Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order (1 minute)
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence
3. Consideration of the Agenda (1 minute)
4. Visitor Comments/Public Forum (As Necessary)
5. Presentations
5.1. Truth In Taxation (10-15 minutes)
5.2. Introduction to the "World's Best Work Force" (10-15 minutes)
5.3. Minnesota Student Survey Results (6-8 minutes)
6. Approve Consent Agenda (3-5 minutes)
6.1. Finances
6.1.1. Review and approve claims, accounts, and financial information as of November 30, 2013
6.2. Meeting Minutes
6.2.1. November 18, 2013 meeting
6.3. Personnel
6.3.1. Accept resignation from Bonny Zimmerman
6.3.2. Approve Abby MacHolda as junior high gymnastics coach
6.3.3. Approve 25 cents per hour pay increase for April Taylor
6.3.4. Approve hiring Kristin Grove for part-time Lead PreK teacher and part time ECFE child educator
6.3.5. Approve Kyle Rose and Mitchell Boster as volunteer wrestling coaches
6.3.6. Approve hiring Renae Moser as 6 hour per day special education paraeducator
6.3.7. Approve hiring Jessica Young as 5.5 hours per day special education paraeducator
6.3.8. Approve hiring Gail Metzger as a 6.5 hour per day Title I paraeducator/playground supervisor long-term substitute
6.3.9. Approve Deb Olson as Elementary Food Service Kitchen Supervisor
6.3.10. Increase Rachel Varga by 1 hour per day
6.4. Tiger Pride – We Are Proud Of and/or Would Like to Recognize…
6.4.1. Tammy Roth, Jenny Maras, Amanda Nygaard, Nick Milbrandt, Natasha Mortenson, and Vicky Brandt
6.4.2. Joan Donolvan, Abbey Johnson, Michelle Just, and Emily Dahlen
6.4.3. Bonnie Schmidt, Lou Burns, Angie Schwartz, Donna Gades, Jan Kieffer, Jeanne Brandt, Elaine Young, Ardyce Webb, Joan Fults, and Jeanine Bowman
6.4.4. Deb Felstul, Jane Lesmeister, Jerry Witt, Deb Peterson, Amy Millard, Jeanine Bowman, Jan Kieffer, Jeanne Brandt, Elaine Young, Ardyce Webb, and Joan Fults
6.4.5. Morris Area High School Staff and Students
6.4.6. Wendy Van Batavia, Mary Holmberg, Thom Howden
6.4.7. Barb Wilts and Stacy Erdal
6.5. Celebrate and Recognize Good News, Gifts, and Donations
6.5.1. Recognize Nathalie Milantoni Hideroa
6.5.2. Recognize Matt Lhotka and Old Number One staff, Jess McCoy, Doug Cardwell, Stephanie Olson, and Barb Goulet
6.5.3. Recognize Bridget Backman, Peggy and Rob Jergenson, Jeff Lamberty, Doug Cardwell, Esther Jordan, Naomi Fynboh, Amy and Anthony Ekren, Echo and Andy Hacker, Danielle Heil, and Pam and Stan Wulf
6.5.4. Recognize and accept donations from various individuals and groups
6.6. Routine Business
6.6.1. Accept three year contracted price for snow removal from Jim Riley and Sons
6.6.2. Approve band extended field trip request
7. Items Removed from Consent Agenda (as necessary)
8. Review Management and Administrative Reports (3-5 minutes)
8.1. Mark Ekren, Activities Director
8.2. Tony Reimers, Community Education Manager
8.3. Ken Gagner, Elementary Principal
8.4. Craig Peterson, Secondary Principal
8.5. Scott Monson, Superintendent
9. Strategic Planning (3-5 minutes)
10. School Board Reports (3-5 minutes)
10.1. Facilities Committee (Fuhrman/Nissen/Wulf/Zimmel)
10.2. Finance Committee (Gartland/Kurtz/Metzger/Nissen/Solvie)
10.3. Licensed Staff Negotiations Committee (Gartland/Nissen/Wulf)
10.4. Meet and Confer Committee (Fuhrman/Hubbard/Stahman)
10.5. Non Licensed Staff Negotiations Committee (Hubbard/Lemke/Solvie)
10.6. Strategic Planning Committee (Lemke/Stahman/Van Eps/Wulf)
11. Consider Previous Business
11.1. Policy Review – Third Reading (1 minute)
11.1.1. Policy #101 - Legal Status of the School District
11.1.2. Policy #102 - Equal Education Opportunity
11.1.3. Policy #103 - Complaints - Students, Employees, Parents, Other Persons
