Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Approval of Consent Agenda including August Minutes, August Board Report and Treasurer's Report, Bills Paid after August Board Meeting, September Bills and Payroll, September Investment Report, September Activity Accounts, September Credit Card Accounts, Teacher Salary and Administrator Benefits Report, Risk Management Plan and Tort Levy Summary for Fiscal Year 2018
IV. Audience to Visitors and Other Communications
V. Superintendent Communications
V.A. Freedom of Information Act Request
V.B. Other Communications
VI. Principals' Communications
VI.A. Mr. Brau, Pre-8 Principal
VI.B. Mr. Ganson, 9-12 Principal and Mrs. Wolf, K-12 Lead Teacher
VI.C. Mr. Huber, Athletic Director
VII. Board Member Committee Reports
VII.A. Building Committee-Jerad Heitzler, Teddy VanHyfte
VII.B. Finance Committee-Cathy Foes, Brian Childs
VII.C. Transportation-Nancy Goodman, Dwaine Shaw Jr.
VIII. Old Business
VIII.A. Discussion and Review of District Legal Counsel
IX. New Business
IX.A. Fiscal Year 2018 Budget
IX.B. First Midstate Presentation and Discussion on Sale of Working Cash Bonds
IX.C. Discussion of Options for District and Community Goal Setting Meetings with IASB or Other Entity
IX.D. Approve Early Graduation Request
IX.E. Discussion to Consider Board Recognition of Anime Club
IX.F. Closed Session for the Purpose of Discussing: (1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine validity, (9) Student disciplinary cases, (11) pending litigation, and (10) the placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students.
IX.G. Recommendations and/or Actions Regarding Items Considered in Closed Session including approval of any discipline reports.
IX.H. Other Business to come before the Board
X. Adjournment
The next regularly scheduled Board of Education Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 6:00 PM in the Annawan CUSD 226 Language Arts Room. |
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 20, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
Presenter: |
Mr. Rosenberry
John will call meeting to order and Chris Kidd will call the roll of members.
Subject: |
II. Approval of Agenda
Presenter: |
Mr. Ganson
Recommendation: I recommend you approve the agenda as presented
Subject: |
III. Approval of Consent Agenda including August Minutes, August Board Report and Treasurer's Report, Bills Paid after August Board Meeting, September Bills and Payroll, September Investment Report, September Activity Accounts, September Credit Card Accounts, Teacher Salary and Administrator Benefits Report, Risk Management Plan and Tort Levy Summary for Fiscal Year 2018
Presenter: |
Mr. Ganson
Recommendation: I recommend you approve the agenda as presented.
Subject: |
IV. Audience to Visitors and Other Communications
Presenter: |
Mr. Ganson
No formal requests have been made.
Subject: |
V. Superintendent Communications
Presenter: |
Mr. Ganson
Mr. Ganson has a couple items to cover under Other Communications:
1. School Board Conference in November 2. Update on State of Illinois |
Subject: |
V.A. Freedom of Information Act Request
Subject: |
V.B. Other Communications
Subject: |
VI. Principals' Communications
Presenter: |
Mr. Brau, Mrs. Wolf, Mr. Huber, Mr. Ganson
Reports are attached. In an efficiency of time, we will not verbally go over reports item by item, but just mention a couple items we can all read.
Subject: |
VI.A. Mr. Brau, Pre-8 Principal
Subject: |
VI.B. Mr. Ganson, 9-12 Principal and Mrs. Wolf, K-12 Lead Teacher
Subject: |
VI.C. Mr. Huber, Athletic Director
Subject: |
VII. Board Member Committee Reports
Presenter: |
Committee Members
Notes are attached as information items only.
Subject: |
VII.A. Building Committee-Jerad Heitzler, Teddy VanHyfte
Subject: |
VII.B. Finance Committee-Cathy Foes, Brian Childs
Subject: |
VII.C. Transportation-Nancy Goodman, Dwaine Shaw Jr.
Subject: |
VIII. Old Business
Subject: |
VIII.A. Discussion and Review of District Legal Counsel
Presenter: |
Mr. Ganson
Presentation of School Legal Counsel Request for Proposal information. I have included the original RFP and a brief one page comparison based upon the RFP questions. You have received proposals from four law firms; WMP&J, Franczek, HLERK, and Robbins Schwartz. The proposals contain more information than can be condensed into a single page and each firm put together some very
informative attorney and firm considerations for your review. These materials will be distributed Wednesday evening for your consideration over the next month. Formal action would be anticipated during the October board meeting after the Board has had an opportunity see these proposals. |
Subject: |
IX. New Business
Subject: |
IX.A. Fiscal Year 2018 Budget
Presenter: |
Mr. Ganson
This is a revised budget from the tentative budget approved in August. It reflects changes in revenues and expenditures due to updated information that result in an overall deficit of
$395,263, which is $84,247 less than the $436,396 August projection. Each operating fund will incur projected deficits (see page 19 of the ISBE Budget Plan) but due to fund balances a debt reduction plan is not necessary at this time. The district is anticipated to have a total fund balance of $3,564,883 on June 30, 2018 Please refer to page 2 and page 3, lines 21, 22, and 81 for specific fund information. The Estimated Limitation of Administrative Costs is showing a decrease of 35% against last year’s information (page 27). Given the late nature of information from the state this year and revenue estimates based on last year’s numbers, it may become necessary to amend the budget in May 2018 to reflect changes occurring over the course of the year. Recommendation: Approve the revised Fiscal Year 2018 budget as presented. |
Subject: |
IX.B. First Midstate Presentation and Discussion on Sale of Working Cash Bonds
Presenter: |
Mr. Ganson
First Midstate Presentation
– Please see the attached letter from First Midstate. A representative is scheduled to be present during our meeting to address the Board on the consideration of Working Cash Bonds. The amount budgeted for this was $1.5 million but the end amount will likely vary upon Board discussion and Bond information presented. Please have any questions ready for Wednesday evening’s presentation. No action; presentation of information and question and answer format. |
Subject: |
IX.C. Discussion of Options for District and Community Goal Setting Meetings with IASB or Other Entity
Presenter: |
Mr. Ganson
I have enclosed a short brochure from IASB for discussion of Board Goal Setting activities. Other possible alternatives might include State Education consultants or University Education Department individuals to conduct such sessions. The goal would be to begin strategic planning discussions about the future needs of the District given uncertain funding and student needs.
No Board Action, Discussion Item |
Subject: |
IX.D. Approve Early Graduation Request
Subject: |
IX.E. Discussion to Consider Board Recognition of Anime Club
Subject: |
IX.F. Closed Session for the Purpose of Discussing: (1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine validity, (9) Student disciplinary cases, (11) pending litigation, and (10) the placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students.
Subject: |
IX.G. Recommendations and/or Actions Regarding Items Considered in Closed Session including approval of any discipline reports.
Subject: |
IX.H. Other Business to come before the Board
Subject: |
X. Adjournment
The next regularly scheduled Board of Education Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 6:00 PM in the Annawan CUSD 226 Language Arts Room. |