Meeting Agenda
I. Call Meeting to Order (Mayor Raynor)
II. Pledge of Allegiance (Mayor Raynor)
III. Approval of the Agenda
IV. Consent Agenda (Mayor Raynor)
IV.A. Consider approval of November 12, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes
IV.B. Consider approval of November 25, 2024, Special Called Meeting Minutes
IV.C. Consider approval of December 10, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes
IV.D. Consider approval of Ordinance # 09-2024, Amend the Zoning Map
IV.E. Consider approval of Seamount (Blake Denning) Special Use Permit Order -- Second Order
IV.F. Consider approval of contract with ACH Constructors, LLC for the L-shaped building renovations
IV.G. Consider approval of HVAC contract with J&M Building Maintenance Services, Inc. for L-shaped building
IV.H. Consider approval of lease agreement with Benson Foundation of Arts
IV.I. Consider approval of Resolution 255-2025, Acceptance of 2023 Appropriations Act Directed Projects Grant for Lead Service Line Inventory
IV.J. Consider approval of Resolution 256-2025, Acceptance of 2023 Appropriations Act Directed Projects Grant for New 24" Sewer Line at I-40
IV.K. Consider approval of Amended Code of Ordinances, Chapter 112: Alcoholic Beverages
V. Public Comment (Mayor Raynor)
V.A. Presentation of Proclamation 187-2025, In Honor and Remembrance of Mayor Jerry M. Medlin
V.B. Individuals wishing to address the Board are asked to provide their name and address for the record.
VI. Department Reports
VI.A. Planning and Inspections
VII. New Business (Mayor Raynor)
VII.A. Consider approval of Advisory Board Appointments (Angie Thornton)
VII.A.1. Art Board
VII.A.1.a. Bridget Whittington
VII.A.2. Police Advisory Commission
VII.A.2.a. Keith Rivenbark -- At Large
VII.A.3. Planning
VII.A.3.a. Joshua Ennis -- Resident
VII.A.4. Parks & Recreation
VII.A.4.a. Jeff Stephenson
VII.B. Consider approval of Ordinance 01-2025 -- DOT Maintained Road Closures for Special Events (Angie Thornton)
VIII. Town Manager Report (Kimberly Pickett)
VIII.A. Town related events and meeting reminders:
VIII.A.1. February 23 -- Black History Month Celebration 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
IX. Town Attorney (Isaac Parker)
X. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
XI. Mayor Report (Mayor Raynor)
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 23, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call Meeting to Order (Mayor Raynor)
Subject: |
II. Pledge of Allegiance (Mayor Raynor)
Subject: |
III. Approval of the Agenda
Subject: |
IV. Consent Agenda (Mayor Raynor)
Subject: |
IV.A. Consider approval of November 12, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
IV.B. Consider approval of November 25, 2024, Special Called Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
IV.C. Consider approval of December 10, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
IV.D. Consider approval of Ordinance # 09-2024, Amend the Zoning Map
Subject: |
IV.E. Consider approval of Seamount (Blake Denning) Special Use Permit Order -- Second Order
Subject: |
IV.F. Consider approval of contract with ACH Constructors, LLC for the L-shaped building renovations
Subject: |
IV.G. Consider approval of HVAC contract with J&M Building Maintenance Services, Inc. for L-shaped building
Subject: |
IV.H. Consider approval of lease agreement with Benson Foundation of Arts
Subject: |
IV.I. Consider approval of Resolution 255-2025, Acceptance of 2023 Appropriations Act Directed Projects Grant for Lead Service Line Inventory
Subject: |
IV.J. Consider approval of Resolution 256-2025, Acceptance of 2023 Appropriations Act Directed Projects Grant for New 24" Sewer Line at I-40
Subject: |
IV.K. Consider approval of Amended Code of Ordinances, Chapter 112: Alcoholic Beverages
Subject: |
V. Public Comment (Mayor Raynor)
Subject: |
V.A. Presentation of Proclamation 187-2025, In Honor and Remembrance of Mayor Jerry M. Medlin
Subject: |
V.B. Individuals wishing to address the Board are asked to provide their name and address for the record.
Subject: |
VI. Department Reports
Subject: |
VI.A. Planning and Inspections
Subject: |
VII. New Business (Mayor Raynor)
Subject: |
VII.A. Consider approval of Advisory Board Appointments (Angie Thornton)
Subject: |
VII.A.1. Art Board
Subject: |
VII.A.1.a. Bridget Whittington
Subject: |
VII.A.2. Police Advisory Commission
Subject: |
VII.A.2.a. Keith Rivenbark -- At Large
Subject: |
VII.A.3. Planning
Subject: |
VII.A.3.a. Joshua Ennis -- Resident
Subject: |
VII.A.4. Parks & Recreation
Subject: |
VII.A.4.a. Jeff Stephenson
Subject: |
VII.B. Consider approval of Ordinance 01-2025 -- DOT Maintained Road Closures for Special Events (Angie Thornton)
Subject: |
VIII. Town Manager Report (Kimberly Pickett)
Subject: |
VIII.A. Town related events and meeting reminders:
Subject: |
VIII.A.1. February 23 -- Black History Month Celebration 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Subject: |
IX. Town Attorney (Isaac Parker)
Subject: |
X. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
Subject: |
XI. Mayor Report (Mayor Raynor)