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Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Approval of Consent Agenda including October Minutes, October Board Report and Treasurers Report, Bills Paid after October Board Meeting, November Bills and Payroll, October Investment Report, October Activity Accounts, October Credit Card Accounts, Belief Statement and Goal Documentation, October Financial Report, and the November Finance Committee Meeting Minutes.
IV. Audience to Visitors and Other Communications
IV.A. FFA Students and Mr. Nordstrom - FFA Convention        
V. Superintendent Communications
V.A. Annawan CUSD 226 School Board Elections - April 4, 2017
V.B. Wethersfield and Kewanee Consolidation Vote Update        
V.C. ISBE State Superintendent Visit
V.D. Other Communications
VI. Principals' Communications
VI.A. Mr. Brau, PreK-8 Principal
VI.B. Mr. Buresh, 9-12 Principal and Mrs. Wolf, K-12 Lead Teacher        
VI.C. Mr. Huber, Athletic Director 
VII. Board Member Committee Reports
VII.A. Special Education Committee - Nancy Goodman
VII.B. Building Committee - Al Landwehr, Jerad Heitzler
VII.C. Transportation Committee - Brian Childs, Dwaine Shaw, Jr.
VII.D. Finance Committee - John Rosenberry, Cathy Foes
VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
IX.A. Approve Preliminary 2016 Levy and FY 2018 Preliminary Budget     
IX.B. Approve 2016 Annawan CUSD 226 ISBE School Report Card, 2016 Annawan Grade School Report Card, and Annawan High School Report Card
IX.C. Approve Changing December Board meeting to Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 5:00 PM in the District Office      
IX.D. Approove First Reading of Updated School Board Policies
IX.E. Closed Session for Purpose of Discussing: (1) the Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity, (9) Student disciplinary cases, (11) pending litigation, and (10) The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students.
IX.F. Recommendations and/or Actions Regarding Items Considered in Closed Session including approval of discipline reports.
IX.G. Other business to come before the Board.
X. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: November 16, 2016 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
Mr. Shaw
Board President Dwaine Shaw Jr. will call the meeting to order and Chris Kidd will call the roll of members.  Dwaine will also introduce any guests that we have present.
II. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Buresh, Superintendent
There should be no additions to the agenda from Board members per Board Agreements. 

RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve the agenda as presented.
III. Approval of Consent Agenda including October Minutes, October Board Report and Treasurers Report, Bills Paid after October Board Meeting, November Bills and Payroll, October Investment Report, October Activity Accounts, October Credit Card Accounts, Belief Statement and Goal Documentation, October Financial Report, and the November Finance Committee Meeting Minutes.
Mr. Buresh, Superintendent
We will need a motion to approve these reports which are attached.  Bills will be added on Monday as well as the October Financial Report.  Chris didn't have time to get them entered and I told her she did NOT need to come in on Friday to do them. If you have specific questions relating to any of these items, please call me and get clarifications before noon Monday, and Bills by noon on Tuesday.

RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve the consent agenda as presented.

IV. Audience to Visitors and Other Communications
Mr. Buresh, Superintendent
Nobody has formally requested to address the Board. 

I have asked, as a one time thing, for Mr. Nordstrom and the FFA to come and give a 3 minute summary on the FFA National Convention.
IV.A. FFA Students and Mr. Nordstrom - FFA Convention        
Mr. Nordstrom and students
I have asked Mr. Nordstrom to come with a couple FFA students to talk briefly about FFA Convention.
V. Superintendent Communications
Mr. Buresh, Superintendent
V.A. Annawan CUSD 226 School Board Elections - April 4, 2017
Mr. Buresh
The terms of Board President Dwaine Shaw Jr., Board Secretary Brian Childs, and Board member Alvin Landwehr will be up for election on April 4, 2017.  The first day for petitions to be circulated for that election is September 20, 2016.   The first date for a candidate to file their petition is December 12, 2016 and the final date for filing is December 19, 2016.Candidate legal information can be obtained at the Henry and Bureau County Courthouse or online at   All incumbents have indicated that they are running for re-election.  Ted VanHyfte has indicated that he will be running too (see attachment).  Nobody else has indicated to me that they are running (however with the changed format, I won't necessarily know until after the filing period is over).
V.B. Wethersfield and Kewanee Consolidation Vote Update        
Mr. Buresh
I emailed all of you this information earlier, but here it is again.  The official results are in for the Consolidation vote of
the Wethersfield and Kewanee School Districts.  The consolidation failed
as the Wethersfield residents voted it down 1,394-631.  It did pass in the
Kewanee District 2,410-1,139.  Once again, it needed to pass in both
Districts to be approved.  The result of that vote is outstanding news for
both the Wethersfield and Annawan School Districts.  We will both continue
to do what we do in an excellent way to meet the needs of the students we
have.  We have built an outstanding working relationship with Wethersfield
over the last 13 years, and the opportunities of all of our cooperative
decisions have made both of our Districts extremely strong and have provided so
many more opportunities for all of our students in an efficient, cost effective
manner.  THANK YOU to our Board for agreeing with my stance that we need
to be loyal to Wethersfield until consolidation happens.  There were so
many reasons to take this stance, all of which came to fruition with the
outcome of this vote.
V.C. ISBE State Superintendent Visit
Mr. Buresh
On Monday, October 24th the State Superintendent of Education, Dr. Tony Smith, 3 hour onsite visit with the Superintendents from Annawan, Galva, Stark County, and Wethersfield for him to "first hand" see some of the innovative and collaborative things that schools across the State are doing.  Dr. Smith was extremely flattered by our working relationships, and the opportunities that we provide students using combined resources.  An article was in the Star Courier on October 25th and Dr. Smith mentioned us in his weekly newsletter.
V.D. Other Communications
Mr. Buresh
VI. Principals' Communications
Mr. Brau, Mr. Buresh, Mrs. Wolf, Mr. Huber
VI.A. Mr. Brau, PreK-8 Principal
Mr. Brau, PreK-8 Principal
Mr. Brau's Report is attached.  In an efficiency of time, we will not verbally go over reports item by item, but just mention a couple as we all can read.
VI.B. Mr. Buresh, 9-12 Principal and Mrs. Wolf, K-12 Lead Teacher        
Mr. Buresh and Mrs. Wolf
Mr. Buresh's and Mrs. Wolf's report is attached.  In an efficiency of time, we will not verbally go over reports item by item, but just mention a couple as we all can read.
VI.C. Mr. Huber, Athletic Director 
Mr. Huber
Mr. Huber's report is attached. In an efficiency of time, we will not verbally go over reports item by item, but just mention a couple as we all can read.
VII. Board Member Committee Reports
VII.A. Special Education Committee - Nancy Goodman
Nancy Goodman
VII.B. Building Committee - Al Landwehr, Jerad Heitzler
Mr. Landwehr and Mr. Heitzler
  Today, Thursday, we have discovered a water pipe leak that goes under the District office.  Won't know the extent of it until possibly Monday, but will work at fixing it in the most economical way possible.
VII.C. Transportation Committee - Brian Childs, Dwaine Shaw, Jr.
Mr. Childs and Mr. Shaw
Ron Currier and Chris Goodley have completed their 8 hour class