11.1.4. Policy #104 - School District Mission Statement
11.2. Policy Review – Second Reading (2 minutes)
11.2.1. Policy #201 - Legal Status of the School Board
11.2.2. Policy #202 - School Board Officers
11.2.3. Policy #203 - Operation of the School Board - Governing Rules
11.2.4. Policy #203.1 - School Board Procedures; Rules of Order
12. Consider New Business
12.1. Approve 2013-2014 Master Agreement between ISD 2769 and Education Minnesota Morris Area Support Staff (3-4 minutes)
12.2. Determine Ad Hoc Committee for Morris Area Teachers' Association Level III Grievance (2-3 minutes)
12.3. Policy Review – First Reading (3 minutes)
12.3.1. Policy #203.2 - Order of the Regular School Board Meeting
12.3.2. Policy #203.6 - Consent Agenda
12.3.3. Policy #204 - School Board Meeting Minutes
12.3.4. School Board Technology Acceptable Use Guidelines
12.4. Region I Joint Powers Election (1 minute)
12.5. Other Items Deemed Appropriate by the Board (as necessary)
12.6. School Board Calendar Review (2 minutes)
13. Adjournment (1 minute)
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | December 17, 2013 at 7:00 PM - School Board Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order (1 minute)
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence
Subject: |
3. Consideration of the Agenda (1 minute)
Subject: |
4. Visitor Comments/Public Forum (As Necessary)
Informational and Discussion Only
Subject: |
5. Presentations
Subject: |
5.1. Truth In Taxation (10-15 minutes)
Subject: |
5.2. Introduction to the "World's Best Work Force" (10-15 minutes)
Subject: |
5.3. Minnesota Student Survey Results (6-8 minutes)
Subject: |
6. Approve Consent Agenda (3-5 minutes)
If anyone objects to an item in the Consent Agenda, they are encouraged to contact Scott Monson in advance of the meeting to discuss that item. If they wish, that item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed immediately following the Consent Agenda.
Subject: |
6.1. Finances
Subject: |
6.1.1. Review and approve claims, accounts, and financial information as of November 30, 2013
Subject: |
6.2. Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
6.2.1. November 18, 2013 meeting
Subject: |
6.3. Personnel
Subject: |
6.3.1. Accept resignation from Bonny Zimmerman
Subject: |
6.3.2. Approve Abby MacHolda as junior high gymnastics coach
Subject: |
6.3.3. Approve 25 cents per hour pay increase for April Taylor
Subject: |
6.3.4. Approve hiring Kristin Grove for part-time Lead PreK teacher and part time ECFE child educator
Subject: |
6.3.5. Approve Kyle Rose and Mitchell Boster as volunteer wrestling coaches
Subject: |
6.3.6. Approve hiring Renae Moser as 6 hour per day special education paraeducator
Subject: |
6.3.7. Approve hiring Jessica Young as 5.5 hours per day special education paraeducator
Subject: |
6.3.8. Approve hiring Gail Metzger as a 6.5 hour per day Title I paraeducator/playground supervisor long-term substitute
Subject: |
6.3.9. Approve Deb Olson as Elementary Food Service Kitchen Supervisor
Subject: |
6.3.10. Increase Rachel Varga by 1 hour per day
Subject: |
6.4. Tiger Pride – We Are Proud Of and/or Would Like to Recognize…
Subject: |
6.4.1. Tammy Roth, Jenny Maras, Amanda Nygaard, Nick Milbrandt, Natasha Mortenson, and Vicky Brandt
Subject: |
6.4.2. Joan Donolvan, Abbey Johnson, Michelle Just, and Emily Dahlen
Subject: |
6.4.3. Bonnie Schmidt, Lou Burns, Angie Schwartz, Donna Gades, Jan Kieffer, Jeanne Brandt, Elaine Young, Ardyce Webb, Joan Fults, and Jeanine Bowman
Subject: |
6.4.4. Deb Felstul, Jane Lesmeister, Jerry Witt, Deb Peterson, Amy Millard, Jeanine Bowman, Jan Kieffer, Jeanne Brandt, Elaine Young, Ardyce Webb, and Joan Fults
Subject: |
