Meeting Agenda
3.a. Routine Matters:
3.a.1) Approval of Agenda
3.a.2) Approval of Minutes
3.a.3) Check Registry
5.a. Action Items:
5.a.1) Leave of Absence Request - Laura Garcia
5.a.2) Approval of Spring 2014 Coaches - Schedule B
5.a.3) Approval of Fall 2014 Coaches - Schedule B
5.b. Informational Items:
5.b.1) None
6.a. Action Items:
6.a.1) Non-Homestead Millage Resolution
6.b. Informational Items:
6.b.1) Munetrix Fiscal Distress Indicator
6.b.2) Crestwood Long-Term Debt
6.b.3) Projects Being Bid
7.a. Action Items:
7.a.1) None
7.b. Informational Items:
7.b.1) None
8.a. Action Items:
8.a.1) None
8.b. Informational Items:
8.b.1) None
9.a. Action Items:
9.a.1) Dearborn Heights Vocational Education Partnership Agreement
9.a.2) 'Classrooms and Kids' Budget Proposal Resolution
9.a.3) Wayne County Enhancement Millage
9.a.4) Metropolitan Detroit Bureau of School Studies Membership
9.a.5) Ombudsman Alternative Education Program
9.b. Informational Items:
9.b.1) Enroll for All-Day Kindergarten
9.b.2) Kindergarten Orientation
9.b.3) Student Drop Off and Pick Up Safety
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 28, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Call to Order: The Board of Education met on the above date in a Regular Board Meeting
called to order by ________________________________ at _______ p.m. ROLL CALL VOTE Members Present: Ancinec _____ Senia _____ Garcia _____ Taylor _____ Krizanic _____ Ward _____ Sauve _____ |
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Recommended Action: Board of Education approval is recommended for the items listed on the Consent Agenda which include: the April 28, 2014 Board Agenda; the minutes from the Board Study Session on March 24, 2014; the minutes from the Regular Meeting on March 24, 2014; and the Check Registry Dated March 1 through March 31, 2014. Motion By:_________________________ Supported by:_____________________ Ancinec _____ Senia _____ Garcia _____ Taylor _____ Krizanic _____ Ward _____ Sauve _____ |
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3.a. Routine Matters:
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3.a.1) Approval of Agenda
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3.a.2) Approval of Minutes
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3.a.3) Check Registry
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Winter Sports Celebrate Some of their Highlights! Riverside Middle School Drama Club presents a snippet from 'The Wizards Magical Mistake'
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5.a. Action Items:
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5.a.1) Leave of Absence Request - Laura Garcia
Mrs. Laura Garcia, Social Studies teacher at Crestwood High School, is requesting a one-year childcare leave of absence. Her maternity leave under FMLA would begin on or around May 23, 2014 and continue through the end of the 2013-2014 school year. She is requesting a leave of absence extension for the 2014-2015 school year for the purpose of caring for a family member.
According to the Crestwood Federation of Teachers contract, Section B Unpaid Leave, subsection 5: A maternity leave of absence shall be granted, to the teacher selecting not to use personal illness leave for childbirth, for the purpose of childbirth and subsequent childcare, for duration of up to one (1) year. Upon the return from such leave, the teacher shall be placed at the same position on the salary schedule to which the teacher was entitled at the effective date of the leave and credited with seniority rights as if the teacher had been teaching during the leave, if return after initial year of leave. Extensions shall not accrue seniority. Laura is requesting to use her accumulated sick days with the balance of the leave being unpaid. Recommended Action: That the Crestwood Board of Education approve maternity leave of absence for Mrs. Laura Garcia from approximately May 23, 2014 with a leave of absence extension for the 2014-2015 school year. Motion By:_________________________ Supported by:_____________________ Ancinec _____ Senia _____ Garcia _____ Taylor _____ Krizanic _____ Ward _____ Sauve _____ |
Subject: |
5.a.2) Approval of Spring 2014 Coaches - Schedule B
Athletic Director Shelley Vollmar is requesting approval of the coaches and volunteer assistant coaches on Attachment 5.A.2. for the spring sports season. These positions are for Riverside Middle School as well as Crestwood High School.