Elizabeth Davis has now scheduling her physical.  After that, she will be ready to take her driving test with the best. 
VII.D. Finance Committee - John Rosenberry, Cathy Foes
Mr. Rosenberry, Ms. Foes, and Mr. Buresh
We met on November 3, 2016 from 8:30-9:45.  Minutes are in consent agenda.

Financial projections are also attached, but very unreliable at this point in time.  If State Finances change this Spring, they will be redone and be more valid.
VIII. Old Business
Mr. Buresh
IX. New Business
Mr. Buresh
IX.A. Approve Preliminary 2016 Levy and FY 2018 Preliminary Budget     
Mr. Buresh
I have tweaked the levy allocations but not the total dollars levied from what was shown to you at last months meeting.  If there is another adjustment by December 10th, I will include it before we vote on the final 2016 levy.

RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve the preliminary 2016 levy and the estimated FY 2018 budget dollars as presented.
IX.B. Approve 2016 Annawan CUSD 226 ISBE School Report Card, 2016 Annawan Grade School Report Card, and Annawan High School Report Card
Mr. Brau, Mrs. Wolf, and Mr. Buresh
The three report cards are attached.  Improvement areas are given on the last page of each.  This one test is no indication of the learning and teaching that happens in the Annawan CUSD 226 and this testing data is not valid and reliable.

The Annawan CUSD 226 District report card has been posted on the District website as it has all of the information the other 2 have.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve as presented.
IX.C. Approve Changing December Board meeting to Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 5:00 PM in the District Office      
Mr. Buresh
December 20th seemed like the best date to reschedule the December Board meeting from December 21, 2016.

RECCOMENDATION:  Approve rescheduling December Board of Education Meeting to Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 5:00 PM in the District Office.
IX.D. Approove First Reading of Updated School Board Policies
Mr. Buresh
We just received the Press Plus Issue 93 this Wednesday in the mail.  It is the largest issue the IASB has put out to meet all of the new legal requirements.  I spent about 40 minutes on the phone this morning with Angie of the IASB Policy Division speaking to her to gain some expediated insight on how to present to you, knowing it goes out today.  Policy 2:2125-E3 I needed to come up with a recommended total all inclusive dollar amount for total staff and Board for registration, travel, meal, and lodging expenses for professional development.  I am recommending $15,000 and am certain that amount will be less, but wanted to give room for unanticipated professional development. 

If you have updated Board policy questions, please email them to me before noon on Monday, and I will get you an answer on Tuesday as I am out of the District at an IESA meeting all day Monday.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve as presented.
IX.E. Closed Session for Purpose of Discussing: (1) the Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity, (9) Student disciplinary cases, (11) pending litigation, and (10) The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students.
Mr. Buresh
*****Anytime school personnel or individual student issues are discussed, the discussion needs to take place in Closed Session, with action only coming in Open Session.

At this time, there is no need to go into Closed Session unless there is specific questions on the hires.

If there is any new news on the pending litigation with Webster vs. Annawan CUSD 226 I will let you know .

Student discipline can wait until the next Closed Session.
IX.F. Recommendations and/or Actions Regarding Items Considered in Closed Session including approval of discipline reports.
Mr. Buresh
IX.G. Other business to come before the Board.
X. Adjournment

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