns
V. Superintendent Informational Report
VI. Board of Education Reports/Action
VI.A. Administrative Affairs Committee
VI.B. Facilities & Finance Committee
VI.C. Policy Committee
VI.D. Sub Teacher Change Requirements Resolution |
VII. Superintendent Recommendations
VII.A. Schools of Choice
VII.B. Return to Learn Plan
VII.C. Administrator/ Director Contract Renewals
VII.D. Middle School Social Studies Curriculum
VII.E. Overnight Trips
VII.F. Vehicle Bid
VIII. Other Matters - Closed Session - Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Lakeshore Public Schools |
Meeting: | March 14, 2022 at 5:30 PM - LAKESHORE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Welcome
Presenter: |
Jason Beckrow
At this time the Board will conduct the routine activities related to calling the meeting to order and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INTRODUCTIONS will be conducted by the Board President as we ask Board members, administrators, and the audience to introduce themselves. |
Subject: |
II. Approval of Agenda
Presenter: |
Jason Beckrow
The Board should consider any changes or additions to the agenda including the potential removal of any matter scheduled as a consent action item. The Board should approve the agenda with one of the following motions:
Subject: |
III. Approval of Consent Action Items
Presenter: |
Jason Beckrow
The Board may approve the Consent Action items with the following motion:
Minutes - that the minutes of the February 14, 2022, Regular Meeting be approved as presented; and Financial Statement & Bills - that the February 2022 financial statements be accepted, and the February 2022 payrolls be approved for payment; and Programs of Studies - that the 2022-2023 High School, Middle School, and Elementary Programs of Studies be approved as presented. |
Subject: |
IV. Communications
Presenter: |
Jason Beckrow
Subject: |
IV.A. Comments and Concerns
Presenter: |
Jason Beckrow
The Board President will call on citizens who would like to make comments or express concerns at this time. The Board of Education Policy, "Public Participation at Board Meetings," does apply to this section of the Agenda.
Subject: |
V. Superintendent Informational Report
Presenter: |
Greg Eding
I am happy to say that district COVID situations seem to be going very well. We have very few COVID cases reported each week. Approximately 15% of students and 20% of staff continue to wear masks and schools have high grade masks available for use as needed. Coupled with a few really nice days since our last Board meeting, it does look and feel like school is "normal".
I have been able to get into each school and spend considerable time with students and staff this month. I am very impressed with the level of instruction, the attention to detail, and that care for students that is happening throughout the entire district. In particular, I enjoyed discussing the decision process for calling snow days that I had with a Ms. Vaugh’s 5th grade class at Hollywood, and the hour of time I was able to spend meeting with Ms. Woodard’s career class with students who are planning on careers in education. This month we also kicked off our Learn by Heart program. This program focuses on positive stories about Lakeshore employees. Thus far we have had over 40 submissions of positive stories and they keep coming in every day. It’s so fun to learn about the positive impact that our staff is having on the community, the students, and on each other. |
Subject: |
VI. Board of Education Reports/Action
Subject: |
VI.A. Administrative Affairs Committee
Presenter: |
Griffin Ott
The Administrative Affairs Committee met for a short meeting on Tuesday February 22nd. Present in the meeting were Greg Eding, Julie Powell, Kevin Bushu, Jeff Hannan, and Griffin Ott. The committee discussed staffing situations throughout the district and the upcoming mid-year evaluation of the superintendent.
Subject: |
VI.B. Facilities & Finance Committee
Presenter: |
Jeff Hannan
On Tuesday, March 8, 2022, the Facility and Finance Committee met. Jason Beckrow, Kevin Bushu, Jeff Hannan, Greg Eding and Tracy Althouse were in attendance. In addition, the committee welcomed two guests from Perspectives Consulting Group. The following items were discussed but not limited to:
Subject: |
VI.C. Policy Committee
Presenter: |
Bill Scaletta
The Policy Committee met on Tuesday, March 1st. Present in the meeting were Greg Eding, Scott Allan, and Bill Scaletta. The committee discussed the upcoming NEOLA update, as well as a policy discrepancy that the district was made aware. In 2012, Lakeshore instituted a policy where Board members were to serve 6 year terms. And in 2013, Lakeshore employed a new company, NEOLA, to manage and host district policy. NEOLA allows the public to view all district policy online; where before all policy was only in print form. During the 2013 shift to NEOLA, the policy for school board terms was transferred inaccurately. For 10 years the district has followed the 2012 policy and ballots for voters have included the 6 year terms. The Policy Committee suggests that the Board correct policy 0142.3 to be 6 year terms.
