Meeting Agenda
A. General Session-Call to order/Roll call/Pledge of Allegiance
B. Adoption of Agenda
C. Reports/Presentations
C.1. Board of Directors Recognition-Superintendent Ryan Carpenter
C.2. EHS Student Store-Jennifer Garcia
C.3. Communications Report- Communications Coordinator Maggie Kelly
C.4. Division 22- Scott Sullivan
C.5. Presentation of 2016-17 Audit Report and Financial Statements
Management Discussion and Analysis Section-Nick Hogan Overview of Audit Report and Financial Statements-Jeremy Gingerich (Wilcox Arredondo & Company,CPA's) |
C.6. Comprehensive Sexual Education Plan-Cyndi Rathbun, Amy Hudson & Jennifer Behrman
C.7. Safe Schools-Nicole Perry
D. Discussion
D.1. Local Wellness Policy Committee- Ken Riedel & Jamie Smith
E. Hearing of Citizens (Action Items Only)
F.1. Consent Agenda
F.1.a. Approval of December 7, 2017 School Board Meeting Minutes
F.1.b. Approval of Personnel Actions as presented in "Staff Reports"
F.1.c. Approval of Resolutions to Hire Licensed Personnel
F.2. Approve Resolution 18-1 to authorize the District to execute a Contract with A C + Co Architecture
F.3. Adoption of Resolution 2018-2 to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Estacada for construction of youth sports fields on District-owned property, the Dedication Deed for North Broadway Street, and the Dedication Deed for NE Hill Way.
F.4. Approval to send the Estacada High School music program to an out of state function
F.5. Acceptance of the Annual District Audit
G. Superintendent's Report
H. Business Manager
• Financial Report |
I. Board of Director's Reports
J. Hearing of Citizens (Non- Action Items)
K. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 10, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Board of Director's Meeting | |
Subject: |
A. General Session-Call to order/Roll call/Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
B. Adoption of Agenda
Subject: |
C. Reports/Presentations
Subject: |
C.1. Board of Directors Recognition-Superintendent Ryan Carpenter
Subject: |
C.2. EHS Student Store-Jennifer Garcia
Subject: |
C.3. Communications Report- Communications Coordinator Maggie Kelly
Subject: |
C.4. Division 22- Scott Sullivan
Subject: |
C.5. Presentation of 2016-17 Audit Report and Financial Statements
Management Discussion and Analysis Section-Nick Hogan Overview of Audit Report and Financial Statements-Jeremy Gingerich (Wilcox Arredondo & Company,CPA's) |
Subject: |
C.6. Comprehensive Sexual Education Plan-Cyndi Rathbun, Amy Hudson & Jennifer Behrman
Subject: |
C.7. Safe Schools-Nicole Perry
Subject: |
D. Discussion
Subject: |
D.1. Local Wellness Policy Committee- Ken Riedel & Jamie Smith
Subject: |
E. Hearing of Citizens (Action Items Only)
Subject: |
Subject: |
F.1. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
F.1.a. Approval of December 7, 2017 School Board Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
F.1.b. Approval of Personnel Actions as presented in "Staff Reports"
Subject: |
F.1.c. Approval of Resolutions to Hire Licensed Personnel
Subject: |
F.2. Approve Resolution 18-1 to authorize the District to execute a Contract with A C + Co Architecture
Subject: |
F.3. Adoption of Resolution 2018-2 to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Estacada for construction of youth sports fields on District-owned property, the Dedication Deed for North Broadway Street, and the Dedication Deed for NE Hill Way.
Subject: |
F.4. Approval to send the Estacada High School music program to an out of state function
Subject: |
F.5. Acceptance of the Annual District Audit
Subject: |
G. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
H. Business Manager
• Financial Report |
Subject: |
I. Board of Director's Reports
Subject: |
J. Hearing of Citizens (Non- Action Items)
Subject: |
K. Adjournment