Meeting Agenda
I. Call Meeting to Order (Mayor Pro Tem Stack)
II. Pledge of Allegiance (Mayor Pro Tem Stack)
III. Approval of the Agenda
IV. Oaths of Office
IV.A. Mayor Max Raynor
V. Consent Agenda (Mayor Raynor)
V.A. Consider approval of October 8, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes
V.B. Consider approval of October 24, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes
V.C. Consider approval of amendment to refuse contract with Waste Industries
V.D. Consider approval of on-call concrete contract with Denning Contracting Company
V.E. Consider approval of refund for Power of Praise
VI. Public Comment (Mayor Raynor)
VI.A. Introduction of New Hires (Kim Pickett)
VI.A.1. Austin Pena -- Public Works
VI.B. Individuals wishing to address the Board are asked to provide their name and address for the record.
VII. Department Reports
VII.A. Human Resources
VII.B. Police
VII.C. Planning & Inspections
VIII. Public Hearing (Mayor Raynor)
VIII.A. RZ-2024-10 (Paul Embler)
VIII.B. SUP-2024-06 (Paul Embler)
IX. Old Business (Mayor Raynor)
IX.A. Selection of one member from the District III community to fill the Town of Benson commissioner seat vacancy (Mayor Raynor)
X. New Business (Mayor Raynor)
X.A. Selection of one member from the Board of Commissioners to serve on the Alliance board (Kimberly Pickett)
X.B. Consider approval of road closure on April 5, 2025, for Jade's Jam event (Kim Pickett)
X.C. Consider approval of 2025 mowing contract (Kim Pickett)
X.D. Discussion on direction of SW Railroad and CSX concerns (Kim Pickett)
X.E. Consider approval of NCDOT Encroachment Agreement letter for Mingo Interceptor Sewer Improvements Phase II (Jay Murray)
X.F. Consider approval of the funding offer for Project No. SRP-D-134-0204, Lead Service Line Inventory (Jay Murray)
X.G. Consider approval of funding offer for Project No. SRP-W-134-0203, New 36" Sewer Line at I-40 (Jay Murray)
X.H. Consider approval of Advisory Board Appointments (Angie Thornton)
X.H.1. Police Advisory Commission
X.H.1.a. Tina Bailey -- At Large
X.H.2. Planning
X.H.2.a. Jason Hall -- Resident
X.H.2.b. Andrew Hughes, Jr. -- ETJ
X.H.2.c. Mary Mlock -- ETJ
X.H.2.d. Kristy Southerland -- ETJ
X.H.3. Board of Adjustment
X.H.3.a. Andrew Hughes, Jr. -- ETJ
XI. Town Manager Report (Kimberly Pickett)
XI.A. Town related events and meeting reminders:
XI.A.1. December 24-26 -- All Non-Essential Town Facilities closed for Christmas
XII. Town Attorney (Isaac Parker)
XIII. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
XIV. Mayor Report (Mayor Raynor)
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | December 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call Meeting to Order (Mayor Pro Tem Stack)
Subject: |
II. Pledge of Allegiance (Mayor Pro Tem Stack)
Subject: |
III. Approval of the Agenda
Subject: |
IV. Oaths of Office
Subject: |
IV.A. Mayor Max Raynor
Subject: |
V. Consent Agenda (Mayor Raynor)
Subject: |
V.A. Consider approval of October 8, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
V.B. Consider approval of October 24, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
V.C. Consider approval of amendment to refuse contract with Waste Industries
Subject: |
V.D. Consider approval of on-call concrete contract with Denning Contracting Company
Subject: |
V.E. Consider approval of refund for Power of Praise
Subject: |
VI. Public Comment (Mayor Raynor)
Subject: |
VI.A. Introduction of New Hires (Kim Pickett)
Subject: |
VI.A.1. Austin Pena -- Public Works
Subject: |
VI.B. Individuals wishing to address the Board are asked to provide their name and address for the record.
Subject: |
VII. Department Reports
Subject: |
VII.A. Human Resources
Subject: |
VII.B. Police
Subject: |
VII.C. Planning & Inspections
Subject: |
VIII. Public Hearing (Mayor Raynor)
Subject: |
VIII.A. RZ-2024-10 (Paul Embler)
Subject: |
VIII.B. SUP-2024-06 (Paul Embler)
Subject: |
IX. Old Business (Mayor Raynor)
Subject: |
IX.A. Selection of one member from the District III community to fill the Town of Benson commissioner seat vacancy (Mayor Raynor)
Subject: |
X. New Business (Mayor Raynor)
Subject: |
X.A. Selection of one member from the Board of Commissioners to serve on the Alliance board (Kimberly Pickett)
Subject: |
X.B. Consider approval of road closure on April 5, 2025, for Jade's Jam event (Kim Pickett)
Subject: |
X.C. Consider approval of 2025 mowing contract (Kim Pickett)
Subject: |
X.D. Discussion on direction of SW Railroad and CSX concerns (Kim Pickett)
Subject: |
X.E. Consider approval of NCDOT Encroachment Agreement letter for Mingo Interceptor Sewer Improvements Phase II (Jay Murray)
Subject: |
X.F. Consider approval of the funding offer for Project No. SRP-D-134-0204, Lead Service Line Inventory (Jay Murray)
Subject: |
X.G. Consider approval of funding offer for Project No. SRP-W-134-0203, New 36" Sewer Line at I-40 (Jay Murray)
Subject: |
X.H. Consider approval of Advisory Board Appointments (Angie Thornton)
Subject: |
X.H.1. Police Advisory Commission
Subject: |
X.H.1.a. Tina Bailey -- At Large
Subject: |
X.H.2. Planning
Subject: |
X.H.2.a. Jason Hall -- Resident
Subject: |
X.H.2.b. Andrew Hughes, Jr. -- ETJ
Subject: |
X.H.2.c. Mary Mlock -- ETJ
Subject: |
X.H.2.d. Kristy Southerland -- ETJ
Subject: |
X.H.3. Board of Adjustment
Subject: |
X.H.3.a. Andrew Hughes, Jr. -- ETJ
Subject: |
XI. Town Manager Report (Kimberly Pickett)
Subject: |
XI.A. Town related events and meeting reminders:
Subject: |
XI.A.1. December 24-26 -- All Non-Essential Town Facilities closed for Christmas
Subject: |
XII. Town Attorney (Isaac Parker)
Subject: |
XIII. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
Subject: |
XIV. Mayor Report (Mayor Raynor)