Meeting Agenda
A. Call to Order and Welcome
B. Silent Meditation
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Roll Call
E. Approval of the Agenda
F. Cavalier Recognition
F.1. Missy Boilore
G. Consent Agenda
G.1. Approval of minutes, consideration of bills and accounts:
a. General Fund/Athletic bills, as listed in the amount of $440,058.62 b. Lunch Fund bills, as listed in the amount of $102,983.74 c. Student Activity Fund bills, as listed in the amount of $1,773.06 d. Ongoing Capital Projects bills, as listed in the amount of $0.00 e. 2021 Bond Projects 1 Fifth Third $29,316.61 f. 2021 Bond Projects 2 Fifth Third $8,977.87 g. 2016 Debt Retirement Huntington $0.00 h. 2021 Debt Retirement 1 Huntington $0.00 c. Capital Projects $0.00 d. 2016 Bond Proceeds 5/3 $0.00 e. 2016 Debt Retirement Chemical $0.00 f. Approval of the minutes from the Board of Education's special meeting minutes of March 1, 2022. |
H. Student Report
I. Communications and Expressions from the Public:
The public is invited to ask questions or offer suggestions. The board does reserve the right to limit the amount of time devoted to a specific topic (usually three minutes per person and thirty minutes total). Please complete and submit the Public Communication Form to the recording secretary prior to speaking. |
J. Financial Report
K. Expenditure Report
L. Curriculum Report
L.1. March Curriculum Update
L.2. College and Career Readiness
M. Superintendent's Personnel Recommendations
M.1. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation of Rebecca TerMeer as a teacher at Elsa Meyer Elementary
M.2. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation, for the purpose of retirement, of Caroline Lewis as a bus driver.
M.3. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation, for the purpose of retirement, of Tracy Foster as a teacher at Nellie Reed Elementary
M.4. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation of Lisa Burns as a teacher at Nellie Reed Elementary.
M.5. A recommendation to hire Hillari Buckner as a Student Intervention Specialist
M.6. A recommendation to hire Linda Steinacker as a Intervention Paraprofessional
N. Unfinished Business
O. New Business
O.1. Graduation
O.2. Superintendent's Contract
O.3. Childcare Relief Grant
O.4. Guidelines for the First Reading
O.5. Bond -Elsa Meyer
O.6. Bond-Administrative Building
P. Reports from the Staff
Q. Informational Items
Q.1. Esports
Q.2. MSP Grant
Q.3. Food Service
Q.4. Covid
R. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 21, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting | |
Subject: |
A. Call to Order and Welcome
Subject: |
B. Silent Meditation
Subject: |
C. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
D. Roll Call
Subject: |
E. Approval of the Agenda
Subject: |
F. Cavalier Recognition
Subject: |
F.1. Missy Boilore
Missy will be honored during the April Board meeting.
Subject: |
G. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
G.1. Approval of minutes, consideration of bills and accounts:
a. General Fund/Athletic bills, as listed in the amount of $440,058.62 b. Lunch Fund bills, as listed in the amount of $102,983.74 c. Student Activity Fund bills, as listed in the amount of $1,773.06 d. Ongoing Capital Projects bills, as listed in the amount of $0.00 e. 2021 Bond Projects 1 Fifth Third $29,316.61 f. 2021 Bond Projects 2 Fifth Third $8,977.87 g. 2016 Debt Retirement Huntington $0.00 h. 2021 Debt Retirement 1 Huntington $0.00 c. Capital Projects $0.00 d. 2016 Bond Proceeds 5/3 $0.00 e. 2016 Debt Retirement Chemical $0.00 f. Approval of the minutes from the Board of Education's special meeting minutes of March 1, 2022. |
Subject: |
H. Student Report
Subject: |
I. Communications and Expressions from the Public:
The public is invited to ask questions or offer suggestions. The board does reserve the right to limit the amount of time devoted to a specific topic (usually three minutes per person and thirty minutes total). Please complete and submit the Public Communication Form to the recording secretary prior to speaking. |
Subject: |
J. Financial Report
Subject: |
K. Expenditure Report
Subject: |
L. Curriculum Report
Jamie Johnston will give updates on Shiawassee Scholars, Kindergarten Registration and Odyssey of the Mind.
This is for discussion only. |
Subject: |
L.1. March Curriculum Update
This is for discussion only.
Subject: |
L.2. College and Career Readiness
Jamie Johnston will discuss college and career readiness.
This is for discussion only. |
Subject: |
M. Superintendent's Personnel Recommendations
Full Board Action is Needed.
To approve the superintendent's personnel recommendations as presented. |
Subject: |
M.1. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation of Rebecca TerMeer as a teacher at Elsa Meyer Elementary
Subject: |
M.2. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation, for the purpose of retirement, of Caroline Lewis as a bus driver.
Subject: |
M.3. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation, for the purpose of retirement, of Tracy Foster as a teacher at Nellie Reed Elementary
Subject: |
M.4. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation of Lisa Burns as a teacher at Nellie Reed Elementary.
Subject: |
M.5. A recommendation to hire Hillari Buckner as a Student Intervention Specialist
Subject: |
M.6. A recommendation to hire Linda Steinacker as a Intervention Paraprofessional
Subject: |
N. Unfinished Business
Subject: |
O. New Business
Subject: |
O.1. Graduation
Moving our graduation ceremonies indoors will help work being done at the Nick Annese Stadium Complex.
Full Board action will be needed. Possible motion: To approve this year's graduation ceremony to be indoors only in order to provide contractors necessary time to finish bond projects at the stadium. |
Subject: |
O.2. Superintendent's Contract
The renewal of the superintendent's contract for an additional year 2022-2027.
Full Board action will be needed. Possible motion: To approve Superintendent John Fattal's contract for an additional year as presented. |
Subject: |
O.3. Childcare Relief Grant
A recommendation is being made to paint the Children's Services hallways during spring break using Murray Painting Co. with Childcare Relief Grant money.
Full Board action will be needed. Possible motion: To approve Murray Painting to complete the hallway project at Children's Services over spring break as presented. |
Subject: |
O.4. Guidelines for the First Reading
Subject: |
O.5. Bond -Elsa Meyer
Full Board action will be needed.
To approve Wolgast Corporation’s contract award recommendations for $3,680,413 for the Elsa Meyer project as presented. |
Subject: |
O.6. Bond-Administrative Building
Full Board action will be needed.
To approve Wolgast Corporation’s contract award recommendations for $56,500.00 for the Administrative Complex project as presented. |
Subject: |
P. Reports from the Staff
Subject: |
Q. Informational Items
Subject: |
Q.1. Esports
Subject: |
Q.2. MSP Grant
Subject: |
Q.3. Food Service
Subject: |
Q.4. Covid
Subject: |
R. Adjourn