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Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Superintendent Communication    
III.A. Presentation of Appreciation Gifts for Outgoing Board Member Alvin Landwehr
IV. Old Business
IV.A. Approve Addendum to April 13, 2017 Special Meeting MInutes
V. New Business
V.A. Accept Results of Canvassed Election Results from April 4, 2017
VI. Adjourn Sine Die-----"For the Final Time
VII. Call to Order and Roll Call (Dwaine Shaw Jr. Presiding as President ProTem)
VIII. Approval of Agenda
IX. New Business
IX.A. Oath of Board Members and Code of Conduct
IX.B. Seating and Reorganization of Board
IX.B.1. Appoint Secretary Pro Tem
IX.B.2. Election of President (2 year term)
IX.B.3. Election of Vice President (2 year term)
IX.B.4. Election of Secretary (2 year term)
IX.B.5. Appoint District Treasurer (2 year term)
IX.B.6. Declare Depository
IX.B.7. Adopt District's Policy Manual, Discipline Code, and Co-Curricular Codes including all Student and Staff Handbooks
IX.B.8. Appoint Board's Custodian of Activity Fund
IX.B.9. Appoint Board Representatives to Various Committees (Special Education, Building and Grounds, Transportation, and Finance)
IX.B.10. Establish Time, Date, and Location of Regular Board Meeting
X. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: April 27, 2017 at 5:00 PM - Annawan CUSD 226 Reorganizational Meeting
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
Mr. Shaw, Board President
Board President Dwaine Shaw Jr. will call the meeting to order and Chris Kidd will call the roll of members.  Dwaine will also introduce any guests that we have present.
II. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Shaw, Board President
There should be no additions to the agenda from Board members per Board Agreements and the fact that this is scheduled as  a Reorganizational Meeting of the Board Only Meeting.

RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve the agenda as presented.
III. Superintendent Communication    
Mr. Buresh
III.A. Presentation of Appreciation Gifts for Outgoing Board Member Alvin Landwehr
Mr. Buresh
Board members should Thank Mr. Landwehr for his years of service and Mr. Landwehr can respond accordingly.
IV. Old Business
Mr. Buresh
IV.A. Approve Addendum to April 13, 2017 Special Meeting MInutes
Mr. Buresh
At the last Annawan CUSD 226 Board meeting the April 13, 2017 Special Board Meeting minutes were pulled from the Consent Agenda, and the Board voted to add an addendum to the minutes.  Time has not been sufficient since the meeting Wednesday night to do so.  These will be prepared by the end of the day Tuesday for your voting on Thursday night.  I have consulted our attorney on this and have followed his recommendation.This is the only Old Business this Board has yet to do.

Since there have been two addendums to the April 13, 2017 Special Board Meeting Minutes submitted, it is appropriate that these can be made as a collective motion according to our attorney.  That is what I would recommend that you do.  The other option would be to act on each addendum separately.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve the Annawan CUSD 226 Special Board Meeting minutes of April 13, 2017 including the Addendums submitted by Board Member Nancy Goodman and Board Member Dwaine Shaw Jr.

V. New Business
Mr. Buresh
V.A. Accept Results of Canvassed Election Results from April 4, 2017
Mr. Buresh
These were put in the mail ton Friday, so I will probably have them on Monday or Tuesday.

RECOMMENDATION:   Accept the April 4, 2017 Annawan CUSD 226 Board Member Canvassed Election Results as presented.
VI. Adjourn Sine Die-----"For the Final Time
Mr. Buresh

RECOMMENDATION:   Adjourn the Meeting.  Typically if a Board member is present who is getting off the Board a courtesy is shown to them and they are allowed to make the motion.  Thus, if Al is present, please consider allowing him to make the motion to adjourn.
VII. Call to Order and Roll Call (Dwaine Shaw Jr. Presiding as President ProTem)
Mr. Shaw
Traditionally when the current Board President is on the new Board, that person has always served in this capacity.
VIII. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Shaw
There should be no additions to the agenda from Board members per Board Agreements and the fact that this is scheduled as  a Reorganizational Meeting of the Board Only Meeting.

RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve the agenda as presented.
IX. New Business
IX.A. Oath of Board Members and Code of Conduct
Mr. Shaw
Dwaine Shaw Jr.: 
I will now administer the oath of office to the newly-elected members of the board of education.  Board members, please repeat after me (Could all read together for
efficiency of time):
“I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully discharge
the duties of the office of Member of the Board of Education of School District
#226 of Henry County, Illinois, in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, according to
the best of my ability.

Board members: 
Repeat above statement.

Dwaine Shaw Jr.: 
“I further swear that I shall represent all school district constituents
honestly and equally and refuse to surrender my responsibilities to special interest
or partisan political groups;

Board members: 
Repeat above statement.

