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Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Approval of Consent Agenda including March Minutes, Board Reports and Treasurers Report, Fiscal Year Third Quarter Financial Report, Bills Paid after March Board Meeting, April Bills, Payroll, Investment Report, Activity Accounts, and Credit Card Account
IV. Audience to Visitors and Other Communications
V. Superintendent Communications
VI. Principals' Communications
VI.A. Mr. Brau, PreK-8 Principal
VI.B. Mr. Buresh, 9-12 Principal and Mrs. Wolf, K-12 Lead Teacher        
VI.C. Mrs. DeMay, Athletic Director 
VII. Board Member Committee Reports
VII.A. Special Education - Nancy Goodman
VII.B. Building Committee - Al Landwehr, Jerad Heitzler
VII.C. Transportation Committee - Brian Childs, Dwaine Shaw, Jr.
VII.D. Finance Committee - John Rosenberry, Cathy Foes
VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
IX.A. Approve Tentative 2016 High School Graduation List
IX.B. Approve Tentative 2016 8th Grade Promotion List
IX.C. Approve Employment of Mrs. Diane Savage as Assistant Junior High Track Coach, and Ms. Whitney Walker as Prom Sponsor.  A recommendation for the agriculture education teaching position, FFA sponsorship, and Bass Fishing will be recommended as well as a potential athletic director.
IX.D. Approve reducing Mrs. Olson to 5/7 FTE for 2016-2017
IX.E. Set Special Board Meeting for Board Self-Evaluation on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 5:00 PM at the Annawan Community Center,
IX.F. Approve First Reading of Updated Board Policies
IX.G. Approve Purchasing up to 35 Chromebooks for 8th grade and high school usage up to $13,000. 
IX.H. Approve Membership to IHSA and IESA as well as all activities for 2016-2017 Year
IX.I. Approve Registration, Lunch, and Milk Fees for 2016-2017 school year.
IX.J. Approve Annawan-Wethersfield Junior High Football Cooperative Agreement
IX.K. Closed Session for Purpose of Discussing: (1) the Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity, (9) Student disciplinary cases, (11) pending litigation, and (10) The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students.
IX.L. Recommendations and/or Actions Regarding Items Considered in Closed Session including approval of discipline reports.
IX.M. Other business to come before the Board.
X. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: April 20, 2016 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
Mr. Shaw
Board President Dwaine Shaw Jr. will call the meeting to order and Chris Kidd will call the roll of members.  Dwaine will also introduce any guests that we have present.
II. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Buresh, Superintendent
There should be no additions to the agenda from Board members per Board Agreements. 

RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve the agenda as presented.
III. Approval of Consent Agenda including March Minutes, Board Reports and Treasurers Report, Fiscal Year Third Quarter Financial Report, Bills Paid after March Board Meeting, April Bills, Payroll, Investment Report, Activity Accounts, and Credit Card Account
Mr. Buresh, Superintendent
We will need a motion to approve these reports which are attached.  If you have specific questions relating to any of these items, please call me and get clarifications before noon Monday

RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve these as presented.
IV. Audience to Visitors and Other Communications
Mr. Buresh, Superintendent
Nobody has formally requested to address the Board. 
V. Superintendent Communications
Mr. Buresh, Superintendent
VI. Principals' Communications
Mr. Brau, Mr. Buresh, Mrs. Wolf, Mrs. DeMay
VI.A. Mr. Brau, PreK-8 Principal
Mr. Brau, PreK-8 Principal
Mr. Brau's Report is attached.  In an efficiency of time, we will not verbally go over reports item by item, but just mention a couple as we all can read.
VI.B. Mr. Buresh, 9-12 Principal and Mrs. Wolf, K-12 Lead Teacher        
Mr. Buresh and Mrs. Wolf
Mr. Buresh's and Mrs. Wolf's report is attached.    Mr. Buresh's and Mrs. Wolf's Report is attached.  In an efficiency of time, we will not verbally go over reports item by item, but just mention a couple as we all can read.
VI.C. Mrs. DeMay, Athletic Director 
Mrs. DeMay
Mrs. DeMay's report is attached.   Mrs. DeMay's Report is attached.  In an efficiency of time, we will not verbally go over reports item by item, but just mention a couple as we all can read.

Wethersfield Board last night approved a junior high cross country program for the next 3 years at no cost to the District.  We are invited to participate and will let you know our thoughts on Wednesday.