Recommended Action: I recommend that the Crestwood Board of Education approve spring 2014 coaches as per Attachment 5.A.2. Motion By:_________________________ Supported by:_____________________ Ancinec _____ Senia _____ Garcia _____ Taylor _____ Krizanic _____ Ward _____ Sauve _____ |
Subject: |
5.a.3) Approval of Fall 2014 Coaches - Schedule B
Athletic Director Shelley Vollmar is requesting approval of the Cheer coaches and Pompon coaches for the fall 2014 sports season. Please see Attachment 5.A.3.
Recommended Action: I recommend that the Crestwood Board of Education approve the fall 2014 coaches as per Attachment 5.A.3. Motion By:_________________________ Supported by:_____________________ Ancinec _____ Senia _____ Garcia _____ Taylor _____ Krizanic _____ Ward _____ Sauve _____ |
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5.b. Informational Items:
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5.b.1) None
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6.a. Action Items:
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6.a.1) Non-Homestead Millage Resolution
At the direction of the Board of Education I have attached a Resolution to be adopted calling for a Special Election to be held on Tuesday, August 5, 2014. The purpose of this election is to seek voter approval for the renewal of our Non-Homestead Millage for a period of 20 years. If approved, the Operating Millage Renewal Proposal will allow the district to continue levying 18 mills on all property, except principal residences and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. the estimate of the revenue the school district will continue to collect is approximately $3,300,00 annually.
Approval of this millage renewal is critical to our ability to sustain educational programs for our students. The Non-Homestead Millage makes up 10 percent of the district's annual revenues. These are the funds used to pay for staffing, purchase textbooks and classroom supplies, and operate our school buildings. Under Proposal A, the state assumes school districts will collect locally the maximum Non-Homestead mills allowed by law, and subtracts that amount from the per pupil allowance it pays school districts. For the Crestwood School District this is equal to almost $900 per student or $3.3 million, which will not be made up for by the State of Michigan, if not collected locally. Attached is a graph which reflects the Non-Homestead millage levied by all 34 public school district in Wayne County. Those districts above 18 mills were afforded the opportunity in 1994 to levy an additional millage ("Hold Harmless" millage), thereby guaranteeing them the same amount of revenue collected before the implementation of Proposal A. As you can see, when compared to some other districts, Crestwood's millage rate is very favorable. RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Crestwood Board of Education approve the attached resolution calling for a special election to be held on Tuesday, August 5, 2014. The proposition to be voted on at the special election is the Operating Millage Renewal Proposal of 18 Mills for 20 years. Motion By:_________________________ Supported by:_____________________ Ancinec _____ Senia _____ Garcia _____ Taylor _____ Krizanic _____ Ward _____ Sauve _____ |
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6.b. Informational Items:
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6.b.1) Munetrix Fiscal Distress Indicator
A little over a year ago, I presented information to the board that highlighted the excellent financial condition of the district. Munetrix, a private company that monitors school district and municipal finances has recently released information that incorporates data from our most recent year-ended June 30, 3013. On a scale of 0-10, with 0 representing low financial risk and 10 representing high financial risk, the Crestwood School District received a score of 1. Only two districts in Wayne County received scores of 0, while three districts including Crestwood received scores of 1.
Attached is additional information about the Munetrix scoring system, including historical scores for the district since the inception of this system. Also attached are graphs that compare Crestwood to the other public school districts in Wayne County and the state. The board is to commended for their diligence in maintaining the districts strong financial health in such difficult and demanding economic times. |
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6.b.2) Crestwood Long-Term Debt
In preparation for the Non-Homestead millage renewal, my curiosity was piqued as to how the district compared to others in regards to total millage rates and debt burden. Once again, I am proud to present information that supports the fact that not only does the Crestwood School District produce students who are high achieving and very competitive on a state-wide basis, but we do so in a very fiscally responsible manner.
