Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence
3. Consideration of Agenda
4. Visitor Comments/Public Forum
5. Tiger Pride – We Are Proud Of and/or Would Like to Recognize…
6. Presentations
6.1. FCCLA Convention Presentation
6.2. Technology Plan Presentation
7. Approve Consent Agenda
7.1. Finances
7.1.1. Review and approve claims, accounts, and financial information
7.2. Meeting Minutes
7.2.1. Minutes of the March 23, 2015 School Board Work Session Meeting to be approved.
7.2.2. Minutes of the April 20, 2015 School Board Meeting to be approved.
7.3. Personnel
7.3.1. Approve Community Education summer staff, hours and pay
7.3.2. Accept resignation from Marleen Nelson
7.3.3. Accept resignation from Nancy Grotjohn
7.3.4. Accept resignation from Andrea Bright
7.3.5. Approve summer weight room staff
7.3.6. Accept resignation from Jill Van Kempen
7.3.7. Accept resignation from FCCLA Advisor, Joe Boedigheimer
7.3.8. Approve Extended School Year staff, hours and pay
7.3.9. Approve Summer Hours for Karen Folkman
7.3.10. Approve Band Instructor for an additional .333 FTE starting July 1, 2015.
7.3.11. Approve Andrew Jipson for an additional .25 FTE starting July 1, 2015.
7.3.12. Reduce Mark Ekren .5 FTE for Dean of Students and reinstate .5 FTE for Mark Ekren to Math Position.
7.3.13. Reduce Tallack Dosdall .5 FTE Math Position and re-assign to .5 FTE Technology Integrationist.
7.3.14. Approve to hire .5 FTE Elementary Counselor - Megan Hoyer
7.3.15. Approve to increase Michele Hanson to 1.00 FTE
7.3.16. ADDENDUM - Approve to Hire Amy Mumm for Full-Time English Instruction at Step 10 MA + 30 based on the Morris Area Teachers Association Master contract starting July 1, 2015.
7.3.17. ADDENDUM - Approve resignation agreement with Craig Peterson
7.3.18. ADDENDUM - Approve termination of Technology Director, Stephen Lien as of May 14, 2015.
7.3.19. ADDENDUM - Accept resignation from Michael Schuldt
7.4. Celebrate and Recognize Good News, Gifts, and Donations
7.4.1. Recognize and accept donations from various individuals and groups.
7.5. Routine Business
7.5.1. Authorize seeking bids on baked goods and dairy products.
7.5.2. Renew Membership in the Minnesota State High School League
7.5.3. Approve Agreement with Honeywell's Instant Alert
8. Items Removed from Consent Agenda
9. Review Management and Administrative Reports
9.1. Stephen Lien - Technology Coordinator
9.2. Mark Ekren, Activities Director
9.3. Tony Reimers, Community Education Director
9.4. Ken Gagner, Elementary Principal
9.5. Craig Peterson, Secondary Principal
9.6. Diane Moeller, Superintendent
10. Strategic Planning
11. School Board Reports
11.1. District World's Best Workforce Advisory Committee (Van Eps/Odello)
11.2. Finance/Facilities Committee (Kurtz/Wulf/Metzger)
11.3. Midwest Special Education Cooperative (Metzger/Nissen (Sub))
11.4. Morris Area Community Education (Kurtz)
11.5. MSHSL/Activities/Athletics/Big Cat Stadium (Solvie)
11.6. Negotiations/Personnel/Meet & Confer Committee
Non-Licensed (Solve/Stahman) Licensed (Nissen/Fuhrman) |
11.7. Curriculum/Strategic Planning Committee (Odello/Van Eps/Fuhrman)
11.8. Regional Fitness Center (Van Eps)
11.9. Wellness Committee (Fuhrman)
12. Consider Previous Business
12.1. Policy Review – Second Reading
12.1.1. Policy #507 - Corporal Punishment
12.1.2. Policy #508 - Extended School Year for Certain Students with Individualized Education Programs
12.1.3. Policy #509 - Enrollment of Nonresident Students
12.1.4. Policy #510 - School Activities
12.2. Policy Review - Third and Final Reading
12.2.1. Policy #423 – Employee-Student Relationships