Dwaine Shaw Jr.: 
“I shall avoid any conflict of interest or the appearance of impropriety
which could result from my position, and shall not use my board membership for
personal gain or publicity.

Board members: 
Repeat above statement.

Dwaine Shaw Jr.: 
“I shall recognize that a board member has no legal authority as an
individual and that decisions can be made only by a majority vote at a board

Board members: 
Repeat above statement.

Dwaine Shaw Jr.: 
I shall take no private action that might compromise the board or
administration and shall respect the confidentiality of privileged information.

Board members: 
Repeat above statement.

Dwaine Shaw Jr.: 
I shall abide by majority decisions of the board, while retaining the
right to seek changes in such decisions through ethical and constructive

Board members: 
Repeat above statement.

Dwaine Shaw Jr.: 
I shall encourage and respect the free expression of opinion by my
fellow board members and others who seek a hearing before the Board.

Board members: 
Repeat the above statement.

THE IASB Code of Conduct document is attached.

IX.B. Seating and Reorganization of Board
Mr. Shaw
IX.B.1. Appoint Secretary Pro Tem
The Board should appoint Chris Kidd as Recording Secretary and Secretary Pro Tem, even though she acts as recording secretary.  This has been traditionally how the Board has done this in its Reorganizational Meeting.

RECOMMENDATION:  Appoint Chris Kidd Recording Secretary and Secretary Pro Tem.
IX.B.2. Election of President (2 year term)
Mr. Shaw
Anyone can make a nomination, including self-nominations.  Nominations do not require a second.  Election of an officer requires a majority of those voting.  If two or more members are nominated, a show of hands or a roll call voice vote is necessary.  The member that receives the majority of votes cast is elected.  If there is a tie or no one receives a majority of votes cast, a second vote must be taken.  Additional votes must be taken as necessary to elect one candidate.  This same process is used for the VP and Secretary.

If only one member is nominated for president, the president pro tem may: 1) cast a unanimous ballot and declare that candidate elected, or 2) ask for a show of hands or a voice vote in which each member has an opportunity to vote "yes" or "no" for the nominated candidate.  The same process would be used for the VP and Secretary positions by the elected President.

After the election of the President, that person presides over the remainder of the meeting.


President Pro Tem:  "Nominations are now in order for the office of president."
Member:  "I nominate_______________."
President Pro Tem:"  _________________ is nominated.  Are there any other nominations for the office of president?"
President Pro Tem: "Hearing no further nominations, the nominations for the office of president are closed."
President Pro Tem:  "___________________, being the only candidate nominated for the office of president, the chair hereby declares him elected by acclamation and directs the secretary to so record in the minutes."
If multiple candidates are nominated:
President Pro Tem:  "All in favor of _______________for the office of president raise their hands." 
Then:  "All in favor of _____________________for the office of president raised their hands."
OR:  Roll call voice vote
Then:  The secretary pro tem reports the vote is ___-___ in favor of __________.  By receiving a majority of the votes cast, _______________ is elected president of this board of education."
IX.B.3. Election of Vice President (2 year term)
The same process is used in the election of Vice President as was in the election of President.
IX.B.4. Election of Secretary (2 year term)
The same process is used in the election of Secretary as was in the election of President
IX.B.5. Appoint District Treasurer (2 year term)
Sue Nelson would like to be the Treasurer again and I would recommend that.

RECOMMENDATION:  Appoint Sue Nelson as District Treasurer for a 2 year term.
IX.B.6. Declare Depository
RECOMMENDATION:  Declare BankOrion as the main depository and Peoples National Bank as a depository.
IX.B.7. Adopt District's Policy Manual, Discipline Code, and Co-Curricular Codes including all Student and Staff Handbooks
RECOMMENDATION:  Adopt current District Policy Manual, Discipline codes, and co-curricular codes including all student and staff handbooks.
IX.B.8. Appoint Board's Custodian of Activity Fund
RECOMMENDATION:  Appoint Wayne Brau as Custodian of the Activity Fund.
IX.B.9. Appoint Board Representatives to Various Committees (Special Education, Building and Grounds, Transportation, and Finance)
Board President appoints these committees.
IX.B.10. Establish Time, Date, and Location of Regular Board Meeting
The Board needs to approve monthly date, time, and place of Board meetings.  They have been traditionally held the 3rd Wednesday of every month in the District Office.  Previously meeting were at 4:30 PM.  They were changed to 5:00 PM these last 2 years to allow more community members to attend.  This has not happened.  The administrative staff would like the Board to consider going back to 4:30 PM Meetings.

RECOMMENDATION:  Hold regular Annawan CUSD 226 Board of Education Meetings the 3rd Wednesday of every month (except July in which there will be no meeting) at 5:00 PM in the District Office at 501 West South Street, Annawan, IL 61234.
X. Adjournment
Need to vote on adjournment.

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