Subject: |
VI.D. Sub Teacher Change Requirements Resolution |
Presenter: |
Greg Eding
On December 27, 2021, Governor Whitmer signed House Bill 4294 which makes temporary changes to the requirements necessary to serve as a substitute teacher. The legislation amends MCL 380.1233 to provide districts with the ability to expand the potential pool of substitute teachers. The revisions to the statute are only in effect through June 30, 2022.
The temporary addition to the statute allows a school board to employ an individual without a certificate or permit and who does not meet the other legal requirements to be a substitute teacher in certain circumstances. Through June 30, 2022, a board may employ an individual as a substitute teacher if the individual has a high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate and the individual is employed by or works at the school district. The individual's salary for his or her work as a substitute teacher may not be lower than his/her existing salary. If the individual's current salary is lower, the district must raise the individual's salary for his or her work as a substitute teacher to an amount equal or greater than the salary of a substitute teacher. The proposed Board resolution is included in the packet. |
Subject: |
VII. Superintendent Recommendations
Subject: |
VII.A. Schools of Choice
Presenter: |
Greg Eding
On an annual basis, the Board shall take action concerning participation in the Schools of Choice program. Tonight, I am recommending that we continue our participation in the program on a limited basis. I ask the Board to give the administration the authority to determine the numbers at each grade level as the enrollment projection for next school year becomes clearer.
Subject: |
VII.B. Return to Learn Plan
Presenter: |
Greg Eding
With the number of positive COVID cases continuing to decline, the only change to the Return to Learn Plan that was made since the last Board meeting was the CDC removing the requirement of masks to be worn on any Lakeshore school bus or van.
Subject: |
VII.C. Administrator/ Director Contract Renewals
Presenter: |
Greg Eding
I recommend that the following Administrators and Directors be employed for the 2022-2023 school year: Julie Powell, Tracy Althouse, Jeff Yauchstetter, Jason Holok, Greg Younger, Susan Toothman, Allison Arend, Natalie Macerata, Rachel Kyncl, Samantha Lantis, Pam Greiffendorf, Nick White, Stacey Steffes, and Chris Quartermaine.
Subject: |
VII.D. Middle School Social Studies Curriculum
Presenter: |
Greg Eding
We are requesting Board approval for the proposed Middle School Social Studies curriculum by approving the purchase of materials from McGraw Hill in the amount $63,056.99.
Subject: |
VII.E. Overnight Trips
Presenter: |
Greg Eding
We have requests from the high school for an upcoming overnight trip, and two contingent trips.
High School Principal Jeff Yauchstetter and Robotics Advisor Brad Smith are requesting permission for about 22 students to attend a Robotics competition in Jackson, MI on April 8-9, 2022. If they qualify, they move onto the state competition in Saginaw, MI on April 13-15, and hopefully also move onto the World Championship in Houston, TX on April 20, 2022. |
Subject: |
VII.F. Vehicle Bid
Presenter: |
Greg Eding
One bid was received for a used 2019 8-passenger van for transportation use including special education students in the amount of $36,888.00 from Siemens Ford in Bridgman. Operations Director Nick White recommends accepting this bid.
Subject: |
VIII. Other Matters - Closed Session - Adjournment
Presenter: |
Jason Beckrow
Suggested Meeting Guide - Enclosed is the suggested meeting guide for the Board members to review.
5771 Cleveland Ave., Stevensville MI 49127 269-428-1400 |