12.2.2. Policy #504 - Student Dress and Appearance
12.2.3. Policy #505 - Distribution of Nonschool-Sponsored Materials on School Premises by Students and Employees
12.2.4. Policy #506 - Student Discipline
13. Consider New Business
13.1. Policy Review – First Reading
13.1.1. Policy #511 - Student Fundraising
13.1.2. Policy #512 - School Sponsored Student Publications and Activities
13.1.3. Policy #513 - Student Promotion Retention and Program Design
13.1.4. Policy #515 - Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records
13.2. 2015-2016 Handbooks - First Reading
13.2.1. FY2015-2016 Coaches Handbook
13.2.2. FY2015-2016 High School Student Handbook
13.2.3. FY2015-2016 Elementary Parent/Student Handbook
13.2.4. FY2015-2016 Elementary Staff Handbook
13.2.5. ADDENDUM - FY2015-2016 Bus Driver Handbook
13.3. Approve Recommendation Letter and Letter of Intent for the 2015 HVAC Improvements Project
13.4. Adoption of the Stevens County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan
13.5. Approve list of Morris Area High School Class of 2015 Graduates
13.6. Morris Area School District Technology Plan 2016-2018
13.7. Approve the Morris Area Teachers' Association (MATA) Health Insurance through PEIP (Public Employees Insurance Program).
13.8. Approve Diane Moeller as the Identified Official with Authority (IOWA) with the Morris Area School District #2769.
13.9. Approve Agreement for Morris Area Office and Media (MAOAM) for the FY2014-2015 and FY2015-FY2017 School Years.
13.10. Morris Area Principal's Association Letter of Intent to Negotiate
14. Other Items Deemed Appropriate by the Board
15. School Board Calendar Review
15.1. May 20 - 6:00 P.M. - MATA Negotiations
15.2. June 9 - 10:00 A.M. - Bus Driver Mediation Negotiations
15.3. June 22 - 7:00 P.M. - Regular School Board Meeting
16. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | May 18, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular Session | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence
Subject: |
3. Consideration of Agenda
Subject: |
4. Visitor Comments/Public Forum
Subject: |
5. Tiger Pride – We Are Proud Of and/or Would Like to Recognize…
Subject: |
6. Presentations
Subject: |
6.1. FCCLA Convention Presentation
Jacob Just will be present to give his presentation on the FCCLA Convention and his position as a newly elected State FCCLA Officer.
Subject: |
6.2. Technology Plan Presentation
The Technology Committee will be present to give their report for the Technology Plan that is ready for approval from MDE.
Subject: |
7. Approve Consent Agenda
Subject: |
7.1. Finances
Subject: |
7.1.1. Review and approve claims, accounts, and financial information
Subject: |
7.2. Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
7.2.1. Minutes of the March 23, 2015 School Board Work Session Meeting to be approved.
Subject: |
7.2.2. Minutes of the April 20, 2015 School Board Meeting to be approved.
Subject: |
7.3. Personnel
Subject: |
7.3.1. Approve Community Education summer staff, hours and pay
Subject: |
7.3.2. Accept resignation from Marleen Nelson
Subject: |
7.3.3. Accept resignation from Nancy Grotjohn
Subject: |
7.3.4. Accept resignation from Andrea Bright
Subject: |
7.3.5. Approve summer weight room staff
Subject: |
7.3.6. Accept resignation from Jill Van Kempen
Subject: |
7.3.7. Accept resignation from FCCLA Advisor, Joe Boedigheimer
Subject: |
7.3.8. Approve Extended School Year staff, hours and pay
Subject: |
7.3.9. Approve Summer Hours for Karen Folkman
Karen Folkman has requested 32 hours of extended time for the summer. Based on past practice we are recommending approval of 24 hours for her extended time.