I have attached several graphs that reflect the very low debt level of the district, which in turn leads to low tax rates and a low tax burden for our community. As of June 30, 2013, at $4.9 million the district had the fourth lowest level of debt in the county. This fact is amplified when you consider that the $4.9 million is not supported by a separate debt levy. Rather, the district is paying off this debt with general operating funds, which unfortunately takes valuable resources away from the classroom. In addition to being only one of six Wayne County districts without a debt levy, we do not levy a Sinking Fund tax like 13 other districts do. While all of this is good news for our taxpayers, the downside is that our facilities, both inside and out, are beginning to really show their age. Revenues being relied upon for general operations cannot continue to be used for major building repairs such as new roofs, windows, doors and the like. Doing so, I'm afraid, will eventually lead to diminished results in the classroom, which is something none of us want to see happen. |
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6.b.3) Projects Being Bid
Over the next 2-3 weeks, the district will be soliciting bids for two projects to be completed this summer. Video surveillance/security systems will be installed in each of the three elementary buildings and drainage improvements will be made to our Warren Valley site. Information pertaining to these bids can be obtained on our website under the "Board of Education" tab as well as on the Bid4Mi website. Any interested contractors can obtain the necessary information there.
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7.a. Action Items:
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7.a.1) None
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7.b. Informational Items:
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7.b.1) None
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8.a. Action Items:
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8.a.1) None
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8.b. Informational Items:
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8.b.1) None
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9.a. Action Items:
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9.a.1) Dearborn Heights Vocational Education Partnership Agreement
The 2014-2015 Dearborn Heights Vocational Education Partnership Agreement is being presented for approval. The purpose of this agreement is to allow Crestwood, Dearborn Heights No. 7 and Westwood students to enroll and attend Career Technical Programs operated by each of the school districts. In addition, this agreement will allow Crestwood, Dearborn Heights No. 7, Westwood and Wyandotte students to be placed in Westwood Cyber High School or Ombudsmen and attend Advanced Placement courses at Crestwood High School. Executive Council determines the program components on an annual basis, which are modified as necessary.
Recommended Action: I recommend that the Crestwood Board of education approve the 2014-2015 Dearborn Heights Vocational Education Partnership Agreement as presented on Attachment 9.A.1. Motion By:_________________________ Supported by:_____________________ Ancinec _____ Senia _____ Garcia _____ Taylor _____ Krizanic _____ Ward _____ Sauve _____ |
Subject: |
9.a.2) 'Classrooms and Kids' Budget Proposal Resolution
Michigan public schools and the children we serve continue to face difficult economic and budget challenges. These challenges today have resulted in circumstances that directly and negatively affect our children's education, learning and ability to compete for 21st century jobs. These school cuts are directly impacting children, parents, teachers, school staff, administrators and the local community at large. we recognize that the best way to fix our local schools and help our children learn is to restore full funding for our classrooms. State-wide and regional educational organizations, including the Michigan Association of School Boards, working in partnership with parents, frontline educators, teachers and others have now proposed a "Classrooms and Kids" budget that will restore funds to kids in classrooms as a response to this challenge we face in education.
Recommended Action: I recommend that the Crestwood Board of Education approve the 'Classrooms and Kids' budget proposal resolution as presented on Attachment 9.A.2. Motion By:_________________________ Supported by:_____________________ Ancinec _____ Senia _____ Garcia _____ Taylor _____ Krizanic _____ Ward _____ Sauve _____ |
Subject: |
9.a.3) Wayne County Enhancement Millage
Pursuant to state law, the revenue raised by the proposed enhancement millage will be collected by the Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency and distributed to local public school districts within the boundaries of the Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency based on pupil membership count. Shall the limitation on the amount of ad valorem taxes which may be imposed on taxable property in the Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency, Michigan, be increased by 2 mills ($2.00 per thousand dollars in taxable value) for a period of six (6) years, 2014-2019, inclusive, as new additional millage to provide operating funds to enhance other state and local funding for local school district operating purposes. It is estimated that 2 mills would raise approximately $80,000,000 when first levied in 2014.