At the LTC JH meeting on Tuesday, we will be voting on the LTC Conference changing to the IESA schedule for JHGBB and JHGVB.  I will let you know the results and plan to move forward on Wednesday.
VII. Board Member Committee Reports
VII.A. Special Education - Nancy Goodman
Mrs. Goodman
VII.B. Building Committee - Al Landwehr, Jerad Heitzler
Mr. Landwehr and Mr. Heitzler
VII.C. Transportation Committee - Brian Childs, Dwaine Shaw, Jr.
Mr. Childs and Mr. Shaw
 No meeting.  No needs.
VII.D. Finance Committee - John Rosenberry, Cathy Foes
Mr. Rosenberry, Ms. Foes, and Mr. Buresh
Third quarter financial summaries are in your packet as well as "cash on hand" for Henry and Stark County schools as of July 1, 2016.

No new concrete news from Springfield yet on any type of school finances for fiscal year 2017.
VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
IX.A. Approve Tentative 2016 High School Graduation List
Mr. Buresh
RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve these as presented.
IX.B. Approve Tentative 2016 8th Grade Promotion List
Mr. Buresh
RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve these as presented.
IX.C. Approve Employment of Mrs. Diane Savage as Assistant Junior High Track Coach, and Ms. Whitney Walker as Prom Sponsor.  A recommendation for the agriculture education teaching position, FFA sponsorship, and Bass Fishing will be recommended as well as a potential athletic director.
Mr. Buresh
All of these recommendations are as of Friday morning, April 15, 2016.  There is a possibility that an Athletic Director recommendation will be presented at the Board meeting. 

Any individual discussions on specific hiring decisions need to be done in Closed Session.  Thus, if there is any specific person that you wish to discuss before we vote, we need to go into Closed Session. 


RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve these as presented.
IX.D. Approve reducing Mrs. Olson to 5/7 FTE for 2016-2017
Mr. Buresh
I am requesting that you approve this for multiple reasons.  This is for 2016-2017 only and is at the staff member's request.

RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve this as presented.
IX.E. Set Special Board Meeting for Board Self-Evaluation on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 5:00 PM at the Annawan Community Center,
Mr. Buresh
This meeting needs to be approved.  The Board will immediately go into Closed Session after starting the meeting and no action will take place after returning to Open Session.  The meeting will start at 5:00 PM and conclude by 8:00 PM.  2 surveys will be required to be completed prior to the meeting and will be returned to IASB.  Food and soft drinks will be provided.

This is one of the dates that everybody said was available.  It is not ideal for IASB but they are willing to make it work.  Everybody needs to attend and participate honestly for it to be useful and effective.

RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve setting a Special Board Meeting for Board Self-Evaluation Purposes for Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 5:00 PM at the Annawan Community Center.
IX.F. Approve First Reading of Updated Board Policies
Mr. Buresh
RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve these as presented.
IX.G. Approve Purchasing up to 35 Chromebooks for 8th grade and high school usage up to $13,000. 
Mr. Buresh
To continue implementing 1 to 1 technology, I am recommending that we add these to 8th grade for the 2016-2017 school year.

RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve these as presented.
IX.H. Approve Membership to IHSA and IESA as well as all activities for 2016-2017 Year
Mr. Buresh
RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve these as presented.
IX.I. Approve Registration, Lunch, and Milk Fees for 2016-2017 school year.
Mr. Buresh

Registration fees for 2016-2017 are recommended to
remain at $75 for all K-12 students, with no additional
class fees except for Driver’s Education which will continue to be $60
per student.  Lunch fees are recommended
to stay at $2.50 for students and $3.15 for adult lunches.
Milk prices will remain at $0.30 per milk for extra
milk.  Chrome book fees will remain as last year as well.  We increased all fees last year, and I would like to keep these constant for 2016-2017.  If you wish for them to increase, please let me know your wishes.

RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve these as presented (same as 2015-2016 fees).
IX.J. Approve Annawan-Wethersfield Junior High Football Cooperative Agreement
Mr. Buresh
Wethersfield approved it Thursday night.  Now it is our turn.  We have discussed it and all have been in favor of it.

RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend you approve these as presented.
IX.K. Closed Session for Purpose of Discussing: (1) the Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity, (9) Student disciplinary cases, (11) pending litigation, and (10) The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students.
Mr. Buresh
*****Anytime school personnel or individual student issues are discussed, the discussion needs to take place in Closed Session, with action only coming in Open Session.

If we go into Closed Session there are some discipline reports to approve, and I will give you an update on pending litigation. 

I have attached an unsolicited letter from Mrs. Savage that doesn't need any response or action.  She just wanted the Board to have this, and thus here it is.  I was personally humbled by it in a very positive way.

If there is a recommendation for the Ag position and Athletic Director position by the end of the day on Tuesday, I will forward that recommendation so you will have it for 24 hours before the meeting so you can ask me any questions you have before voting.   
IX.L. Recommendations and/or Actions Regarding Items Considered in Closed Session including approval of discipline reports.
Mr. Buresh
IX.M. Other business to come before the Board.
X. Adjournment
The next Board of Education meeting will be held on April 20, 2016 at 5:00 PM.

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