Subject: |
7.3.10. Approve Band Instructor for an additional .333 FTE starting July 1, 2015.
Subject: |
7.3.11. Approve Andrew Jipson for an additional .25 FTE starting July 1, 2015.
Subject: |
7.3.12. Reduce Mark Ekren .5 FTE for Dean of Students and reinstate .5 FTE for Mark Ekren to Math Position.
Subject: |
7.3.13. Reduce Tallack Dosdall .5 FTE Math Position and re-assign to .5 FTE Technology Integrationist.
Subject: |
7.3.14. Approve to hire .5 FTE Elementary Counselor - Megan Hoyer
Subject: |
7.3.15. Approve to increase Michele Hanson to 1.00 FTE
Subject: |
7.3.16. ADDENDUM - Approve to Hire Amy Mumm for Full-Time English Instruction at Step 10 MA + 30 based on the Morris Area Teachers Association Master contract starting July 1, 2015.
Subject: |
7.3.17. ADDENDUM - Approve resignation agreement with Craig Peterson
Subject: |
7.3.18. ADDENDUM - Approve termination of Technology Director, Stephen Lien as of May 14, 2015.
Subject: |
7.3.19. ADDENDUM - Accept resignation from Michael Schuldt
Subject: |
7.4. Celebrate and Recognize Good News, Gifts, and Donations
Subject: |
7.4.1. Recognize and accept donations from various individuals and groups.
Subject: |
7.5. Routine Business
Subject: |
7.5.1. Authorize seeking bids on baked goods and dairy products.
The School Board should authorize seeking bids on these items, which we do annually.
Subject: |
7.5.2. Renew Membership in the Minnesota State High School League
Subject: |
7.5.3. Approve Agreement with Honeywell's Instant Alert
Subject: |
8. Items Removed from Consent Agenda
Subject: |
9. Review Management and Administrative Reports
Subject: |
9.1. Stephen Lien - Technology Coordinator
Subject: |
9.2. Mark Ekren, Activities Director
Subject: |
9.3. Tony Reimers, Community Education Director
Subject: |
9.4. Ken Gagner, Elementary Principal
Subject: |
9.5. Craig Peterson, Secondary Principal
Subject: |
9.6. Diane Moeller, Superintendent
Subject: |
10. Strategic Planning
Subject: |
11. School Board Reports
Subject: |
11.1. District World's Best Workforce Advisory Committee (Van Eps/Odello)
Subject: |
11.2. Finance/Facilities Committee (Kurtz/Wulf/Metzger)
Subject: |
11.3. Midwest Special Education Cooperative (Metzger/Nissen (Sub))
Subject: |
11.4. Morris Area Community Education (Kurtz)
Subject: |
11.5. MSHSL/Activities/Athletics/Big Cat Stadium (Solvie)
Subject: |
11.6. Negotiations/Personnel/Meet & Confer Committee
Non-Licensed (Solve/Stahman) Licensed (Nissen/Fuhrman) |
Subject: |
11.7. Curriculum/Strategic Planning Committee (Odello/Van Eps/Fuhrman)
Subject: |
11.8. Regional Fitness Center (Van Eps)
Subject: |
11.9. Wellness Committee (Fuhrman)
Subject: |
12. Consider Previous Business
Subject: |
12.1. Policy Review – Second Reading
All of these policies are in place and being reviewed as part of the normal policy review cycle. Any recommended changes are shown. No action necessary; other than to recognize the second reading of these policies as presented. |
Subject: |
12.1.1. Policy #507 - Corporal Punishment
Subject: |
12.1.2. Policy #508 - Extended School Year for Certain Students with Individualized Education Programs
Subject: |
12.1.3. Policy #509 - Enrollment of Nonresident Students
Subject: |
12.1.4. Policy #510 - School Activities
Subject: |
12.2. Policy Review - Third and Final Reading
Any recommended changes are shown since the last reading. Recommended action - a motion to approve the third and final reading of these policies as presented. |
Subject: |
12.2.1. Policy #423 – Employee-Student Relationships
Subject: |
12.2.2. Policy #504 - Student Dress and Appearance
Subject: |
12.2.3. Policy #505 - Distribution of Nonschool-Sponsored Materials on School Premises by Students and Employees
Subject: |
12.2.4. Policy #506 - Student Discipline
Subject: |
13. Consider New Business
Subject: |
13.1. Policy Review – First Reading