6.4.5. Morris Area High School Staff and Students
Subject: |
6.4.6. Wendy Van Batavia, Mary Holmberg, Thom Howden
Subject: |
6.4.7. Barb Wilts and Stacy Erdal
Subject: |
6.5. Celebrate and Recognize Good News, Gifts, and Donations
Subject: |
6.5.1. Recognize Nathalie Milantoni Hideroa
Subject: |
6.5.2. Recognize Matt Lhotka and Old Number One staff, Jess McCoy, Doug Cardwell, Stephanie Olson, and Barb Goulet
Subject: |
6.5.3. Recognize Bridget Backman, Peggy and Rob Jergenson, Jeff Lamberty, Doug Cardwell, Esther Jordan, Naomi Fynboh, Amy and Anthony Ekren, Echo and Andy Hacker, Danielle Heil, and Pam and Stan Wulf
Subject: |
6.5.4. Recognize and accept donations from various individuals and groups
Subject: |
6.6. Routine Business
Subject: |
6.6.1. Accept three year contracted price for snow removal from Jim Riley and Sons
Subject: |
6.6.2. Approve band extended field trip request
Subject: |
7. Items Removed from Consent Agenda (as necessary)
Subject: |
8. Review Management and Administrative Reports (3-5 minutes)
Subject: |
8.1. Mark Ekren, Activities Director
Subject: |
8.2. Tony Reimers, Community Education Manager
Subject: |
8.3. Ken Gagner, Elementary Principal
Subject: |
8.4. Craig Peterson, Secondary Principal
Subject: |
8.5. Scott Monson, Superintendent
Subject: |
9. Strategic Planning (3-5 minutes)
Subject: |
10. School Board Reports (3-5 minutes)
Subject: |
10.1. Facilities Committee (Fuhrman/Nissen/Wulf/Zimmel)
Subject: |
10.2. Finance Committee (Gartland/Kurtz/Metzger/Nissen/Solvie)
Subject: |
10.3. Licensed Staff Negotiations Committee (Gartland/Nissen/Wulf)
Subject: |
10.4. Meet and Confer Committee (Fuhrman/Hubbard/Stahman)
Subject: |
10.5. Non Licensed Staff Negotiations Committee (Hubbard/Lemke/Solvie)
Subject: |
10.6. Strategic Planning Committee (Lemke/Stahman/Van Eps/Wulf)
Subject: |
11. Consider Previous Business
Subject: |
11.1. Policy Review – Third Reading (1 minute)
No changes were made since the second reading.
Subject: |
11.1.1. Policy #101 - Legal Status of the School District
Subject: |
11.1.2. Policy #102 - Equal Education Opportunity
Subject: |
11.1.3. Policy #103 - Complaints - Students, Employees, Parents, Other Persons
Subject: |
11.1.4. Policy #104 - School District Mission Statement
Subject: |
11.2. Policy Review – Second Reading (2 minutes)
One change was made to Policy #203.1 since the first reading.
No other changes were made since last month. INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION |
Subject: |
11.2.1. Policy #201 - Legal Status of the School Board
Subject: |
11.2.2. Policy #202 - School Board Officers
Subject: |
11.2.3. Policy #203 - Operation of the School Board - Governing Rules
Subject: |
11.2.4. Policy #203.1 - School Board Procedures; Rules of Order
Subject: |
12. Consider New Business
Subject: |
12.1. Approve 2013-2014 Master Agreement between ISD 2769 and Education Minnesota Morris Area Support Staff (3-4 minutes)
Subject: |
12.2. Determine Ad Hoc Committee for Morris Area Teachers' Association Level III Grievance (2-3 minutes)
Subject: |
12.3. Policy Review – First Reading (3 minutes)
These policies are currently in place and suggested changes, if any, are shown.
Subject: |
12.3.1. Policy #203.2 - Order of the Regular School Board Meeting
Subject: |
12.3.2. Policy #203.6 - Consent Agenda
Subject: |
12.3.3. Policy #204 - School Board Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
12.3.4. School Board Technology Acceptable Use Guidelines
Subject: |
12.4. Region I Joint Powers Election (1 minute)
Subject: |
12.5. Other Items Deemed Appropriate by the Board (as necessary)
Subject: |
12.6. School Board Calendar Review (2 minutes)
Subject: |
13. Adjournment (1 minute)