Meeting Agenda
A. Call to Order and Welcome
B. Silent Meditation
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Roll Call
E. Approval of the Agenda
F. Cavalier Recognition
F.1. Volunteer of the Month-Ashley Rathbun Presenter
F.2. Employee of the Month-Ashley Rathbun Presenter
F.3. Board of Education Recognition Month
G. Organizational Meeting Items
G.1 Election of Officers G.2 Regularly Scheduled Meetings G.3. Financial G.4. School Attorney G.5. Board Salaries G.6 Committee Members and Other Appointments |
H. Consent Agenda
H.1. Approval of minutes from the December 16, 2024, regular Board of Education meeting and consideration of bills and accounts.
I. Student Report
J. Communications and Expressions from the Public:
The public is invited to ask questions or offer suggestions. The board does reserve the right to limit the amount of time devoted to a specific topic (usually three minutes per person and thirty minutes total). Please complete and submit the Public Communication Form to the recording secretary prior to speaking. |
K. Financial Report
L. Expenditure Report
M. Curriculum Report
M.1. Curriculum Update
M.2. New Courses at Corunna High School
N. Superintendent's Personnel Recommendations
N.1. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation of Steve Herrick as the varsity football coach.
N.2. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation of Logan Manetta as an associate preschool teacher
N.3. A recommendation to hire Linda Steinacker and Diane Villani as a FAFSA facilitators
N.4. A recommendation to approve a one-year sabbatical (2025-2026 school year) for a CHS teacher, Vinnie Lindquist
O. Unfinished Business
O.1. Policies for the Second Reading
a.5301 Compulsory Attendance, Absenteeism, and Truancy b. 5302 Enrollment in Kindergarten c. 5303 Student Enrollment and Withdrawal d. 5305 Schools-of-Choice-SD f. 5307 Homeless Student h. 5309 Student Records and Directory Information i. 5401 Parent/Guardian Involvement in Education j. 5402 Communication with Parents/Guardians k. 5403 Rights of Non-Custodial Parents/Guardians l. 5404 Free Textbooks, Materials, and Charging of Fees and Fines m. 5405 Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy n. 5406 Title I Funds o. 5407 Instructional Program and Curriculum Development p. 5409 Academic Credits q. 5410 Commencement/Completion Ceremony r. 5411 Student Promotion, Retention, and Placement s. 5412 Class Rank t. 5415 Summer School u. 5416 Homebound and Hospitalized Instruction v. 5417 Homework w. 5418 Grades x. 5419 Reading Assessments, Instruction, Intervention, and Retention y. 5420 Sex Education z. 5421 Work-Based Learning Experience aa. 5503 Bulletin Boards and Other Student Postings bb. 5506 Field Trips cc. 5507 Extracurricular Activities dd. 5510 Student-Initiated, Non-Curricular Clubs ee. 5601 Special Education ff. 5602 Independent Educational Evaluation gg. 5603 Section 504 hh. 5701 Child Abuse and Neglect ii. 5702 Student Illness and Injury jj. 5703 Medications kk. 5704 Student Insurance ll. 5705 Emergency Anaphylaxis mm. 5707 School Wellness Policy nn. 5708-AG Do Not Resuscitate Orders oo. 5709 Lice, Nits, and Bed Bugs pp. 5710 Student Suicide Prevention qq. 5711 Toilet Training rr. 5712 Concussion Awareness ss. 5713 Immunizations and Communicable Diseases tt. 5715 Student Oral Health Assessment (new policy) uu. 5805 Student Audio and Video Recording vv. 5806 Recording of District Meetings ww. 5807 Pledge of Allegiance |
P. New Business
P.1. Nick Annese Stadium Scoreboard
P.2. Paraprofessional Contract Extension
P.3. Facility Study Partners
P.4. Prom 2026
Q. Reports from the Staff
R. Informational Items
R.1. Superintendent./District Goals
R.2. Cavalier Health Clinic
R.3. Board Picture
S. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 21, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting | |
Subject: |
A. Call to Order and Welcome
Subject: |
B. Silent Meditation
Subject: |
C. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
D. Roll Call
Subject: |
E. Approval of the Agenda
Subject: |
F. Cavalier Recognition
Subject: |
F.1. Volunteer of the Month-Ashley Rathbun Presenter
Subject: |
F.2. Employee of the Month-Ashley Rathbun Presenter
Subject: |
F.3. Board of Education Recognition Month
Subject: |
G. Organizational Meeting Items
G.1 Election of Officers G.2 Regularly Scheduled Meetings G.3. Financial G.4. School Attorney G.5. Board Salaries G.6 Committee Members and Other Appointments |
Subject: |
H. Consent Agenda
Full Board action will be needed.