All of these policies are in place and being reviewed as part of the normal policy review cycle. Any recommended changes are shown. No action necessary; other than to recognize the first reading of these policies as presented. |
Subject: |
13.1.1. Policy #511 - Student Fundraising
Subject: |
13.1.2. Policy #512 - School Sponsored Student Publications and Activities
Subject: |
13.1.3. Policy #513 - Student Promotion Retention and Program Design
Subject: |
13.1.4. Policy #515 - Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records
Subject: |
13.2. 2015-2016 Handbooks - First Reading
All of these handbooks are in place and being reviewed as part of the normal review cycle. Any recommended changes are shown. No action necessary; other than to recognize the first reading of these handbooks as presented. |
Subject: |
13.2.1. FY2015-2016 Coaches Handbook
Subject: |
13.2.2. FY2015-2016 High School Student Handbook
Subject: |
13.2.3. FY2015-2016 Elementary Parent/Student Handbook
Subject: |
13.2.4. FY2015-2016 Elementary Staff Handbook
Subject: |
13.2.5. ADDENDUM - FY2015-2016 Bus Driver Handbook
Subject: |
13.3. Approve Recommendation Letter and Letter of Intent for the 2015 HVAC Improvements Project
Information is attached for the 2015 HVAC Improvements Project that will be done throughout the summer. Approval is needed to award the bid to RJ Mechanical, Inc. Recommended motion, to approve the 2015 HVAC Improvements Project and award the bid for the project to RJ Mechanical, Inc. in the amount of $1,861,500.00. |
Subject: |
13.4. Adoption of the Stevens County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan
The Stevens County hazard mitigation plan was successfully reviewed by FEMA. The School Board is required to approve this plan and a signed copy sent back to the Stevens County Sheriff's Office Emergency Management Director ASAP. Recommended motion to approve the Adoption of the Stevens County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan. |
Subject: |
13.5. Approve list of Morris Area High School Class of 2015 Graduates
Recommended motion to approve the list of Morris Area High School Class of 2015 Graduates |
Subject: |
13.6. Morris Area School District Technology Plan 2016-2018
The Morris Area School Board is required to approve the District Technology Plan. Recommended motion, to approve the Morris Area School District Technology Plan 2016-2018. |
Subject: |
13.7. Approve the Morris Area Teachers' Association (MATA) Health Insurance through PEIP (Public Employees Insurance Program).
The MATA has decided to go with PEIP for their Health Insurance Renewal Package. Recommended motion to approve the Morris Area Teachers' Association (MATA) Health Insurance through PEIP (Public Employees Insurance Program). |
Subject: |
13.8. Approve Diane Moeller as the Identified Official with Authority (IOWA) with the Morris Area School District #2769.
This is a new system for using the MDE Website to approve everyone else within the District to use the website. Recommended motion to approve Diane Moeller as the Identified Official with Authority (IOWA) with the Morris Area School District #2769. |
Subject: |
13.9. Approve Agreement for Morris Area Office and Media (MAOAM) for the FY2014-2015 and FY2015-FY2017 School Years.
The MAOAM has ratified the agreement reached with the Non-Licensed Negotiation Committee. Recommended motion to approve Agreement for Morris Area Office and Media (MAOAM) for the FY2014-2015 and FY2015-FY2017 School Years. |
Subject: |
13.10. Morris Area Principal's Association Letter of Intent to Negotiate
Recommended motion to approve the letter received from the Morris Area Principal's Association with their Intent to Negotiate. |
Subject: |
14. Other Items Deemed Appropriate by the Board
Subject: |
15. School Board Calendar Review
Subject: |
15.1. May 20 - 6:00 P.M. - MATA Negotiations
Subject: |
15.2. June 9 - 10:00 A.M. - Bus Driver Mediation Negotiations
Subject: |
15.3. June 22 - 7:00 P.M. - Regular School Board Meeting
Subject: |
16. Adjournment