Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Notice
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Treasurer's Report
5.B. Minutes - Regular Monthly Meeting of January 20, 2025
5.C. Minutes - Special Meetings (2) of January 20, 2025
5.D. Staffing Updates
5.E. Overnight Field Trip Requests - April-July, 2025
5.F. Academic Excellence Scholarship Recipients
5.G. Technical Excellence Scholarship Winners
6. BSchool Board Member Recognition
7. Resident Comments
8. Information Items
8.A. Student Council Report
8.B. FFA Presentation
8.C. International Trip - Summer 2026
8.D. Neola Policy Updates - Vol. 34-1, Technical Corrections, and Administrative Guidelines
8.E. Neola Policy Update - EDGAR Policies (Oct. 2024)
9. Items For Board Action
9.A. Bylaw Policy 0166 - Agenda
9.B. Neola Title IX Policy Updates
10. Superintendent's Report
11. President's Report
12. Adjourn from Open Meeting
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 17, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
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1. Call to Order
This is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting.
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2. Roll Call
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3. Public Notice
This meeting was noticed by way of publication in the Waterford Post on Thursday, Februaruy 13, 2025, was posted at the District Office (Door #7) and at Entrance #19, and was published on the District's website. Minutes from the regular board meeting of December 16, 2024 are posted on the District's website.
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4. Pledge of Allegiance
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5. Consent Agenda
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5.A. Treasurer's Report
An itemized list of bills payable, including vendor names, payment amounts, and descriptions of goods or services rendered.
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5.B. Minutes - Regular Monthly Meeting of January 20, 2025
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5.C. Minutes - Special Meetings (2) of January 20, 2025
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5.D. Staffing Updates
None at this time.
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5.E. Overnight Field Trip Requests - April-July, 2025
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5.F. Academic Excellence Scholarship Recipients
Academic Excellence Scholarships (AES) are awarded to Wisconsin high school seniors who have the highest grade point average in each public and private high school throughout the State of Wisconsin. The value of the scholarship is $2,250 per year, to be applied towards tuition at a participating University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Technical College, or independent institution in the state. Attached is a list of the recipients and alternates. |
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5.G. Technical Excellence Scholarship Winners
This year, WUHS is able to offer two (2) Wisconsin State Technical Excellence Scholarships to graduating seniors based on their Career &Technical Education course credits, Career & Technical Student Organization participation, and their CTE gpa after seven semesters. Attached is a list of recipients and alternates.
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6. BSchool Board Member Recognition
Board member Dennis Purtell was recently recognized by the Wisconsin Association of School Boards for earning a Level 1 Award for demonstrating a high level of commitment to Wisconsin public school students. The WASB’s Member Recognition Program tracks the professional development of school board members, who may be awarded one of five achievement levels based on a point system. Members receive points by attending the state convention, participating in workshops and engaging in other professional development activities. Mr. Purtell earned a Level 1 award by attending WASB training opportunities focused on improving student achievement and public education. |
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7. Resident Comments
At this time the board would like to invite any member of the audience to stand with comments about items of interest or concern that do or do not appear on the agenda this evening. Please begin by stating your name and address. It would be appreciated if you would limit your comments to three minutes so that we can keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion and allow others an opportunity to speak. We ask that you remember that Wisconsin law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. Thank you for your support of our school district.
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8. Information Items
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8.A. Student Council Report
The Student Council Sergeant at Arms will provide an update on the recent activities of various student co-curricular clubs.
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8.B. FFA Presentation
Ag. Teacher and FFA Advisor Michael Wicks, along with the FFA officer team will give an update on their chapter activities.
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8.C. International Trip - Summer 2026
Social Studies Teacher Brittany Rohrsen would like to travel with students overseas in the summer of 2026. The proposed 10-day trip is through EF Educational Tours, and they will visit Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slavakia, and Hungary. The purpose of the trip is to expose students to world travel and history in relation to AP course content. Ms. Rohrsen will be at the Board Meeting to share information and to answer any questions.
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8.D. Neola Policy Updates - Vol. 34-1, Technical Corrections, and Administrative Guidelines
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8.E. Neola Policy Update - EDGAR Policies (Oct. 2024)
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9. Items For Board Action
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9.A. Bylaw Policy 0166 - Agenda
The Board held discussion about revising the current policy for adding items to the board agenda. The updated policy is attached for board action.
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9.B. Neola Title IX Policy Updates
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10. Superintendent's Report
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11. President's Report
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12. Adjourn from Open Meeting