Subject: |
H.1. Approval of minutes from the December 16, 2024, regular Board of Education meeting and consideration of bills and accounts.
Subject: |
I. Student Report
Subject: |
J. Communications and Expressions from the Public:
The public is invited to ask questions or offer suggestions. The board does reserve the right to limit the amount of time devoted to a specific topic (usually three minutes per person and thirty minutes total). Please complete and submit the Public Communication Form to the recording secretary prior to speaking. |
Subject: |
K. Financial Report
Subject: |
L. Expenditure Report
Subject: |
M. Curriculum Report
This was for discussion only.
Subject: |
M.1. Curriculum Update
Subject: |
M.2. New Courses at Corunna High School
Full Board Action will be Needed.
Possible motion: To approve the three new CHS elective courses as presented. |
Subject: |
N. Superintendent's Personnel Recommendations
Full Board Action is Needed.
Subject: |
N.1. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation of Steve Herrick as the varsity football coach.
Subject: |
N.2. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation of Logan Manetta as an associate preschool teacher
Subject: |
N.3. A recommendation to hire Linda Steinacker and Diane Villani as a FAFSA facilitators
Subject: |
N.4. A recommendation to approve a one-year sabbatical (2025-2026 school year) for a CHS teacher, Vinnie Lindquist
Full Board action will be needed.
To approve a one-year sabbatical (2025-2026 school year) for a CHS teacher, Vinnie Lindquist |
Subject: |
O. Unfinished Business
Subject: |
O.1. Policies for the Second Reading
a.5301 Compulsory Attendance, Absenteeism, and Truancy b. 5302 Enrollment in Kindergarten c. 5303 Student Enrollment and Withdrawal d. 5305 Schools-of-Choice-SD f. 5307 Homeless Student h. 5309 Student Records and Directory Information i. 5401 Parent/Guardian Involvement in Education j. 5402 Communication with Parents/Guardians k. 5403 Rights of Non-Custodial Parents/Guardians l. 5404 Free Textbooks, Materials, and Charging of Fees and Fines m. 5405 Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy n. 5406 Title I Funds o. 5407 Instructional Program and Curriculum Development p. 5409 Academic Credits q. 5410 Commencement/Completion Ceremony r. 5411 Student Promotion, Retention, and Placement s. 5412 Class Rank t. 5415 Summer School u. 5416 Homebound and Hospitalized Instruction v. 5417 Homework w. 5418 Grades x. 5419 Reading Assessments, Instruction, Intervention, and Retention y. 5420 Sex Education z. 5421 Work-Based Learning Experience aa. 5503 Bulletin Boards and Other Student Postings bb. 5506 Field Trips cc. 5507 Extracurricular Activities dd. 5510 Student-Initiated, Non-Curricular Clubs ee. 5601 Special Education ff. 5602 Independent Educational Evaluation gg. 5603 Section 504 hh. 5701 Child Abuse and Neglect ii. 5702 Student Illness and Injury jj. 5703 Medications kk. 5704 Student Insurance ll. 5705 Emergency Anaphylaxis mm. 5707 School Wellness Policy nn. 5708-AG Do Not Resuscitate Orders oo. 5709 Lice, Nits, and Bed Bugs pp. 5710 Student Suicide Prevention qq. 5711 Toilet Training rr. 5712 Concussion Awareness ss. 5713 Immunizations and Communicable Diseases tt. 5715 Student Oral Health Assessment (new policy) uu. 5805 Student Audio and Video Recording vv. 5806 Recording of District Meetings ww. 5807 Pledge of Allegiance |
Full Board action will be needed.
Possible motion: To approve policies "a" through "ww" as presented. |
Subject: |
P. New Business
Subject: |
P.1. Nick Annese Stadium Scoreboard
Full Board action will be needed.
Possible motion: Possible motion: To recommend Daktronics to demo and install a new video scoreboard at the Nick Annese Stadium as presented. |
Subject: |
P.2. Paraprofessional Contract Extension
Full Board action will be needed.
Possible motion: To approve the 2-year contract extension with the Corunna Teacher Aide Association (Michigan Education Support Personnel Association) as presented. |
Subject: |
P.3. Facility Study Partners
Full Board Action will be Needed.
Possible motion: To enter into a partnership with THA Architects/Engineers and Spence Brothers to do a facility study and help determine if there is a need for a future bond proposal. |
Subject: |
P.4. Prom 2026
Full Board action will be needed.
Possible motion: To approve the Class of 2026 to hold their prom at Edgewood Gardens as presented. |
Subject: |
Q. Reports from the Staff
Subject: |
R. Informational Items
Subject: |
R.1. Superintendent./District Goals
Subject: |
R.2. Cavalier Health Clinic
Subject: |
R.3. Board Picture
Subject: |
S. Adjourn