Recommended Action: I recommend that the Crestwood Board of Education approve the Wayne County Enhancement Millage and that the Secretary of the Board submits a copy of this resolution to the Secretary of the Wayne RESA Board of Education. See Attachment 9.A.3. Motion By:_________________________ Supported by:_____________________ Ancinec _____ Senia _____ Garcia _____ Taylor _____ Krizanic _____ Ward _____ Sauve _____ |
Subject: |
9.a.4) Metropolitan Detroit Bureau of School Studies Membership
Crestwood School District has been a long-standing member of the Metro Bureau, which is a consortium of educational institutions dedicated to serving and improving school management through unique support services and cooperative information exchange. The central mission of the Bureau is to support its members through the development of human resources to improve student learning, enhance leadership skills and embrace diversity while creating additional financial resources with cost-effective and efficient practices and providing accurate data for negotiations and the ongoing operation of member organizations. They do this by sharing information, resources and ideas. The membership cost for the 2014-2015 is $1902.47.
Recommended Action: I recommend that the Crestwood Board of Education approve the membership renewal to the Metropolitan Detroit Bureau of School Studies for the 2014-2015 school year in the amount of $1902.47. Motion By:_________________________ Supported by:_____________________ Ancinec _____ Senia _____ Garcia _____ Taylor _____ Krizanic _____ Ward _____ Sauve _____ |
Subject: |
9.a.5) Ombudsman Alternative Education Program
Westwood Community Schools is seeking approval to operate their Ombudsman Alternative Education Program within the Crestwood School District attendance area. The center would service students in 9th through 12th grade and can serve approximately 80 students. The location of the center would be in the Tel-Ford Center on the corner of Telegraph road and Ford road.
RECOMMENDED ACITON: I recommend that the Crestwood Board of Education approve the Westwood Community Schools to operate the Ombudsman Alternative Education Program within the Crestwood School District attendance area. Motion By:_________________________ Supported by:_____________________ Ancinec _____ Senia _____ Garcia _____ Taylor _____ Krizanic _____ Ward _____ Sauve _____ |
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9.b. Informational Items:
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9.b.1) Enroll for All-Day Kindergarten
Parents and guardians are encouraged to register their children who will be five years of age by October 1, 2014 for all-day kindergarten. We are currently taking registrations at the Board of Education office, which is located at 1501 N. Beech Daly, inside Crestwood High School. Parents will need to present several documents to register their children. The list of documents that can be used appear on the district's website at or can be picked up at the Board Office. Parents may also call our office for information at 278-0906. Early registration is required if parents would like their children to attend their neighborhood school.
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9.b.2) Kindergarten Orientation
Each elementary school will provide an orientation for parents of kindergarten students. Please put these dates on your calendar:
Highview May 6 Hillcrest May 8 Kinloch May 13 All orientations will begin at 6:30 p.m. Letters of invitation will be sent to parents of children registered for kindergarten. |
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9.b.3) Student Drop Off and Pick Up Safety
The safety of our students is our highest priority and Parents can help us maintain a safe environment by following the correct procedures when dropping off students in the morning and picking students up in the afternoon. If everyone follows these procedures, traffic should flow smoothly and the chance of a student injury will be greatly reduced. Please set a good example for our children by being courteous and following all safety guidelines. Please stay in line with your vehicle. Please do not honk or signal to students from your vehicle at any time. We need your help in keeping the school and your children safe. EVERY child's safety is important to us!
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TIME: ___________p.m. Motion By:_________________________ Supported by:_____________________ Ancinec _____ Senia _____ Garcia _____ Taylor _____ Krizanic _____ Ward _____ Sauve _____ |